Showing posts with label Nigerian scammer email. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigerian scammer email. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Joy Baby - Nigerian Scammer

Well, After getting yet another email from yet another Nigerian scammer (using the name Joy) I wrote back. I told them they were stupid, that I was not on any internet dating site or sites, and that I was going to put their email and photo on my site unless they left me alone. Today, I got this, so it is safe to say they did not read my reply, just like they would not read yours.

Hello My Dear
This Miss Joy whom contacted you before
How are you today?. I believe that you are doing well. I am more than happy to read your mail today. My dear like i told you in my first mail,

My name is Joy from Ivory Coast in Africa in west Africa. recently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war going on in my country.

I am 23 years old girl 5'8" tall. My father Dr (Oliver koneh) was the personal adviser to the former head of state(Late Dr Robert Guei) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed him alongside with my mother.

It is only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am living now.

am residing presently here in the refugee camp , Its just like some one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon.

i don't have any relative now whom i can go to all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i know here is Rev. Andrew kuma, who is the pastor of the (Christ for all Churches) here in the camp i am leaving in the woman's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.

The Pastors Tel number is ( +221-771 409 025) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel.

As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.

i want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.

Please listen to this, i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is ($2.3M. two Million three Hundred Thousand Dollars),

So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
i need your contact details information which i will use to prepare the authorization letter of the bank where the money deposited which you will use to contact them with their email to know the procedure of the transfer of the money into your account,

your full name:......................

your age:............................
country and state:...................
phone / mobile:......................

So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.

Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding people,truthful truth and hardworking.

My favorite language is English but our language is french but i speak English very fluently. Please I will like to know more about you.

Your likes and dislikes and what you are doing presently. i will send you the detains and information of the bank contact in my nest mail hope you understand .

Attached here is my pictures. please i am waiting to hear from you soonest.
Yours sincerely Joy.
Red roseRed roseRed roseRed rose

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gary Moore - Nigerian Scammer

Here is an email sent in by a reader to warn all of you about a Nigerian scammer going by the name Gary Moore:
I was once a victim of internet scam.
I recieved a message asking me to add him in FB last sept.2011. He claimed that my name pops up when he does searching. He claimed to be an American man from Long Beach , Ca., the photo used was of a man whom any woman will gonna fall for and that was happened to me. I was at my vulnerable moments when i saw his message. He even call me thru a US number (+13234120103), he is a good player...after 3 weeks he said he will be going to UK to do business. He claimed that he is an Engineer, a contractor for oilwell, head installation and repair, and claimed to be connected to exxon mobil. He even called when he is in UK(called me with this number: +447045720405), the business failed in Uk so he needs to go to Nigeria, because the products for oil matters are cheaper there......... so many lies which was played well in short he has been asking for help as his credit card not working in warri, delta state, then stolen, i was unsuspecting that he is a scammer because he sounds seems to be real, not only me but even my aunt was also scammed.. because we just want to help a person in need.. i started to noticed that something was wrong when he has been asking me money every 3 weeks, until the time when he said he needs to get back to US soon but he does not have ticket as he only bought one way, i shared the story to my aunt who is very kind, her heart went out with him and tried to wire 15oo USD thru Western Union and her SSN where asked , she gone through a lot of trouble, until an anonymous person from western Union with Nigerian accent called her that trnsfer was cancelled and she has to get back the money anytime no charge and was informed that we might be dealing with a scammer.. thats the start. He didn't recive the money, was so upset i referred him to US embassy in Abuja, He sounds real when he told me that they got him a ticket. sends me a copy as well, but on his transit in UK he was picked up due to tax matters. He has many mishaps, What a very unfortunate person , seems so real... that the time i started reading the advisory from US embassy, I even wrote to the US mission embassy in Abuja , there i realized that he is not real. I searched online according to the pages he wrote in his profile and i found him in one date using profile name luv3333. The photo he used is very attractive, so handsome but he is not real.... I thank your team for giving these info, though i was left with debt and broken heart, Im doing my best to move on, and share my story. I hope it could save others and make them aware that scammers are good players.
This is about scammer gary moore (

