Showing posts with label Western Union. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western Union. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2009

Karim el Gamel - Who Needs Help With a VISA to Come to US

Karim el Gamel email address:

This is a new one for us. The guy says 'works in the field of tourism in Egypt but has to also work part time as a sales man in the field of clothes' He quickly started to talk about money he needs for a VISA to come to the US because the embassy requires him to have 5,000 no 6,000 no 10,000 in his bank account. Here is the email where he gives us the embassy requirements:

hello are you?..about what is your embassy need its..
1/all certificates of education and certificate indicate that im clear from all diseases
2/certificate of verification shows that im a good citizen in my country and with good behaviour
3/give him what is refers to my monthly salary
4/testimony from my work that i work with them
5/bank account with 10.000 $ ten thousand at least
this is the most popular things your embassy asked for and many papers in all fields
here in egypt there is a lot of office agents help to finish all this in a short time..
hope we can handle any thing with us to be done soon...
love and kisses

After going back and forth with the amount he decides he needs $6,000 from us. AND of course he wants us to send it WESTERN UNION just like every other Nigerian scammer out there.

hello baby tell now yes i want you to send me that account of money if i cant handle it and i need that account to make bank account from any bank refers that i have enough money in my account that is very important......i can send you any photo as u like and you can see me on cam as u wish any time u need......tell me what faviour you want baby im urs and faith with you plus if i can handle the money i will told you but realy i cant in this time....if you send to me i think the better way by western union its faster and easy coz my old brother always send like that...
my cell phone 20102021220
what can i do just tell me?
ps/ if you can come to egypt it will be easier so you can imagine and we can handle here every thing and you will be with me so you have two choice
1/help me to come
2/come here to egypt and being with me arrange for every thing
think and reply me

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nigerian Scam Victims Submitted Story

We agree with our reader who sent in her story of being scammed by Nigerians. Why is the US allowed to send money via Western Union into Nigeria, but Nigeria forbids money to be sent out? WTF Western Union?

In August 2008 I was approached by a young man claiming to be a soccer scout who was traveling in Nigeria to recruit players for his team here in the US. His name was Mark Donovan from VA. He swept me off my feet with his letters and accent. We began what is considered "internet dating" and I thought this guy was "It". Having been out of the dating realm for 15+ years,

I was taken by his compassion and gentle spirit with me. After a while he began to ask me for money, saying that he had used up his resources buying players and their contracts and that he had a check for $450,000 that he was bring back to the US. But he could not cash it overseas. He even sent me a copy of it.

Long story short, I have sent him over $8800 through Western Union, lost everything I had in my storage unit, my credits, bank accounts, clothing credit line, and numerous other things, from letting my responsibilities fall behind while trying to help him. It has now been 8 months and I still have not seen his face on a cam (but he has seen me), and he is still not here. How he says he is in Amsterdam and needs $2,000 to get home. This, after I had sent him $3,000 for planes tickets for his son and him, in November.
Beware!!! EVERYONE!!

If they sound tooo good to be true, they probably are!!! I have gone on CBS in Atlanta and have a web page warning women (and men) that these people are on these sites and they are looking for kindhearted, gentle people like me, to prey upon. The "Pig Buster" got a hold of my guy on here and he has recently deleted his profile from here. But he is OUT THERE!! Somewhere!! He probably has numerous unsuspecting women sending him money on one of those other singles sites.

He goes by "Barclayplayer, M.Donovan, or Barclaycard. If the picture of him is real, he is very good looking, age 42. I plan on going national with this and need as many women who have been taken as I have to come forward. I know it's embarrassing -- BELIEVE ME! I did things I am very ashamed of on my cam, in the name of "love". But if we don't get this out in the open, they will continue to use us and we will continue to go under financially from these bottom feeders.

I have written to Oprah, and Ellen D, and my next letter goes to "The View", and 20-20. My cover letter is being used on various "Cyber Dating Scams" sites now. My mission is to change the laws for sending Western Unions to Nigeria... Their law forbids them to send money to us!!! Well, that just doesn't seem very fair, now does it???!! Why should we be able to send our hard-earned money to them, but they can't send any BACK to us????!! I have had many women come forward who thank me for being strong enough to do this.

This story was used with permission

Friday, August 7, 2009

Nigerian Dating Scam on

And it appears these assholios are on too as yet another scammed victim details for us below!

I too was about to be scammed out of $300 (as a start) by someone who called himself Mike Smith. He finally told me he was in Nigeria and needed $300 to pay for a plane fare to come home to Kennesaw, Ga. and that he would repay me when he got here. He would not give me an address of where in Kennesaw he lived and told me that when I picked him up at the airport, he would lead me to his house. He did all the same things these scammers apparently do by writing these truly mushy e-mails and calling you all these sweet names, then wanting you to text them on their cell phones, set up Yahoo IM and so on.

I was very lucky to realize he was a scam because he would never answer my questions about himself and kept postponing the date when he was supposed to be arriving back to the states. I think the biggest giveaway was that he was in Africa and wouldn't say exactly where and then asked me to send him some money when he was supposed to be in the construction business. When I asked him why he needed to be there doing that kind of work, he said he traveled all over the world. My children were here at my house when all of this was taking place (when he asked me to send him money via Western Union and gave me someone else's name to send it to).

He told me to send the money to

Then he changd his mind and wanted me to use a Western Union Outlet and didn't want my son to know about this. I have our entire conversation from the Yahoo Instant Messenger printed out for my records. The picture he sent to me of what was supposed to be a picture of him was someone who looked too good to be true - much younger than the 55 years old he said he was, he appeared to be about 35 - 40 - and probably a male model. Of course, he said he would "fund" it to me when he came back home. Unfortunately, I did give him my home address because he wanted to send me flowers, which he did and his note was so sweet.

Like I said , just too good to be true. So now I have to delete all these things from my cell phone and computer but at least I didn't send him any money. I almost called the FBI but was told they are aware of this scam and so is the Nigerian government. So if anyone else has been writing to a guy call just know he's a real fake. He actually called my cell phone and his accent was anything but English - more like a Nigerian or other African accent and I could barely understand him. I have copies of all of his e-mails to me just in case I needed them. My son has helped me by going online and finding out more about these scams and I will make sure "Mike Smith" never contacts me again. It's just a shame they prey on hardworking, honest women looking for some nice man to spend time with and somewhere down the road, maybe marry!!


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