Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mariya Scammer from internet dating site

And now here is an alleged Russian woman who contacted me after seeing the profile that I don't have on any internet dating site who also assumes that I am a male. Here is the letter from yet another scammer:

Hello, my friend.
Today when I have received your letter I was very happy. I am very
glad to have such friend as you are. Now I can tell you something
about myself and I expect that you will tell me something interesting, too.
It is glad that I have interested you and as it is glad to our acquaintance.
I will be very glad if you tell about yourself and will send the photos.
I am to find here love and to establish a family.
What you here search, friendship or love and family creation?
Yes I think that it simply remarkably to meet other people.
I wish to know your full name as you know my name.
I live in Russia, in a the big city called Yljanovsk. I was born here and
spent all my life here since my childhood. My city is very
beautiful and it has a long long history. I shall tell you that I was
born on the 30 th of August, in 1981, and now I am 30 years old, I
have blond hair,my eyes are green, my weight is about 54 kg,I am
165 sm tall. I am a girl with lovely smile
and sense of humor. I am not married and I have never been. So I have no
children. But I like these nice little creatures. That's why I work as
a child doctor. I don't have bad habits, I don't smoke, I never
drink, also I haven't ever take drugs as I know that all this is
harm for my health. I take care of myself. And I wish you too. I go in
for sports, in the morning I am jogging, 2 or
3 times a week I go to fitness to keep fit.
I live with my daddy and mum, my mother is already a pensioner and my
father is too, but he works in a security agency, I do not
have brothers or sisters, I am the only child in the family. My mum
and the daddy raised me up in a very strict way and gave me a good
education and taught me much in this life. I was always very
obedient, I liked to study and was never lazy at school, so I was the
best at school. I was interested in History, Maths, Chemistry, Biology and English.
But most of all I
loved English , I've even gone to additional classes to study
English. My teacher always told me that I was an American girl in my
previous life. After school I studied in the Medical University.
Now I work in the hospital and I treat children. I like to
listen to music: classical, rap, pop, and music according to my mood. I
like to read books : detectives and love stories. What are your preferences in
music, literature? do you love to cook? I love cooking. I take in
cooking after my mother. She is a real chief.
What are your values in life? I dream about making a Friendly, Loving
and Strong family . I think that maybe our purposes are similar.
Perhaps you have some more questions to me. Now it's your time to tell
me about yourself. I am waiting so much.
Your Russian friend Mariya.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Verro Williams, Veronica Williams, internet dating site nigerian scammer

Here is another email I got from someone who claimed in their first email that they found my profile (that I don't have) online at an internet dating site. of course they don't say which one, and I am on no internet dating website at all. Here is the scammers introductory email.

Hello My dearest one,
how are you doing?I guess nice,Mine weather is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal. My name is miss Veronica .B. William, I'm 25years old girl, from Rep.of Congo in central Africa.
I am 5' 7" tall, Fair in complexion, Single (never married) I am presently residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was going on in my country for that reason i am facing so many difficulties in life at my age,
so dear i have to let you know about this so that you will assist me,I would like to know more about you,Your likes and your dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently.

The only person l have now is Rev.Father Godson Mark who is the Reverend father here in the camp he has been very nice to me since i came here. This is the Pastor's Tel number is +221 772 704 308 if you call, tell him that you want to speak with Miss Veronica .B. William,he will send for me in the camp and l will come and speak with you.

In nutshell, My late father Dr.Bona. William was the managing director of Gold and Diamond industry (Limited).But he was killed along side with my mother and my only brother during the long civil war and all our properties was totally destroyed. However, after their death I managed to escape with a very important document (deposit certificate of($4.9 Million US Dollars)in the bank which i am the next of kin to my late father.

Mean while,l am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foreign personality to help me transfer the money over to his country Account and into his possession pending my arrival to meet with him.
Further more,you can contact the bank for confirmation and i will issue a letter of authorization on your name,that will enable the bank to deal with you on my behalf.
After the transfer of the money into your bank account you will send some money for my traveling to come over and meet with you in your country and continue my education.

I am giving you this offers as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me or take me as your wife and manage the money.
conclusively i will like you to furnish me with your contact information's,

such as

Names ........................................
Age .......................................
Address ........................................
Telephone .........................................
Fax ...........................................

Conclusively,i wish you send me a reply immediately as soon as you receive this proposal,please reply me for i am grumbling into tears because of present conditions,
Your immediate respond shall be highly appreciated.