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

David Taylor - Nigerian Scammer

Here is an email sent in by a reader warning others of David Taylor. Here is the email:

This is an email from a David Taylor from a dating web site who said he was from my home town. I have proved he doesn't live at the address he gave me.
Thank you for responding back to my e-mail. About me, okay where do i begin, Well i am new at this online dating thing, so please forgive me if i have provided too much information about my life and childhood. I am a widower, been widowed for 6yrs now. I still miss her but she's in a good place now. I am 5.9 175cm, 185lbs (84kg) Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Hobbies: Fishing, Camping, Gardening, Card/Board Games, Swimming, Ice Skating, Music, Art & Science. I enjoy a lot of sports Football, Basketball, Golf, Hiking, Scuba Driving, Fishing, Swimming, Rugby & Camping. I a quite athletic, enjoy going to the movies, listening to music. I like writing, reading and also playing cards & board games. Music, Soul, R&B, Classics, Country, Soft Rock. Movies (Documentary, Action, Adventure, Drama, Old Movies & Comedy I worked with a Private Construction company for a very longtime, close to 20years and now i have started my own company which is gradually growing, although we are about 6months official and i have my own clients and agency appointing contract and projects for me. My field is basically in Special Designing & Supervising of Road, Rail, Bridge, Water Dam, Building and Drainage construction and sometimes Electricity Power Stations, sometimes it involves me moving around sometimes but i haven't been doing a lot of that recently, since doing my own thing i have to make sure everything is in order and also keep new clients updated on projects that has been awarded and also it always majorly field work so now i'm an Entrepreneur which who owns a business based on Construction, to be specific I am a Construction Contractor/Consultant & Engineer. I work my own hours and very flexible and hard working. My job mainly involves working with clients handling agencies now. I would also say i am someone who is bright, positive, understanding, kind, caring, grounded with a nice smile, good listener, affectionate and wonderful companion, I also don't look my age as i have been told. I grew up almost everywhere because my father served in the army and also lived in Ireland for some years, also in 4 different cities,3 before i got married and finally settled down in Adelaide after my wife died. I'm Irish descendant, I even have some relatives back at Ireland. My Father was a proud Irish man while my mother was Australian. I am a Christian and i attend church once a week and i believe in God. Your Spirituality, Belief or Religion doesn't matter to me, like i said i have am open minded. I was born and raised a christian and it has always been a major part of me. Catholic to be precise, my beliefs are, Family, God & everything else.
I have daughter, who's 27yrs old, born deaf.. but she had a very good education, in fact she went to normal high school and everything. She teaches sign language part-time now at a local school around, we're planning on enrolling her into college to get her teaching degree and start her own life properly. Oh, I've mention she's deaf, was born that way and she is the apple of my eyes, all my life is for her and to make sure she has a very easy and wonderful life. We are also checking for hearing aids/plugs, she should be be able to qualify for an implant in a couple of weeks. I was married for 26yrs and it was a very pleasant, bumpy, loving and most of all i am proud to say blissful marriage and i still miss her very much. My late wife had Breast Cancer,stage 3 but she died in a Car Crash, she was the victim. She used to be a teacher too and also a principal, also i have been widowed for 6yrs now. Wow! I really have said a lot about my life, i usually don't talk or write this much about myself to anyone. I am hoping you are someone who is growth oriented,trust worthy and sincere, personal, anyway, that's it about what i do and me. I hope i find the right person that can connect with me and i can find honest and true happiness with, although all those have been pressures into dating someone and also finding the love of my life and the queen of my heart. I have been alone too long to try and not planning to make any odd assumptions of finding the right one or fool around with people online, that's why i tend to start by getting to know you more and also understanding each other and hopefully, something beautiful would happen from there. I am interested in getting to know more about you, Your Past relationship? How long you've been single? What kind of man and relationship you want???
I have dated before, it just wasn't towards what i had hoped for, that is why i have to be sure and certain i am doing the right thing, because it didn't turned out as much as i had hoped for.. I am looking forward to getting to know you, up close and personal, i mean getting to know more of you and establishing a good friendship and hopefully grow into something more beautiful. I hope this does not scare you away, basically that's the most about me i can think of for now and you will probably know more when we continue exchanging e-mails, now its your turn to tell me about yourself. You can ask me any questions if you would like to know more about me alright. I also attached some pictures hope you like them.
Waiting to read back from you soon.
David Taylor.

