Showing posts with label nigerian scammer story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nigerian scammer story. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Allen John Lewis - Internet Scam Artist from Nigeria

A reader recently sent me an email of a Nigerian Scam artist by the name of Allen John Lewis. Note he uses three first names, so he can change them around at will. Here is the readers email:

I am writing to warn you all about about Allen John Lewis. He contacted me on match in the last week of Oct 2011. I was only on match for a month. His profile says single, no children, never married. I really wasn't serious about dating anyone that far away. I live in Florida, and his profile said he lives in Alabama which i found out was a lie. I found his page on Facebook and he had one friend on it and i friended her and she said she was talking to Allen's brother named Jim. I told her about Allen she said that Allen is not from Alamba. She never met Jim or Allen. She met Jim on the large and lovely internet dating website back in July and still has not met him. I told her about your website she agrees with me that they are both scammers and could even be one person pretending to be two people. When Allen contacted me we start talking and he seemed like a nice guy. He said he is a Dutch American from Holland and lives in the USA, which is another lie. He said he works for the us army as a contractor for Chevron oil. He asked for my number and down the line I gave it to him. He has a very strong accent. About end of Nov he ask if what was i going to give him for hid birthday i said when your birthday he said 29 of nov he said he lost his cell phone and that he would like to get one but had no way to get it so I sent an Iphone to him that he talked me into because i was going to give him one of my old ones but he said he needed something that picks up good signal out in sea so we can talk. Then he had to go to United Kingdom to drop off materials. He told me his cousin spent a thousand dollars of his money that he was supposed to pay his bills and with wanted me to send money to Sheryl Wichel to help him out. I said "Don't have on line banking?" He said Wells Fargo froze his account until he gets back to Us because someone hacked his account. I told him you are a scammer he said no I am not and all kinds of stuff trying to convince me. He sent me flowers in the first month which was most likely charged to a stolen card but anyway is email is He a sweet talker uses angel a lot sweetheart dear and names like that. I cannot believe I sent 200.00 plus another 300.00 to him because he was sick. I shut his phone off last month because he never used it cost. 300.00 to shut it off. Please beware of this scammer from Nigeria named Allen John Lewis.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Michael Butler - Nigerian Scammer from internet dating site

Here is a letter from a reader who met a Nigerian scammer on Here is the story and the scammer's info so you can all avoid him like the plague:

Here is how he started with me back on November 12 2011...He claimed to be an Architect living in San Francisco making a trip to work on a 5 Star Hotel In Benin. He said he couldnt get at his funds yet, and asked that I send him $200 Western Union to a man he said was a business partner named Henry Morgan in Nigeria.
He always had a reason that he couldnt fly back to San Francisco, and he always had some reason he needed me to send more money promising to pay me back more then I ever sent him.
Once this hotel remodel was finished he said he also had an import export business dealing oil, and he would have to stay over there even longer. Beggged me to send more money. He gave my cell number to another partner Greg Richardson. He was terribly rude and I would yell at him on the phone and get him all worked up. He ended up calling Michael and I both liars and stopped calling and texting me after I threatened to change my cell number. Just a team of horrible people working the Match dot com website.
I have phoned Match and sent complaints about this idiot.
He always sends sappy love letter emails. He like to send music videos of his favorite band Westlife, the song
Flying Without Wings, He is sometimes really hard to understand on the phone because of his thick accent which he claims is French, I bet it is Nigerian now that I know better. I told him he lacked verbal skills and not to call me because he is too hard to understand.

Here are some of his flowery emails :

From: Michael Butler
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:30 PM
Subject: Changes...
Life is so unpredictable. Changes always come along, in big or small ways. I don't know what happened that this sudden change has turned my world upside down. I don't know exactly what it is, it just hit me, but there is something really special about you.

It might be all the things I see on the surface, the things that everyone notices and admires about you, qualities, capabilities and a wonderful smile obviously connected to a warm and loving heart; these things set you apart from everyone else. But it may also be the big things ... the person you really are that I hope to know more someday. And it might also be the little things ... the way we talk online for hours as if we have know each other for a long time. I'll receive so much joy just being able to see a smile in your eyes. If I ever figure out the magic that makes you so special, I'd probably find out that it's a combination of all these things. You are a rare combination of so many special things. You are really amazing.

Inside of me there is a place where my sweetest dreams reside, where my highest hopes are kept alive, where my deepest feelings are felt and where my favorite memories are safe and warm. I find that you're on my mind more often than any other thought. Sometimes I bring you there purposely just to make my day much more brighter. But more often, you surprise me and find your own ways into my thoughts. There are even times when I awaken, I realize that you've been a part of my dreams. Then during the day, when my imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows me to linger there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart because whenever they wander, they always take me to you.

Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay. And now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you.

Have a wonderful day...


From: Michael Butler <>;

Sent: Fri, Dec 30, 2011 11:08:29 PM
I know I am in love because I see you no matter what I am doing. I know I want to be with you, not just with you, but share everything with you. Just being close to you is not enough for me. I want to be a part of you. A part of your life forever. I never have to wonder if you love me. You complete me, my mind, my body, my heart, and my soul.
You're my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate. You have been there and supported me like no other has before. I'm lost without you. I love you more then life itself. There are no words that I can say to truly tell you how much I really love you. I couldn't picture myself without you in my life. You are perfect for me in everyway possible and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
You give me reason to strive for more. I learn more and more from you every day. My heart is forever yours. I know saying I love you is a powerful, yet I feel it's not enough. It feels great to actually love and be loved in return. My life was a wreck before now. I never thought it would change, but you came into my life and everything took a turn for the best. You show me the value of life. You give me the most amazing feelings inside. I know we have only known each other for a short time now, but I know our love will last a lifetime. I can't wait until I am your husband. I love you with all of my heart. I am forever yours, Sweetheart.

From: Michael Butler []
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 4:34 AM
Subject: Invitation...
My Lady,
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living, I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dreams for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful be realistic to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another
to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day.
And if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "Yes."
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire,with me and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
Good morning my lady, I hope you slept well

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kelly Love - Nigerian Scammer

A reader sent us 2 emails from "Kelly Love" (what an obviously fake name). First is his introduction letter, and then his money request.

