Sunday, October 4, 2009

Internet Dating Sumitted Story

I met this guy on one of the dating site and we seemed to hit it off right away. We wrote to eachother on the internet dating site for a while and then exchanged numbers. I thought I was taking precautions by meeting him at public places for a while and not letting him know where I live. After a few "dates" he told me he was having some money problems and would I mind stopping over his house and watching movies we would rent instead of going out? I thought it wouldn't be a problem, I would be going to HIS house, and I could leave whenever I wanted to. He knew I would know where he lived, so he wouldn't do anything stupid or that would put me in danger. We picked out some movies over the phone that he would get before I got there. I went in, said hello, and sat down on the couch with him to watch a movie. He asked me if I would like a drink and I said yes, and he went to go and get it for me. I was engrossed in the movie when he handed me my drink and I just so happened to look down at the drink just as I was about to take a sip. I saw a weird powdery substance in the drink that made it look a bit cloudy. My alarm bells went off and I excused myself and said I needed to use the restroom. In the restroom I know I had to get the hell out of there, and thank goodness the restroom was right by his front door. I left his house shaken and upset. I drove home and called a friend of mine whose husband was a cop. He got on the phone with me and told me I did the right thing. He said that what most women do not realize is that many women who are raped and killed KNOW where their rapist or murder LIVES. He said that is why they call it DATE rape, because it happens to women that are dating someone, and not always on the FIRST date. He said that if there was a drug of some kind in my drink and I drank it, I may not have remembered what happened. If I didn't know what happened I may not have went to the police in a timely manner either. He made me realize that I was not as careful as I thought I was. I hope this helps someone, I consider myself very very lucky.


  1. That is crazy! I was always taught that if I was going to have a drink, no matter what the drink is, I was to get it myself and never set it down. You are very lucky and that sucks that it was someone you were getting to know, like, trust, etc. Sometimes I think going on a Webdate isn't the best way to go when trying to find a relationship. However, that is just my opinion. A situation like this could happen to anyone and it can happen outside of dating websites. Just be careful when you are getting to know someone that none of your friends/family know.

  2. That is crazy! I was always taught that if I was going to have a drink, no matter what the drink is, I was to get it myself and never set it down. You are very lucky and that sucks that it was someone you were getting to know, like, trust, etc. Sometimes I think going on the internet isn't the best way to go when trying to find a relationship. However, that is just my opinion. A situation like this could happen to anyone and it can happen outside of dating websites. Just be careful when you are getting to know someone that none of your friends/family know.



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