PS: My Full name is David (J W) Jeremiah Walker Taylor. Walker's my mother's maiden name, so its part of my name. I would like to talk to you more often, so maybe we can chat sometime on Yahoo Messenger, you can add my email address.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Michael Butler - Nigerian Scammer from internet dating site

Here is a letter from a reader who met a Nigerian scammer on Here is the story and the scammer's info so you can all avoid him like the plague:

Here is how he started with me back on November 12 2011...He claimed to be an Architect living in San Francisco making a trip to work on a 5 Star Hotel In Benin. He said he couldnt get at his funds yet, and asked that I send him $200 Western Union to a man he said was a business partner named Henry Morgan in Nigeria.
He always had a reason that he couldnt fly back to San Francisco, and he always had some reason he needed me to send more money promising to pay me back more then I ever sent him.
Once this hotel remodel was finished he said he also had an import export business dealing oil, and he would have to stay over there even longer. Beggged me to send more money. He gave my cell number to another partner Greg Richardson. He was terribly rude and I would yell at him on the phone and get him all worked up. He ended up calling Michael and I both liars and stopped calling and texting me after I threatened to change my cell number. Just a team of horrible people working the Match dot com website.
I have phoned Match and sent complaints about this idiot.
He always sends sappy love letter emails. He like to send music videos of his favorite band Westlife, the song
Flying Without Wings, He is sometimes really hard to understand on the phone because of his thick accent which he claims is French, I bet it is Nigerian now that I know better. I told him he lacked verbal skills and not to call me because he is too hard to understand.

Here are some of his flowery emails :

From: Michael Butler
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:30 PM
Subject: Changes...
Life is so unpredictable. Changes always come along, in big or small ways. I don't know what happened that this sudden change has turned my world upside down. I don't know exactly what it is, it just hit me, but there is something really special about you.

It might be all the things I see on the surface, the things that everyone notices and admires about you, qualities, capabilities and a wonderful smile obviously connected to a warm and loving heart; these things set you apart from everyone else. But it may also be the big things ... the person you really are that I hope to know more someday. And it might also be the little things ... the way we talk online for hours as if we have know each other for a long time. I'll receive so much joy just being able to see a smile in your eyes. If I ever figure out the magic that makes you so special, I'd probably find out that it's a combination of all these things. You are a rare combination of so many special things. You are really amazing.

Inside of me there is a place where my sweetest dreams reside, where my highest hopes are kept alive, where my deepest feelings are felt and where my favorite memories are safe and warm. I find that you're on my mind more often than any other thought. Sometimes I bring you there purposely just to make my day much more brighter. But more often, you surprise me and find your own ways into my thoughts. There are even times when I awaken, I realize that you've been a part of my dreams. Then during the day, when my imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows me to linger there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart because whenever they wander, they always take me to you.

Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay. And now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you.

Have a wonderful day...


From: Michael Butler <>;

Sent: Fri, Dec 30, 2011 11:08:29 PM
I know I am in love because I see you no matter what I am doing. I know I want to be with you, not just with you, but share everything with you. Just being close to you is not enough for me. I want to be a part of you. A part of your life forever. I never have to wonder if you love me. You complete me, my mind, my body, my heart, and my soul.
You're my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate. You have been there and supported me like no other has before. I'm lost without you. I love you more then life itself. There are no words that I can say to truly tell you how much I really love you. I couldn't picture myself without you in my life. You are perfect for me in everyway possible and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
You give me reason to strive for more. I learn more and more from you every day. My heart is forever yours. I know saying I love you is a powerful, yet I feel it's not enough. It feels great to actually love and be loved in return. My life was a wreck before now. I never thought it would change, but you came into my life and everything took a turn for the best. You show me the value of life. You give me the most amazing feelings inside. I know we have only known each other for a short time now, but I know our love will last a lifetime. I can't wait until I am your husband. I love you with all of my heart. I am forever yours, Sweetheart.