From: Kelly Love <>
Subject: More About Me
To: "XXX">
Date: Thursday, December 15, 2011, 6:26 AM

Hello Dear,
My name is Kelly Love.. /Caucasian. I'm Self Employed Structural Engineer studied the course Structural Engineer with a Master Degree, I have a good sense of humor. I live inAtlanta GA, USA Age (60yrs).I'm a widower been widowed for 8 yrs now. I have just only 1 lovely son (Paul)(19 years old). After the sudden and devastating death of my wife, Who was a wonderful, sweet and caring wife and mother..Have been single for the past 8 years, am a man with a strong heart, loving, caring,honest, compassionate, affectionate, i also believe in God. I like swimming, camping,fishing, reading & writing, tennis, Football, Basketball, Baseball, golf, swimming etc,Thanks for your email. I feel so happy and contented to read back from you. Well , I said a little about myself on the website and in my first email to you on the site. My Believe is that there's one woman out there that can help me find that Love and affection again..Someone who is Understanding,Kind,good sense of Humor,Loving,caring, honest,sincere, passioniate and affectionaite ,The Bible says" Seek the Kingdom of God first and every other thing shall be added on to you" I've sort the kingdom so i'm waiting for one of my other things thats my Dream woman and i believe when i have a woman that is honest and caring,she wouldn,t hurt my feelings and emotion which i have for her.Most people doesn't know what it take to hurt anothers once feelings and emotion and how it feels so i'm not into playing games. I enjoy my job. I do work for firms, for government buildings and some huge companies.I have lived in Atlanta all my life. Paul ( my son ) goes to college here in the city, he goes from home. you know what it takes to be together for over 18 years now and wouldn't love to miss each other so much. He lives here in my house with me. I drive a 2010 Toyota Camry, well i was the only son of my parents so i was so close to them but you know they,died while i was 12 years old and i never had the chance to get that special care from them for so long. i used to live with my father's uncle who treated me so hard, i had to work to fund my self to school back then, i was fortunate to get a scholarship who helped me through school. I lost him too on the way and it become so hard for me but i thank God who i am today .i haven't had much care in my life , when my wife came into my life to show em that care my parents was unable to show me , i lost her too .. So here i am now, wishing and hoping you would give me all that care i have always longed for. My grandparents were Irish.My favorite color is blue (Sky Blue),I do like country music, I like romantic and historical movies. Sunday is one of the day i dont like , i lost my mother on Sunday and i lost my wife too on Sunday , so i dont feel so much happiness on that day. I have always been with my son for so long and we are very close.Basically that's all on me for now unless if you're willing to know more,then you can ask!.meanwhile i'll love to know more about yourself also....Well thats if about me and Looking forward to hear from you soon
I care,

From: Kelly Love <>
To: "XXX">
Date: Friday, December 23, 2011, 12:14 PM

My Dearest Love,
Am very happy. I am very glad to know that you are still with me in this hard time and I feel very happy to find out that someone truly loves me for who I am and not for any other worldly reason.I am going through alot of pains at the moment and i cant withstand it for much longer, Please love i don't want you to think i am imposing myself on you but i think a friend in need is a friend in deed..Am a man of my words and of high ethics and scruples and wont go back on my word.I have given you my word back of repayment and trust me i wont let you down if you take this step of faith to see me through this..I will be ever grateful to you forever as well as my son(Paul)..I hate to see him go through this with me..His well being and happiness means alot to me and i believe if you help me get this sorted out,everything will be fine.

I want you to understand that I am doing everything possible to recover on time here. The doctor has promised that he is going to help me get the money out once you send it via Western Union. He however said that I can't leave the hospital premise yet and that it will be collected by the hospital cashier if only you send it to the name MARY RICHARD,He said is that you split the money and send it twice in 2 different Western Union Wallmart store. He said there are usually problems when people want to send large sums of money at once. Since he has had several cases like his, he said there is no problem. you just need to help go to a Western Union Walmart store like 10 miles away. So, the person you are sending to now is:

Here is the info


So as soon as you get the funds sent , just send me the Western Union details. Information's that i need on Western Union will be 1.Mtcn number its will be on the receipt given to you at Western Union for the both transaction..2...sender's name and address 3...Total amount you sent down here for the both transaction 4...Text question and answer for both transaction so i can get it as soon as possible. I cant withstand the pain my love
I await your response. I love you.....


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Patrick Lawrence, Nigerian Scammer - Victims Story

Here is a letter from our reader sent in to warn others about Patrick Lawrence, a Nigerian Scammer. here is the email:

Patrick claims his undying love for me and how we will be married when he returns to the States. He claims he is in Nigeria building homes on a $10 million contract. He even showed me the contract. He also claims he is from Germany where he was born and raised. He got his degree in B.S. Construction Science in Germany. His father died when he was 17 and his mother died recently so he moved from Germany to Dallas, Texas, where he claims to live at 10141 Daria Place, Dallas, Texas. I researched that address and found out that President George W. Bush lives there! His phone number is 234 812 219 7140. But each time he calls, the phone connection is bad and I am unable to talk to him. His email address is He asked me to take down my profile from match dot com because he didn’t want anyone to take me away from him. He claims he took his profile down as soon as he found me because I was the perfect woman for him. His IM’s on Yahoo messenger are full of “loving” words all about how I am the perfect one for him. He tells me his construction job will end in 3 weeks time and that he is going to fly to my place and surprise me and my family. He also IM’d my daughter in Spanish. He says he has his 10 year old son, David, with him in Nigeria and that David has a personal teacher. He shows me pictures of David. He asks me to use my webcam but claims he has to go out and buy one for himself (so I am not able to see him online). Below are excerpts of some of the conversations we have had:

i can see so many thing's in you that make you so specal to me and know other man that see it but i do and that is why i fall madly in love with you”

you gave me hope and i want to make sure we get together and i will be a suprise to you and your family