Yours for ever
Miss Veronica.
email address:,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Internet Dating Site Scammers Robert Thompson,Robert Montano

Letter from Reader warning others about Robert Thompson and Robert Montano:

I just recently signed up on Christian Mingle and naively thought everyone on there is a Christian. Not so!! I did have some pleasant conversation with one man, but he decided he was looking for someone retired and I think he was honest and up front. I first received a smile from someone(Robert Thompson) in Florida (I live in Calif.), who was widowed, engineer, had 1 son, could move wherever if he found right woman, wrote a lot of philosophical flowery things. He evaded a lot of my questions so I decided to quit writing to him. Shortly after that, I get mail from another man,Robert Montano, same scenario, but he lived in LA. I finally confronted him and asked him if he was the same person who mailed me previously and he totally ignored the question. Red Flag! So I told him I wasn’t interested and wished him well. @ days go by and I get a new mail from another person, different name, lives in NY, widowed, engineer, 1 son, same style of writing, same profile. What a loser! Thank God I didn’t get in any deeper. People – look for the seeds of doubt, those little red flags that pop up! Steer clear!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Allen Rogers - Nigerian Internet Dating Scam

Here is a letter sent by a reader to warn all of you of Allen Rogers, yet another Nigerian Internet Dating Scammer. Here is the letter:

I’m sorry to admit it, but I too have been a victim of the online dating scam. I met someone on who claimed to be from Manchester, England. I live in the Detroit area, but this guy, Allen Rogers, claimed to be in my area working on a project. He said he was a structural engineer and builds bridges all over the world. He was just leaving town when I responded to his email on Match back in November, 2011. We have emailed back and forth ever since. He knew the right things to say to keep me going. I’m a single mom, so it’s rare I get any adult attention and conversation beyond work. So I wanted to believe this guy was for real. Long story short, he and his 16 year old daughter left England in February to work on a project in Cape Town, South Africa. He was “awarded” a contract worth $2.5 million to do maintenance work on a bridge there. He sent me the official looking contract. He was there working about one week before he got paid, so he said he went through hundreds of thousands of his personal money paying his team and expenses while he was waiting for the check from the government. When they gave him the check for $2.5 million, he said the banks wouldn’t cash it and it was up to him to fly back to England to cash it. His “daughter” Anita got very ill and he said she now needs surgery on one of her kidneys. I was sick with worry that this little girl needed medical help and he had no money to help her. So I sent them $5,000 to fly home. He called me from the airport when the authorities began yelling and told him he was going nowhere until he paid taxes on the income he made in South Africa. I didn’t hear back from him until late that night saying he and his sick daughter were with the customs authorities insisting he pay them $25,000 in taxes. The authorities took their passports and they went back to the “guest house” where they had stayed prior to the “flight.”

I have no money, but I had a small life insurance policy for my daughter who is 7. I decided to cash it and send them money so that he could pay his taxes and fly home. I wired $30,000 and he would pay me back as soon as he got home and deposited the $2.5 million.

I spoke with him this past Friday when he was at the bank cashing the money I had wired him, and then he was going to the tax officials to pay them off. Friday evening I received an email from his daughter, Anita asking if I’d heard from her Dad as she hadn’t seen him since he left for the bank that morning and it was now 1 am Saturday morning in Cape Town. I was sick with worry that he was robbed and possibly killed. I heard from him Saturday morning say that he was robbed and all the money is gone. That’s when I realized that I was in the middle of something awful. This morning I told him I was about to lose my home (this is how stupid I’ve been). He emailed me back saying that he was able to come up with all but $9,000 to get home. I feel like I’ve participated in something dirty, something terrible. Who knows where my money has gone and if it’s hurting innocent people (sex trade, weapons, drugs, you name it). Ugh! It just sickens me.

The email address Allen uses is:

Allen’s cell in the UK: +447700083337

Allen’s cell in South Africa: 01127837669270

Letter from Roger:

Honey,There are so many things I want to tell you and share with you. First and foremost I want to Thank you for you being you. You've added so much to my life, you make me feel things I did'nt think I would ever feel again. it makes me feel wonderful, like I really matter to someone.Getting emails from you excites me, its like I cant wait for another day to come just so I can read what you've said to brighten my day. You've become like the air I breath, I need it everyday for survival. I cant wait to meet some day face to face, a day worth remembering. I thank God daily for answering my prayer-he brought you into my life, now that's worth Celebrating!!!!! I will not come between your personal life and i will always respect your space..Thank for the compliment,now i know you have an idea who i am..Am glad things are going well for you and your funding is up..I wish you luck..For me,i have an urgent 4 weeks Multi-million Bridge maintenance contract that i have been asked to supervise In South Africa..I will keep you posted when the deal has been sealed later today and i will send you my contract approval..But its just for 4 weeks so i will have to see you next month when am done..I need to stop here as i have some meetings and need to go see the managements of Anita's school if they can allow her study online for 4 weeks..If they agree then she can come with me to my next contract..Okay babe..just wanted to say Good morning and keep well..mmmmmwwwwwaaaa