From: Michael Butler []
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 4:34 AM
Subject: Invitation...
My Lady,
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living, I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dreams for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful be realistic to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another
to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day.
And if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "Yes."
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire,with me and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
Good morning my lady, I hope you slept well

Friday, December 30, 2011

Leonice Colman - is Stupider Than I Thought

I heard from the lovely and fake Leonice Colman today, who is obviously so stupid "she" did not realize she wrote me yesterday. Today Leonice must have gotten plastic surgery because she sent a picture again and is a completely different woman. She again acts as if my profile is on a dating site, which it is not, and still thinks I am a male. (Which I am not). Here is Leonice's latest email, her new fake photo and my comments in purple:

I found you very attractive and would like to contact you (which you did yesterday and without x-ray vision I would like to know how you found me attractive as my picture is no where on the internet.)

for a possible relationship. please I'm not in the age

problem, I like you and if you give me how to send

me your e-mail address so I tell you more

about me. (Idiot you have my email address, that is how you sent this message to me moron)
Meanwhile is my e-mail (

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Leonice Colman - Nigerian Scammer and idiot

This email came to me out of the blue from a Nigerian scamming idiot. They claimed to have gotten my profile and email from an internet dating site. (I have never had a profile on ANY internet dating site) She also thinks I am a male. Once again, they are an idiot. Here is the email from Leonice:
My Dearest In Love,
I am more than happy in your reply to my mail. How are you over there in your country? I hope fine. My name is Miss Leonice Colman. I am 23 years old but age is not matters what matters is love and understanding, i am a second year medical student before the incident that lead to my being in this place. I am hoping to further my education in this career. I am not married and don't have children. I am chocolate in complexion and of average height, my picture will explain to you better.
I am from Liberia in west Africa and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country .
My late father Dr Dave Colman who was one of the most successful entrepreneur in my country and my mother was a senior accountant at the Eco Bank Of Liberia, before the tragic war which claim their life and now living me as an orphan and i was the only child so i managed to make my way to near by country Senegal where i am seeking asylum now. I haven't finish up my education and i need a man who will make use of my fathers wealth and get me through in life.I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes. Your hobbies and what you are doing presently.
I will tell you more about myself in my next mail, here is my picture for you, though I am not all that photogenic, i hope you wouldn't mind i will like to see your photos,
I wait to hear from you soonest,
your baby Leonice

Kelly Love - Nigerian Scammer

A reader sent us 2 emails from "Kelly Love" (what an obviously fake name). First is his introduction letter, and then his money request.

From: Kelly Love <>
Subject: More About Me
To: "XXX">
Date: Thursday, December 15, 2011, 6:26 AM