“ love you alway's told me about your past and how much you get hurt,....that is why i want to suprise you and your family”

“i'll fly to your place and you will be the person to pick me at the airport

“you are like a dream I never thought would ever come true for me. When I hear your voice I start to smile with glee. My eyes shine with glee when I know you are thinking of me

“Honestly you are so special to me; I pray that we will finally know we are meant to be with one another. I haven't ever talked to anyone so like you before”

His spelling is always bad. I don’t have a photo to share because I was unable to download a good one from Yahoo messenger. But he claims to be 5’8” and about 180 lbs. The photo shows a white man with salt and pepper hair and the man in the photo is very good looking. His user name on was something like “cryingforlove”. He also shows a photo of this man in a “Gruene Hall” t-shirt.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Gerald Allens' "Doctors Note" - Nigerian Scam

Here is an email from a "Doctor" (that would never send an email) in the UK (where they have free health care by the way) asking for money (and is not in the billing department). Typical Nigerian scammer email

Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 08:58:41 +0000

Dear Madam,
I am writing this mail on behalf of a patient of mine Mr.Gerald Allen who told me you happen to be his wife and hence you are priviledged to this information.Your husband Mr.Gerald was involved in a ghasty car accident on friday in a taxi cab on his way to the airport from Benin to lagos,he was rushed to our clinic in a state of coma,he suffered multiple wounds,internal bleeding and an open wound fracture to his right femur.I and the team of doctors on duty were able to stabilise him and eventually get him out of coma.We had to do everything within our powers to save his life since he was a foreigner and had to go against the hospital policy of treating him even without having someone to stand in for him or having someone to pay for the treatment.Well the next phase of his treatment is to perform surgery for his fractured femur and madam,am sorry to say that we can no longer continue any further treatment on Mr.Gerald unless some deposits are made and the amount for the surgical operation is 6000 euros.I hope that you now understand the situation on ground and perhaps act accordingly,do feel free to write back on any detail that is not clear to you and I will surely explain further on it,do take care and do have a wonderful day ahead,
yours sincerely,
Dr.Akinbola Olawole,(FWACS

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Jose Hernandez -- Yet Another Nigerian Scammer

This story was sent in by a great lady and reader. She sends us all the scammers she encounters. This latest scammer, Jose, talked to her for a long time through email and instant messages. Then came the money request. He needed it to store his heavy machinery. He needed 625 dollars to store them OVERNIGHT. When questioned, he sent her a photo of bulldozers. Not of him in front of the bulldozers, just a random picture of bulldozers. I guess he thought that was going to prove to her that the heavy machinery actually existed. WRONG!!! Here is Jose Hernandez's initial email, and boy is it a long commentary is in purple.

Message from Jose
Monday, July 18, 2011 4:39 AM
"MJD" View contact details


Good Morning from Lagos.. How are you doing today? It feels so good to hear from you.. I get really busy with work and I hope you'll understand that in future if my response arrives late, LOL.. Thanks for the note and your comments. I want to assume you are aware that Kathy is my only daughter. I would like to ask before writing anything that would make me forget. Hope its not a problem that I have a child? And I am also hoping you wont have a problem accepting us as a package, if we ever end up being together. We all want the best for our kids and all I want is for her to have a happy life and healthy relationship with my special woman. I am delighted about how expressive and straight you were in your previous note. I want a serious relationship.. I am not getting any younger and more importantly, I am tired of being lonely. I have missed so many things you cant get unless you are with a partner and I want to make up with time... I am looking for that special woman I can spend the rest of my life, loving and adoring!

Opening my mail to find a mail waiting to be read from you, brought a smile to my face. I am so glad you wrote and I must apologize for the inadequate information in my previous notes. Reading from you makes me so confident about telling you more and more about myself, my life, my wants, my past and my hopes. (He could have stopped that sentence after the word "myself") Sorry I didn't send this mail before now. I got your mail last night but I was ready to sleep and couldn't respond right away. I am taking my time to write this letter before starting my day, after reading your profile again. Kindly take the time to read through. First and foremost, how long have you been looking online? Any good experience? I havent been on the site till lately when I contacted you. I have made up my mind to take the time necessary, to write a detailed email to you, that's why I am writing this email NOW, making sure nothing will disturb or distract me.. (Is this really necessary? To go on and on about basically nothing?)

I have realized so many things about life and I am looking for that special woman to share these experiences and all that life has to offer. (He kinda said that already several times)In my previous marriage, one thing I learned is keeping relationship matters within ourselves and not seeking other people's (who doesn't feel what the couple feels) advice. (Read: Don't tell anyone about me, especially when I ask you for money) I also believe in openness and honesty. (He may believe in it, he just doesn't practice it) With secrets, no relationship will last. OK. A little about me, I am José Hernandez - Douglas, 6ft 2", blue/green eyes, dark brown hair.. I am a Civil Engineer (Construction). I turned 46yrs young on the 31st day of January, LOL! (Jan 31st, 1965). Your turn, tell me some basics about you. More about your job, personality, etc.. Just random stuffs about you. ("Stuffs" huh? And here you were trying to sound so educated.)

Also, what do you think about our age differences. I am divorced. My EX who happened to be my daughter's mom re-married after our divorce and was involved in an accident which took her life and that of her husband. It was a shocker on me and my daughter. Even though we are divorced, she WAS once the love of my life and will forever remain the mother of my daughter. (Of course she will remain the mother of your daughter you idiot)I was born in Majorca, Spain on the 31st day of January 1965, (thanks for including the birthdate again, we may have forgotten it since 6 sentences have gone by) moved with my family to Duluth, GA immediately after my birth. I later moved in with my Uncle in Jamaica, NY when I was 7 years old; after the death of both parents. I lost my dad when I was 6 years old; he had a heart attack when he was in a surgery. I lived with my mom in Duluth for another year and later moved to NY when she died. I guess because of the undying love between them, she forgot she has an only son and left me in the world as an orphan. She just didn't stay long after his death before she died.