Friday, April 20, 2012

How scammers intimidate you once they realize you are on to them

A reader and friend of the site (and a victim herself) wrote this for all you readers who are afraid your scammer may retaliate. Trust me, and trust her, they won't. They talk real tough but won't do anything, and this woman has done everything possible to provoke them. So have I. So please, don't be intimidated by what your scammer says he will do to you. It is all lies. Every time I post a story from a reader the scammer contacts the victim and threatens them in an attempt to get me to pull the posting down. Not gonna happen. Here is her letter:

I noticed that quite often the victims who write about their unfortunate encounter of betrayal by a scammer, fail to add pertinent information about the bottom-feeder. Many times once the victim confronts the thief, these ignorant scumbags turn on them and become evil, abrasive with threats and name calling, and, even make threats about your family members.. Please keep this in mind: First and foremost - they live on the other side of the ocean and will NEVER come to the USA. Second: They don't want to come here because they have the perfect set-up for making tons of money right in their country cafes. Scamming us is their JOB. And so when they realize that you are no longer a "cash cow" for them, they show their ignorance by making you out to be the horrible person... Don't let them effect you emotionally any more than they already have!!! You have enough to deal with once you realize that they were lying and just using you for their own personal and financial gain. But the more information you can give out, such as email addresses and pictures, their MO and phone numbers, the better for us to pass this on to save others from the same demise as you. And maybe we can get them arrested somewhere down the line.. That's been my goal now for the past 2 years.. I just wanted to tell all of you not to be afraid of them in any way, shape, or form. They are just blowhards!! They got what they wanted from you.. and they will move on to the next unsuspecting innocent person.... Just know that they will ALL ROT IN HELL someday!! Amen!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Daniel King - Con Artist internet Scammer - John King

I recieved an email from a reader who wanted to share their unfortunate experience with an online con artist and scammer she met on

I joined an online dating site in June of 2011. Immediately I started getting responses from men. I got a response from a man named Daniel King. He said he lived in Pennsylvania, Leola, Pennsylvania to be exact. He was articulate and said he was a widow that his wife had died in a car accident 5 years before. He had lived in Rome his whole life -- he been an orphan and had been adopted by an American couple. He moved to the U.S. 5 years before after his wife had been killed in a car accident in Rome. He said we would chat better over Windows Messenger. At first I said no because I didn't want to have anything to do with anyone outside of my home town, but he was persuasive. He gave me his yahoo email address. His picture looked nice.
Daniel R. King,
Leola, Pennsylvania
He also used the email address of
He said his friend's name was Steve Boyd
Steve Boyd's wife's name was
Jacky Hudson Boyd
Ada, Oklahoma
I started chatting with him over messenger. He seemed like such a wonderful man. We spent many hours chatting - everyday. He was charming, articulate but pushy. He was well educated. I cannot give you all of the details of what happened it would be too long but just suffice it to say that the story is very similar to other stories posted. Approximately 3 weeks after I met him (he said he was in construction and was building a building in the country Turkey), he said he was going there to sign papers and after that he was going to come and see me in my home town. After he got to Turkey, he had problems and didn't have all of the money he needed to get the large contract. He sent me a copy of the contract with signatures because I insisted on that.
I'm not a greedy person but I had fallen in love with him and felt I have a future with him, stupid I know. I wired him money. Then he needed more. I should have stopped but he was so believable with his stories. He got other people involved. He called me on the phone and he had a very sexy thick Italian accent. He even had me talk to his friend who was working and traveling with him, he said. He had a German accent. First he was staying in a hotel in Tbilisi, Georgia. Then later he traveled to Istanbul, Turkey. Now he supposedly is back in Tbilisi, Georgia again.