Hello Dear,
My name is Kelly Love.. /Caucasian. I'm Self Employed Structural Engineer studied the course Structural Engineer with a Master Degree, I have a good sense of humor. I live inAtlanta GA, USA Age (60yrs).I'm a widower been widowed for 8 yrs now. I have just only 1 lovely son (Paul)(19 years old). After the sudden and devastating death of my wife, Who was a wonderful, sweet and caring wife and mother..Have been single for the past 8 years, am a man with a strong heart, loving, caring,honest, compassionate, affectionate, i also believe in God. I like swimming, camping,fishing, reading & writing, tennis, Football, Basketball, Baseball, golf, swimming etc,Thanks for your email. I feel so happy and contented to read back from you. Well , I said a little about myself on the website and in my first email to you on the site. My Believe is that there's one woman out there that can help me find that Love and affection again..Someone who is Understanding,Kind,good sense of Humor,Loving,caring, honest,sincere, passioniate and affectionaite ,The Bible says" Seek the Kingdom of God first and every other thing shall be added on to you" I've sort the kingdom so i'm waiting for one of my other things thats my Dream woman and i believe when i have a woman that is honest and caring,she wouldn,t hurt my feelings and emotion which i have for her.Most people doesn't know what it take to hurt anothers once feelings and emotion and how it feels so i'm not into playing games. I enjoy my job. I do work for firms, for government buildings and some huge companies.I have lived in Atlanta all my life. Paul ( my son ) goes to college here in the city, he goes from home. you know what it takes to be together for over 18 years now and wouldn't love to miss each other so much. He lives here in my house with me. I drive a 2010 Toyota Camry, well i was the only son of my parents so i was so close to them but you know they,died while i was 12 years old and i never had the chance to get that special care from them for so long. i used to live with my father's uncle who treated me so hard, i had to work to fund my self to school back then, i was fortunate to get a scholarship who helped me through school. I lost him too on the way and it become so hard for me but i thank God who i am today .i haven't had much care in my life , when my wife came into my life to show em that care my parents was unable to show me , i lost her too .. So here i am now, wishing and hoping you would give me all that care i have always longed for. My grandparents were Irish.My favorite color is blue (Sky Blue),I do like country music, I like romantic and historical movies. Sunday is one of the day i dont like , i lost my mother on Sunday and i lost my wife too on Sunday , so i dont feel so much happiness on that day. I have always been with my son for so long and we are very close.Basically that's all on me for now unless if you're willing to know more,then you can ask!.meanwhile i'll love to know more about yourself also....Well thats if about me and Looking forward to hear from you soon
I care,

From: Kelly Love <>
To: "XXX">
Date: Friday, December 23, 2011, 12:14 PM

My Dearest Love,
Am very happy. I am very glad to know that you are still with me in this hard time and I feel very happy to find out that someone truly loves me for who I am and not for any other worldly reason.I am going through alot of pains at the moment and i cant withstand it for much longer, Please love i don't want you to think i am imposing myself on you but i think a friend in need is a friend in deed..Am a man of my words and of high ethics and scruples and wont go back on my word.I have given you my word back of repayment and trust me i wont let you down if you take this step of faith to see me through this..I will be ever grateful to you forever as well as my son(Paul)..I hate to see him go through this with me..His well being and happiness means alot to me and i believe if you help me get this sorted out,everything will be fine.

I want you to understand that I am doing everything possible to recover on time here. The doctor has promised that he is going to help me get the money out once you send it via Western Union. He however said that I can't leave the hospital premise yet and that it will be collected by the hospital cashier if only you send it to the name MARY RICHARD,He said is that you split the money and send it twice in 2 different Western Union Wallmart store. He said there are usually problems when people want to send large sums of money at once. Since he has had several cases like his, he said there is no problem. you just need to help go to a Western Union Walmart store like 10 miles away. So, the person you are sending to now is:

Here is the info


So as soon as you get the funds sent , just send me the Western Union details. Information's that i need on Western Union will be 1.Mtcn number its will be on the receipt given to you at Western Union for the both transaction..2...sender's name and address 3...Total amount you sent down here for the both transaction 4...Text question and answer for both transaction so i can get it as soon as possible. I cant withstand the pain my love
I await your response. I love you.....


Monday, December 12, 2011

David Cuthbertson - Nigerian Scammer

This letter was sent to us by a reader who wanted to warn others. Here is her email:
just signed up for and it didn't take long for this jerk to contact me! I am copying the emails he sent. Most of our communication was done through IM and he didn't answer most of my direct questions. There were some inconsistencies in his stories, which is when I decided to do a little Google-ing. We never got to the point where he asked me for money, which is pretty funny anyway because I am broke in a Big Way!

I will also attach the photos he sent. He claimed he bought the Bentley in the photo in England and went to Dubai to buy another car. His yahoo IM photo is of him in a white tee shirt standing in front of his Hummer. He likes four wheeling and riding dirt bikes; he works somehow with horses but was not specific; he plays video games; he will relocate to anywhere to be with the woman he loves. He said he has an eight year old son named Max. He asked (twice) if I kissed on the first date; he didn't ask much about my background or family. Unfortunately, I sent him photos which will probably be used to scam someone else.