More about me; (Thanks for letting us know Jose, we thought you were going to start talking about someone else. *idiot*) I am a very kind-hearted man and I have learnt (obviously Jose you have not learned how to spell) that in life, the only things I can count on is my creator, my instincts and my woman. (And you learned you can count on women by the mother and wife you obviously couldn't count on?) I have been hurt a lot and hope that I will find the right woman for me. I am very serious about meeting my significant partner and I am not ready for games at all. I hope to meet this special woman I can show love to and spend the rest of my life with. I adore children and care about my daughter a lot. I attended the University of Glasgow, in Scotland where I had my B.Sc Civil Engineering. I am very laid-down (don't you mean laid back Jose? What did they teach you at that University anyway?) and down-to-earth. I am also very old-fashioned when it comes to my respect and treatment for women. I am a social wine drinker but a non-smoker, have a great sense of humor and like to spend time with people and make them laugh. (wow, how unique, someone who likes to spend time with people and make them laugh) I have always memorized this quote and it has happened to be my favorite quote + I believe in it strongly: A man can love a thousand different women, but it takes a REAL MAN to love a woman a thousand different ways. (Yeah Jose, just change it to: A scammer can write to a thousand different women, but it take a REAL SCUMBAG to scam a woman a thousand different ways)

I have lived in Anchorage, Alaska. I have lived in St. Albans NY. I was living in Houston, TX before I had to leave for work in March '08. I have been in Africa since that time for a Special Project. (And it must be special since Jose felt the need to capitalize it.) The Construction of New Homes and Renovating the Old ones for Orphans and Less Privileged. Its an innovation of UNICEF and the Peace Corps for the West African States and financed by the Nigerian Government. The project covers five (5) different countries in West Africa; Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Ivory Coast and Benin Republic. Funding and appraisal is being taken care of by the Nigerian Government. I should be out of here in less than a month, the project shouldn't take this long but because of some unforeseen circumstances, the whole process has been delayed and its taking longer than anticipated. We are at the last country now, which is Nigeria, and the entire project should be concluded between now and the next two weeks.. (and in two weeks he will send a request for funds)

I am divorced (you said that already Jose) and completely unattached and would be glad if I encounter a woman of high caliber, good attitude, self respect and ambition. (and that will send him money) A woman who knows what she wants and is determined to get it. She has to be understanding and sincere that way a relationship would be smoother. Well, at a point in my last marriage I started suspecting my ex's dishonesty and later caught her in bed with my best friend. (and this is how Jose learned from his experiences he can count on women?)Ever since, I have vowed never to get married again, I did try after our divorce but got burnt (long story). I have been hurt badly and that leaves me with a negative impression about women in general. But my daughter has made me understand that all women are not the same. So, I am all out of my cave now to meet that special woman that is just for me. I do believe in soul-mates. More so, this life is very short and I do want to be happy the little time, I have left to live on this planet earth (as opposed to Mars).. I am afraid of growing old alone when Kathy is all grown and out of the home.. I know for sure, that God has the right woman for me when the time comes.

Kathy happens to be my ONLY daughter now (I thought she was his only daughter the whole time? wtf is he talking about?), I love her so much and I am trying to raise her to be one of the rare breed out there: a humble lady who stands by her words, reliable, reputable, independent, self-confident, knows her worth, loves God, treats people (more especially older people) with respect, focused, disciplined, be playful, be fun, great sense of humor always and be a warrior with a tender heart. As for fun: I like mentally stimulating activities and also I like fun. (He did NOT just write he likes "fun"! Is there someone who doesn't like fun?)I adore adventure-traveling, to feel and research the culture of the countries and learn new things. To just hop in the car someday with my family and drive across the States. I enjoy reading, watching movies, swimming, dancing. I like nature: trees, forest, ocean, mountains, beach, zoo. (Jose felt the need to elaborate on what kind of nature he likes. ugh.) I am passionate about flowers, basically nature! (Enough with the nature already!) I like camping, fishing, cycling, biking, golf, all kinds of sports - like the indoors too, I also like the city life. I take a walk when the weather's mild, but go to the pool with my daughter, or sometimes the beach when it's sunny! (So, to sum it up, Jose likes outdoors and indoors. He likes the country and the city. And let's not forget nature.)

Well, it is said that when a relationship ends and you've tried your best, God knows, it is best to move on, and that there is someone waiting, someone special, until then we have our life to rebuild, to do good unto others, to bring joy, even to those we have left behind. The universe has a funny way of circling and recycling. Its rotating, we can not go back unless it is foreseen. There are no rhymes or reason to love. You either love or you do not. (Jose just cut and pasted a bunch of refrigerator-magnet type quotes and put them all together)I want to fall in love again, I am ready and willing to go into a serious relationship that will lead to marriage. Depending on who I meet and her wants, marriage is a possibility not a MUST. I am looking for someone who is secure, balanced, stable, open and knows what she wants in a partner and in life. I want someone who is not afraid of commitment, someone who can communicate well, both with words, feelings and body languages. Someone who will treat me as an equal and not an object. A good sense of humor, outgoing, likes horses and all other animals too.( And she BETTER like NATURE) A romantic person, someone who is not afraid to cook dinner once in a while! Someone who will walk beside me and not in front of or behind me, someone who loves kids and is able to get dirty one minute and get dressed, to go out the next minute. Diversity, maturity, stability, independence and just all-around, imperfect for the world but perfect for me. (I am so ready to throw up.)

