john_baker625: call again honey
innocent woman: busy signal
john_baker625: call again pls
john_baker625: you only missed call me
john_baker625: I just thank God for having you. We are meant for each other and no one can change that. I love you with ALL my heart
innocent woman: 011 2347032669145?
john_baker625: yes honey
innocent woman: well its busy
john_baker625: it's okay
innocent woman: I gotta go my love.. My heart is heavy right now..
john_baker625: pls don't leave me on here baby
john_baker625: So they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate. Mark 10 2-16
john_baker625: ...Love comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith
innocent woman: I had a image of you.... I held you up above the average guys I meet. But right now I do not know what think about all this and my eyes are cloudy and my heart is aching...
innocent woman: I gotta go John... I cant be on here tonight...
john_baker625: : good night
john_baker625: don't cry anymore honey
john_baker625: you are making me feel bad right now
john_baker625: cause you are crying
inocent woman : not as bad as I am feeling... i don't even know what to feel now ... what to think and what to trust..
john_baker625: If I cannot love ... I am nothing
innocent woman: I gotta go..
john_baker625: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? The one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves
john_baker625: ok good night
john_baker625: hug and kisses for you
innocent woman: I want to hear what your intenions are.. I do not want to read other people's words... I want your OWN words
innocent woman: I want facts and honesty
innocent woman: and some type of reassurance of who you are
innocent woman: THATS what I want
innocent woman: can you give me that??????
john_baker625: my intetion is to get some money, so that i can be able to get home soon
innocent woman: good night
john_baker625: gud night
innocent woman: you let me down.. made me lose my faith in this.
innocent woman: am soooo damn sad now... I am never ever going to give my heart to another man...
innocent woman: I until I look into their eyes and can feel the love through our veins when we hold each other
innocent woman: no more blank sceens, big stories that turn out to be false, and waiting for someone to call or come on the IM to talk to only to find out that they were just saying things for their own benefit or personal gain...
innocent woman: and that is why I cry
innocent woman: I cry for the false hopes and enpty promises
john_baker625: ooh i see
john_baker625: i am not going to talk to you again
john_baker625: please do me that favor
john_baker625: don't talk to me again and again
innocent woman: OH WHAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
innocent woman: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO CHANGE MY FEELINGS...Nothing!!!!
innocent woman: to get money so you can come home..... ?????????
innocent woman: what is that supposed to mean???????
innocent woman: Why wouldnt you already HAVE the money to COME HOME?????\