He sent me his phone number but said he feels nervous because of his accent. First he told me his mom took him to Napoli, Italy for five years when he was seven years old because she wanted him to have an accent; today he said he was there for 20 years.
His username on the site is :
rider_horse 5671
His name is supposedly David Cuthbertson.
Here is his email:

I am a 50yr old single, I love life, and enjoy the life I live. I am caring, affectionate, and love to spend my time helping others, and making them smile.. I am looking for a honest woman who deserves to be loved and cared for, and who can love and care for another.. Affectionate
I am, and I love it when returned. Honesty is very important to me, and giving is something I love to do. I feel two people should be able to communicate and share good things as well as bad... God is a very important aspect in my life, and my faith is very important to me.

I have been blessed in so many ways, and have been given much love to share with another. I believe there is one person for everyone, and when two people find each other and feel good together, nothing can stop them from being together forever. I believe a relationship should be 50/50. Sharing and caring and also respect for the each other. Life is too short to play games, there are very few men and women in this world that know the difference between the things they desire and the things they need in a life-long partner/partnership. Think about it. I love to travel There's nothing better than a good movie-especially (most!) Comedy- (or those happy ending films too:).. I have a wide range of menu.

Warm fires and warm hearts. Laughter & tears are my favorite emotions. I am just looking for a normal relationship, with no surprises... Be honest with me and I will always be honest with you... Respect me and I will respect you... I love romance, and I want the woman I am with to look at me and see her future with me... I want her to long for me, and I want to be in a place of refreshment with her.... I want to be her friend, companion, and lover and fill her life with joy and happiness, and make our dreams come true together. I will tell you more about me and send you pics.. I have added your email address to messenger chat, hope to chat with you soon...

Hello Dear,

Thanks for your email i a glad i got email from you... You sound like a lady i have been searching for all the rest of my life you seem too good to be true but i believe God knows...Well let me tell you more about me i am very much interested in getting to know you... I was born in Texas, Elpaso, was taken to Napoli Italy with my mom when i was 7 years old, long story but i do not mind tell you because i am very much interested in knowing all about you,when i was 7 year my mom decided to take me back to Italy so i can grow up and have accent and my Dad agreed to that, 5 years later came back to the united states.

I was married to my late wife for over 22 years... She loving, caring and with a great sense of humor, we discuss about things and use employ each other opinion, decision, Advice and motive on our daily life, Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time. Most of the ladies on are not looking True Love all they needed is One Night Stand and i am not into that king of game i am looking for true love someone i will spend all the rest of my life with and you seem to be the one i believe time tell us right ,... am an easy going person and easy to get along with.I am a gentleman at all times and I respect the person I am with. I am looking for a soul mate that we are all looking for. A woman with a great sense of humor like You... You could also say My Special Angel.One of my questions is can you handle kindness? Kindness comes from the heart and most people treat kindness as weakness. So if you are looking for a kind person then you need not look any further. I am looking for a commitment. No head games please.So if my Angel is out their you can come to me.and i also believe Nothing good comes easy except by handwork.

Am very Romantic person... i give all i can do to make a lady to be happy for the rest of her life... i will always make her happy wont hurt her... i will never lie to her...i will be 100% honest and sincere to her but i will like her to do the same for me...i don't want to get divorce or separation, because i will get hurt more and more and that will make me to not love any lady again, but i know one day i will find my sweetest love ever...Actually understanding matters a lot and trust is another thing that goes along with a good relationship and friendship. If you can give me your trust, am sure we can be friends without hurting each other.Although relationship is just like a perfume of which certain amount may delight you but too much of it can turn you off... i want you to be there for me if am not in happy mood to carry me on i can assure you... you will be the happiest lady on earth.Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each others guess a little about me will be glad to receive more response from you, be safe and take good care yourself until then stay safe.Later

God Bless You... Later
Are You God Sent????
P:S . I am putting together list of Question for you.


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