A magic relationship, you know when you are sad, when you feel alone, when the world look out so terrible, when people maim and even kill each other, then you need some place to run away, some place where you can feel safe, there you can feel that nothing, none can touch you, hurt you. (that's what the Police Station is for Jose) Exactly that is a relationship for me. I want a family, a home, full of tenderness, sincerity, faithfulness and above all peace. I want love, of-course lots of love. I consider myself good-looking, I am a nice person as well, at-least the people I have had to deal with on daily basis confirmed that. I am sociable. I am affectionate and romantic, friendly and confident. I am open-minded and cheerful. I am trying to describe myself as much as I can with words (someone elses, the rest made up) so you know what to look forward to if things eventually work out for the two of us..(which they won't) That's my hope and the reason why I am making my fingers dance so much on the keyboard, to the rhythm of my heart!! (ok, at this point, EVERYONE should be vomiting)

I work hard and I want to grow both in my job, personally with my daughter as I have always done and now with the woman that I have been waiting for all my life. I just want to fall in love again and I feel "NOW" is the time, I am done with kids except my partner wants another, either by adoption or who knows? The last time I checked, menopause isn't for men, LOL. (menopause is not a word a male should put in his first email to any woman, ever) I am romantic, humorous, caring, loving and faithful. (You said that already. Like 100 times, in a hundred different ways)I hope to find and meet a lady to fall in love with. (Please, write it ONE MORE TIME so we get it, the first 5 went right over our head)I am clever, intelligent, communicative, honest and ready for commitments but also I would like her to be sweet, faithful, caring, comprehensive, family lover, elegant, cheerful and LOVE KIDS. (Jose also likes looking up synonyms in the dictionary, but what he needs to look up is the definition of REPETATIVE) Its really important because I don't want to put my daughter in any jeopardy or in any sort of danger with whoever I end up sharing my future with, a nice family with strong feelings. I am very responsible, kind, calm, serious (just when it's necessary), confident, purposeful, persistent, smart, honest, modest, loyal, flexible, sociable, sensitive, gentle, cheerful, optimistic, considered responsible and with a great sense of humor. (Step away from the thesaurus and the dictionary Jose, this is an intervention) This all sounds like an advertisement, lol.. but anyway I am a bit.... stubborn - in a good way, of-course! (of course!! You are perfect!)

I would love someone who is fun to be around (most guys like women who are a total drag to be around, but not our Jose!), likes to laugh, funny, enjoys the outdoor, (nature) enjoys going for romantic walks, enjoys looking at the stars at night, and watching the Sunset rise over the ocean. I am looking for someone that enjoys the simple things in life, just like I do. I like to meet someone special that I can grow old with, and that we can always look into each other's eyes in decades and realize that the love between us is just as wonderful, strong and exciting as the day we met. I want to love a woman for who she is, to spoil her, and adore her, and let her know just how much she means to me, by the little things I do or say to make her feel special. While she treats me the same way....with love and respect! I am looking for that special someone that I can spend the rest of my life with, we'll grow old together, loving and caring for each other. Even on our worst days we will still be happy in love and can work through anything that comes our way. We will spend countless romantic days and evenings together, just enjoying every bit of the time we spend together both in person and mere thoughts, when we are not together...(*barf*)

I definitely want to find someone that is stable, serious about a relationship and secure. (He just won't stop, will he?) A woman who knows how to treat her man special. I want to find that person that I can't wait to talk to when not together. Someone I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with, and that feels the same way. I am looking for someone that is down to earth, but can also be spontaneous, someone that likes to travel, likes sports, and loves kids. If you like to dance that is a plus but not someone that is into the club scene. Hope I haven't bored you with this long email. (well Jose, that hope is dashed.)I just felt within myself that: "What's worth doing is worth doing well".. hence the stories and ads, LOL! (number 1, not funny. number 2, Jose did not do it well) I will be looking forward to your version of this note. Don't forget to mention what you want in a man. (as opposed to what you want in a kangaroo) I want a woman that can be confident enough to state what she wants in life and in a potential partner. (Then allow me to state that this email SUCKS) And I hope I have been able to express myself, without pissing you off, in telling you the type of man I am to the fullest. (again, hope dashed)

I wait to hear from you. Well, I wrote this mail and I am sending it right away without proof-reading so kindly ignore the mistakes. (read: I am a Nigerian scammer and cannot spell worth a s*it)
Oops! Now, I need a cup of coffee. (And I need a drink) Take good care of yourself and have a wonderful day!

Write when you can.. This may be too much to put in at once!! (correct!)

Hugs and Kisses, (ew)
XOXOXOXOXOXOXO (really? seriously?)
Love waits, (BIG EW + *Barf*)

-José and Kathy. (Don't blame any of this letter on your daughter. Not like she exists anyway, but if she could read she would slap you silly)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Alfred Garner, another Scammer

We received this email from a reader to warn others. This guy is yet another Nigerian scammer looking for money. Here is a sample of his emails and his "photo" (most likely stolen). Thanks for sending this in, and keep them coming!!

"Alfred Garner" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 6:19:59 PM
Subject: Re: Hello

Dear X,

Hope you are feeling as happy and great as i am feeling after reading from you..,i am so glad that you shared all you did with me,it is really glaring that we are really heading in the right direction.
Who are you? A woman being a goddess? or a goddess pretending to be a woman? Whichever you are, you are doing something special to mean after all these years, i would have thought i might not have the possibilities again of having my dream woman, my partner, my best friend and co pilot. I'm talking about fate here - when feelings are so powerful it's as if some force beyond your control is guiding you to someone who can make you happy beyond your wildest dreams. I wouldn't be scared anyway, because truly, Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end.The inevitable truth is , If it is meant to be, our hearts will find each other when we meet. And if our hearts melt together so will our bodies and souls. Then every word and every touch will fuel our passion flame. I will be yours, you will be mine, and we will be one.
I have over 45 labors currently working with me, both skilled and unskilled. yet all could notice a new glow on my face today. LOL. I don't really have permanent staff, i hire hands when i have project(s) and put someone in charge until each one is over. I am currently making plans to travel out of the country to buy building materials. I will fill you in as date of departure gets closer... not to worry i always take my laptop with me.
I moved to Baltimore from Atlanta which is where i still have a house of my own. I am currently renting here. Now that i have found you i am hoping a new life would start from here and I am being true to my feelings, as my old friend would say "never question if you are in love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need to ask". So the best of men would accept what they feel without questions, because truly, Love and death can't be escaped, no one can tell , when, how, or where. It is never too early or too late.LOL.
What is more important to you the love you share, the memories you have or the lover? Give love a chance to swallow you up. Don't just think it will happen in an instant, it will surprise you before you know it, but it will be the most rewarding experience you will ever have.I thank you for being so open minded and simple as me, i can promise you that the sky is the limit for us. Please let me know when you get home.
Do have a pleasant evening.
I long to read from you much much much more..
Your Prince charming

From: "Alfred Garner" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 9:41:30 PM
Subject: Re: Hello

Dear XX,
It's so good to hear from you again! Why am i getting addicted to my email? lol. I get a good glow on my face just reading from you. Wonderful. How was your day?. I knew something was missing since i haven't smiled since i got home till now,lol. I was almost late for work in the morning, i woke up late, i think i am becoming restful again, Maybe i could sense something good ahead of us.
What wouldn't i do to make my dreams come true. It is like a rigger waiting for a trigger. Would you be my trigger? lol. I just need a woman to hold me before i am old. Absolutely i have come to know that we spend the most of our life seeking for the secondary needs, while our primary needs are left unseen which we can easily notice withing family and friends. We have worked so hard and attained some wealth right? but for what purpose? To be realistic, except if you just want to be known as a rich person, wealth means nothing if you have no best friend to share it with. All the millions are useless indeed. how much do we need to eat? How much do we need for shelter? how much do we need for daily fun. excess and excess leads us to vanity. But for few of us who value the simplicity, we sure would do well in finding happiness. As i always say, money can buy a good bed, but never will money buy sleep. it can buy the best diamond watch, but can never buy time, It can buy piles of books , but cant buy knowledge.. It can buy food, but not satisfaction, Money can buy sex, but can NEVER buy love. That is why , i refuse to follow the crowd, so as my own man, i would give up all that can be bought for that which cant be bought. I want true joy and happiness. I want my woman to have power over my moods,. she can make me smile in all weather.
I am glad that i could get your attention my dear. You have a special thing in your heart, and i intend to find out what it is. It could take a lifetime to figure, but i dont mind,lol. Please tell me about your ideology of life my dear.
I owe you kisses and hugs. By the way did you try the thing with the messenger yet?
I hope you had something to eat after working so hard.
Have a goodnight.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Scammer Paul Jenkins on Guardian Soulmates

I was contacted by someone calling himself Paul Jenkins on Guardian Soulmates.
He uses this email id:

I'm attaching pictures of him.
He didn't ask me for money, but then I didn't give him the chance.

His story is that he's a widower, an independent oil-rig contractor working with Shell. He said he's based in the UK, at the moment in London/Manchester, and was on an oil-rig in the North Sea. Said his wife was killed in a road accident and that he's got a daughter.
First he said his wife was killed a few months after his 14 year old daughter was born. Then he said his wife died 5 years ago. he said his daughter was living with her grandma in Texas, then last week he said she was studying in Scotland.

He said he was trying to win a contract that would bring him to the UAE (where I live) for two years. first he said he'd got the contract. Then he said he hadn't. He said his daughter wanted to talk to me, and put her on the phone. I can swear it was him, trying to put on a little-girl voice. His daughter by now was 12, going on thirteen, and was off to do a two month dance course at the University of Aberdeen.

Please do let me know if you've got him registered anywhere else!

Help Him Fall In Love With You - Learn The Secrets

Beware of Albert Morgan on BlackPlanet

Albert Morgan
DOB 5/03/1968
Has yahoo messenger and yahoo email which is
Blackplanet profile name is wonderfulalbert111
BEWARE - Real charmer
asks you to send money via western union
Last contact Phone number is 0011447045787701
I met my scam artist on a dating service online. Actually he found me, just 3mths ago. He sent me a lovely message, than I replied we exchanged email address and messenger details. Where we had been chatting and building a relationship, well that is what he led me to believe, we even exchanged phone numbers. We rang each other many times and he would leave messages on my voice mail how he really missed me and I was everything to him and meant the world to him and soon we would be together.

He said he lives in Jacksonville , Florida and was traveling to London for work. He was trying to sell a self funded project to the government over there. After a short period of time he told me that all his funds had been used up due to registering for licenses and permits etc and he needs funds to able to finish the deal and receive a large sum of money. I fell for his manipulation and he continued to carry on with stories of the project and I continued to send money to help him. Finally he told me he had received the cheque and was ready to travel to Australia and how we where going to be together and he was going to cash his cheque here and reimburse me all the money he took from me. However of course he needed money for the airfare, he sent me flight details etc and was having a stop over in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia once he reached there he started ringing me again saying he needed money to get through customs, for 2 weeks this continued as he was robbed and needed more money and than had to use that money for renewing his ticket to Australia it just went on and on. He kept promising me we would be together any day now. If I ever questioned him on anything he would say that he was hurt that I would think that, and he would says things like his word was his bond, he even swore on his mother's grave that he was telling me the truth and he would return my money and we would be blissfully happy together. He managed to scam over $6000 from me. I am a single mum with 3 children, I work 2 jobs and just wanted to find love and my life partner. Now I just have to find a third job to recover from all this mess. He has profiles on a lot of sites Netlog, my space, HI5, twoo and these are only the ones I know of.
He is very convincing and doesn't care how his deceit affects your life and what financial mess he leaves you in.

300x250 WhatMenReallyWant v3

Scammer Michael Dami Brown

I have just been scammed. Am so embarrassed and feel so foolish but want to share my story with your readers so they are not scammed too!


The name he gives is Michael Dami Brown, from Mechanicsville Virginia. Email is Gives US number as 804- 442-6221 ( when I called, it has fast busy tone or get recording saying number not available right now. When I tried to call via Skype credit, it kept saying the number not available. I just assumed it was a fault at my end). He’s supposably 46 years old widower that only now has the courage to get on with his life. He’s a petroleum engineer with 14 year old daughter Sandra who lives in the UK ( London, or Scotland) with maternal grandma since wife died 5 years previously. He says he visits her every 2 months( appearance of jet setting lifestyle). Says has 2 cars, a Chevrolet Cruz and Honda Pilot( both of which are newer release models within last few years).
He is working on a contract that takes him to UK after which he was going to bring Sandra to come visit me ( I live in Asia). While there, he gives number as +44 7045720390. ( NB +44 is UK country code, but ‘70’ is a personal number which can be redirected to another number even outside country, calls to this number are very expensive, whereas the redirected calls are cheaper and service provider pockets the difference. I have lost USD55 because of one 20 minute call!). He says can’t fulfil the contract as the terms are no good and has to go to Nigeria to get the oil at the prices he wants. And he mentions that he is concerned re the security there and has to hire security for the week – any bet, that he is going to email me telling me he has been robbed, or having trouble accessing his money to pay for security? Something that involves either me sending him money, or cashing a legitimate check for him that was scammed off someone else. This is the final red flag for me. I have blacklisted his email address from my account, though he still has my gmail account details- I want to see what story he spins next. I feel like I’ve been emotionally assaulted but am grateful that I am not in love with him (I have to thank my God and Saviour Jesus for protecting my heart, there was something stopping me from falling in love with this guy). Now I just feel a bit stupid and foolish for not heeding the red flags sooner.

I paid for a profile on a matrimonial website ( although one can also have a free profile) and he sent an expression of interest. His profile didn’t have photo. I accepted interest as we seemed to have a lot of similarities from the profile and I gave him my gmail account address ( not my regular account). He sent me 2 photos – one a close up and one a full length shot with his first email. The photos didn’t look like models or were unnaturally posed but could well have been downloaded off someone’s social networking profile? I’ve included them below as well as a photo he sent me several days later.

Two discrepancies that I ignored to my peril:
1) 1. He said he had been ‘widowed’ for a couple of years and then in a later email said his wife died 5 years ago ( and I didn’t want to ask details via email, trying to be sensitive, silly me)
2) 2. He told me his daughter is currently living with her grandma from her mother’s end in London because she was asking a lot of questions and needed a mother’s advice. He said he went to visit her every 2 months. But in a more recent email, he tells me he is in Scotland to execute a contract. And that he was spending the weekend with his daughter in Aberdeen.
These discrepancies weren’t obvious to me at the time, only now as I reread his emails.
I asked him to Skype me and he said he wasn’t good at online things and could we just chat on Yahoo Live Chat instead ( another red flag – if he knows how to download and install Yahoo Chat, it’s just as easy to install Skype! And he was obviously savvy enough to get a profile online on the matrimonial website)
After about 3 emails, we had a Yahoo Live Chat conversation ( or attempted one anyway). The line was very bad so we ended up IM’ing most of the time though I did get to exchange a few words with him ( he had a credible American accent, I work with a bunch of Americans and I was fooled). It was during our 2nd IM conversation that he said he was definitely planning to come to where I live ( across the other side of the world) to see me. And he wanted to bring his daughter too. He said he was trying to get a contract finalised for the UK, then he would go over there to execute the contract then fly over to see me. Of course I was very flattered that he would spend all that money to come visit me so I think I was willing to overlook certain things.
By the end of the first week I had trusted him enough to give him my regular email account to email me ( moved off gmail)!
By the end of 2 weeks ( about 8 emails later) he was professing his undying love to me ( we hadn’t even really spoken to each other beyond a few words at this stage). I was wondering why he was thanking me for ‘shining the light of love on me’. I had never told him I loved him and it seemed that he had developed these feelings of love very quickly and also assumed I was in love with him when I never told him that.
Then a few days later he writes this email below which I am reprinting here to make it searchable for the future ( in response to one I had written saying I couldn’t reach him on the US number he had given as kept getting a message ‘this number is not available’, he didn’t actually respond to that). I have blanked out my first name below but he was writing to me as if I had his surname. I did ask him what his middle name was and what kind of car he drove and he answered those questions. If you Google Michael Dami Brown, you get a hit for Michael Dami Adegbuji on Facebook, a Nigerian man – red alert warnings right? BUT at this point I had only googled ‘Michael Brown Mechanicsville VA’ and while there was a few Michael Browns in the area ( incl one who was 60 and married), none were ‘my’ Michael. And the phone number seemed legit ( the area code was definitely for Mechanicsville VA). I even paid 10 euros on my credit card to buy 400 minutes of Skype Credit so I could call that landline phone using Skype – but Skype always said ‘the number is not currently available’ and I assumed it was a problem my end ( I didn’t even think to try calling any other US phone number just to see if it worked).

Hello xxx Brown,
How are you doing? Sorry i wasn't able to write you any sooner my love, been tripple busy honey. Hope everything is fine. Glad you are having a wonderful time there. My sunshine and my love, you are everything i dreamed of, you take my breathe away. My middle name is Dami, and i have 2 cars, a honda pilot and a Chevrolet Cruz.
Well I have been thinking about you all day and that has filled my face with smiles. Ever since I met you there has been no trace or doubt of feeling blue, rather it has been rejoicing and celebration all the time. Really we do learn everyday because love is a learning process and I have learnt a lot since you came into my life.
There were times i thought i could never fall in love again but you made me fall in love with you and not just that you offered a love that was true. My soul feels glad today because i have you, the feeling is so sweet because it is. I think my search is done and I dont have to look in the deepest corners or edges for love because you have given it to me. You have cleared the black clouds in my life and lightened up the darkness.
Even if I am not right there with you now , I want you to know you have my heart and it will always be yours. This is the moment I have long awaited in my life, the chance to fall in love again and I have it. It feels like I saw the vision . I am glad I found you.
Your heat will always be my resting place because I find comfort and peace in you. Nothing can hold me back from loving you, you are and will always be the angel in my head.
It felt like light shone on me when I thought about you today, there was a glow on my entire body and i could feel it , it was a bright light of your love make me glitter all over. I sat in a corner waiting patiently waiting on heaven to send me angel that would meet my heart desires and there you were, you showed up right in front of me as the answers to my prayers and made me quit my search. What good would it do to a man looking for silver when he has gold.
Now you have set a sweet sail on my heart and made my soul come afloat on a river of love. Though the tides keep rolling and the whirld winds blow my love for you will not change. I would do any thing just to see that my smile on your face because you have given me sweet love and fun all in one. I wonder who said love sucks, bring that person to me I will
give him/her a big knock on the head to get his/her mind right. Honey, please feel free to ask me anything. I'm all yours and yours alone

At this point ( reading about the ‘ bright light of your love make me glitter all over’ I was a bit concerned that Michael was getting a bit carried away as I had not professed my love to him. Also at this point, I felt that he might be in love with love or with the idea of who I was rather than the reality of me. SO I did warn him that I was only human and not to put me on a pedestal.
Perhaps warning bells should have gone off here. No one falls in love within 2 weeks to someone they never even met, and with whom they had only exchanged about 6 words during some attempted phone calls. When we tried Yahoo Live Chat, the voice quality was so poor that I suggested that we don’t use video for that call because it would compromise the quality even more ( I bet he was rejoicing that he got out of making an excuse why video wouldn’t work).
I was rationalising to myself that as a 46 year old widower, he knew what he wanted in a wife and therefore there was no reason to delay the inevitable. I know that after many failed relationships, I knew what I wanted in a man and in a relationship and Michael seemed to fill that criteria.
The weird thing is that 2 weeks after we ‘met’, a pastor from a church in Mechanicsville VA visited my church (I am on the other side of the world in the Asia Pacific region!) on the invitation of some friends from my church who had met him in Richmond VA while travelling there. It seemed such a co-incidence that I would be meeting someone from Michael’s hometown, though not from his church. I remarked on it in several emails that I was going to be attending a concert given by this pastor but he never responded to that comment or asked me how it went.
By this time I had told about 15 friends about Michael. One close friend was initially sceptical about the speed but in the end trusted my judgement. My other friends told me to guard my heart but were overall pretty pleased that I seemed to have found someone who was so enamoured of me that they were willing to overlook any discrepancies or at least rationalise it away like I did.
I think the overriding factor was that he has said that he would be coming for a visit within the next month. So we were just going to wait til we met him face to face to ask a bunch of questions and suss him out.
One thing I was hesitant about was that he said he was a member of AoG church and I had heard some things about what they believe which I didn’t think was Biblically based. ( Michael and I established we were both church attending Bible believing Christians.) Anyway I emailed him about it because I wanted to clarify that before he came over. He then emailed back and asked me to call him in Glasgow where he has just arrived. The phone number +44 704 572 0390. I NOW know after all my reading on another site that while 44 is definitely UK country code, the 70 prefix indicates a ‘personal number’ and is often redirected to a different number which could be outside the UK ( like in Africa!). Anyway I called him ( from a hotel phone as I happened to be staying in a hotel that week for a conference) and the 20 minute call cost me over US50!!!

I just assumed it was the hotel overcharging but now realise that the service provider probably charged high rates to the caller but the redirected number would have been cheaper and they pocket the difference. I realised that he was just echoing my opinion ( so it appeared we had no theological conflict) and I even asked him to pray for us which he did first, but the words resonated/were similar to something I had written in the past in an email to him). And he even had an American accent. Though I have many American friends and I even know what some Virginians sound like, I assumed Michael’s accent was just a variation of the southern accent. He was certainly charming and a smooth talker.
I am just grateful that while I was googling something a few days later, I came across a website on Nigerian dating scams. It made me sick to the stomach to think that I might have been scammed ( though I hadn’t really lost any money at that point except for that one phone call). What was worse is that Michael has photos of me outside my house and on the beach which I sent him ( and which could well be used to scam men, just as the photos I had received were obviously of some poor man whose photo had been used for these purposes).
I called ‘Michael’ again on Thursday( this time from my cell phone using VoIP and it was a short call) and asked him to Skype me on the weekend. I said I had some very important things to talk with him before he came over the following weekend (according to his proposed plans). He said he was very busy that weekend and all I said was that if he loved me, he would make it a point of finding time to download Skype, register as a user then to organise a time to Skype me.
As I had friended on FB that pastor from Mechanicsville, I sent him a message on Thursday and asked him to investigate based on what I thought I knew about Michael, and also gave him the phone number. The pastor reported that the phone number was giving a fast busy signal which might indicate a non operational number and that his level of sceptism just went up a notch, as did mine! I wonder if Michael realises by now( if he actually bothered to read all my emails) that I actually have a contact in Mechanicsville Va who can do some background checks.
Today I actually googled ‘dating scam michael brown’ and came across a site full of scams, many different photos, similar stories. Of course it all makes sense now.

On Saturday afternoon ( my time) he emails me ( I didn’t read this email til Sunday morning) to advise that he couldn’t get the contract prices he wanted and was recommended to travel to NIGERIA to get the oil. This was my final and very loud warning bell. I was immediately suspicious because of all the email bank account fraud involving Nigeria from many years ago. He says that he will finalise everything in 1 week and come to visit me, bringing ‘our baby Sandra’. But he also says he is concerned about the security over there and has to hire security – which sounds to me like he is setting the scene so that he can later claim he was robbed maybe or have some other disaster befall him where he will need me to send him money or have me cash a check for him ( legitimate check scammed from someone else).
I am thankful that since this all started I have really felt God working on protecting my heart and reminding me that only He is my true Beloved and to not get too distracted by a future with Michael. I have been flattered by Michael’s attentions and the idea that this successful jet setting engineer wanted me for his wife ( and that his daughter was willing to accept me too- according to him – I had never had any contact with her in any form). BUT I was also waiting til he got here and actually proposed with a ring, before I started planning a wedding. And although I said ‘I love you’ on a couple of emails, I was really only responding to his declarations of love because really I didn’t know this man well enough to be in love with him. And the handsome face and toned body I am smitten with is someone I don’t even know. The words sound formulaic now and as if it’s from a website of love letter samples.
I am totally embarrassed to have been taken in like this. I can only be grateful that he hadn’t yet asked for money and that I hadn’t yet lost my heart to him. I want to write and record this because I want it to be known so that other women don’t fall prey to him in the future.


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