He sent me pictures of him and his son. His son even chatted with me on line and told he he couldn't wait to meet me and that his dad was so much in love with me. I was even sent a picture of the building that was being constructed in Turkey.
He sent me an email with his flight information to come and be with me. Then the wife of his friend Steve Boyd called me on the phone crying saying that he was in an accident at the work site and that he was in the hospital with injuries to his neck and was unconscious and paralyzed. I am so gullible. I believed it all. After 2 weeks, his friend Steve got a hold of me on chat. He said he needed money to help pay his hospital bill because Daniel had no insurance. He would die without an operation. I'm ashamed to say I fell for it all. I kept sending money (my retirement money I had withdrawn) because I was promised that Daniel would pay me back as soon as he could return to the U.S. He had money and he would take care of everything. He swore on his life that Daniel loved me more than anything in the world and wanted and needed to be with me.
I did it. After 2 weeks I was able to talk to Daniel again. Again, mind you I am spending HOURS talking to him. Before work, after work on weekends. Late at night, early in the morning - all different times. I had my Messenger set up for the speakers to sound when he got online so I knew he was there. I was crazy in love with this man. All we talked about was how much we were in love with each other and how much we couldn't wait to be together. We made plans together.
The situation got worse and worse because the more money I sent him the more I needed what he told me to be true so I could get paid back and because I loved him. I really wanted this to be true. He asked me to marry him 4 times. But the more time went by the more things he said just didn't add up. He would contradict himself about little things. In December, 2011, he again said he was coming to be with me and pay me back. He had recovered and was out of the hospital. Again, he didn't show up. This time he said that he was ready to leave and found out that he owed $20,000.00 to his workers and they wouldn't let him leave the country until that was paid. Well, that's when I stopped sending him money.
I looked the phone # up that he had called me at in July, 2011 with a reverse look up and I was stunned. His phone # listed a man with a different picture and a different address and different city in Pennsylvania. He had the same middle initial and last name of King but a different first name of John. Now he was going by "John R King". Now I knew he was a fraud and a con-man. HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO EVIL AND CALCULATING???? I wanted to say something to him but I knew I couldn't. He has since taken the picture off of that listing and changed the phone # several times. But the listing is still there today. The age listed there has changed several times as well.
I refused to send him any more money and just waited to see how long it would take for him to give up and leave me alone. I was afraid -- he knew where I lived, my home #, cell #, my address, my work #, even the names of some of my family members. I kept talking to him -- the strange thing is that I really did love the man that I thought he was -- not who he really was. We had spent so much time together I was attached to him. I missed him when I didn't hear from him. But truthfully this man has ruined my life.
At least once a month he'd ask me for money -- oh he was running out of money to pay for the Internet to talk to me, or needed food, or whatever. Each time I refused. He had the guts to ask me if he could send me checks from Turkey from the Construction Company and I wanted me to cash them and send him the money. I absolutely refused. Thank god. I stopped talking to him unless he contacted me. It had gotten down to once every 5 days I'd hear from him now.
Then in March,. 2012, I'd had it. He sent me a beautiful email and signed it with the wrong name. He signed the email with the name of Antonio. I lost it. He said he had a allot on his mind and got confused. Whatever, how many names is this man using? So now his name is Daniel, John and Antonio. I told him off. I told him that I didn't believe that he was ever coming to see me and that he had lied about who he was. And he had the guts to tell me, to the end, that he had never lied to me and that he would never take advantage of any woman. He was still claiming he was saving the money to come and be with me. That's when I blocked him.
Ladies - please learn from my stupidity. If a man sounds too good to be true, he is. NEVER send money to anyone no matter what their story is. My advice, you can do on-line dating but never get off the protected website until you are sure who the person is. Never share your financial information with anyone and don't try to have a relationship with anyone outside of your home town.
I am now cleaned out. I have lost a total of $50,000.00. I took the money out of my retirement account and I don't have the money to pay my income taxes. I do not know what I'm going to do. The worst thing is that things are not going well at my work and they are having layoffs. My job is not even secure. I am 54 years old and my future is ruined because of all of this. I won't tell my family - I'm too ashamed.
I have since met a nice man who lives near me. I am trying to move on with my life but it will be difficult. Life is difficult enough without giving all of your money away. Don't do it!!!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Allen John Lewis - Internet Scam Artist from Nigeria

A reader recently sent me an email of a Nigerian Scam artist by the name of Allen John Lewis. Note he uses three first names, so he can change them around at will. Here is the readers email:

I am writing to warn you all about about Allen John Lewis. He contacted me on match in the last week of Oct 2011. I was only on match for a month. His profile says single, no children, never married. I really wasn't serious about dating anyone that far away. I live in Florida, and his profile said he lives in Alabama which i found out was a lie. I found his page on Facebook and he had one friend on it and i friended her and she said she was talking to Allen's brother named Jim. I told her about Allen she said that Allen is not from Alamba. She never met Jim or Allen. She met Jim on the large and lovely internet dating website back in July and still has not met him. I told her about your website she agrees with me that they are both scammers and could even be one person pretending to be two people. When Allen contacted me we start talking and he seemed like a nice guy. He said he is a Dutch American from Holland and lives in the USA, which is another lie. He said he works for the us army as a contractor for Chevron oil. He asked for my number and down the line I gave it to him. He has a very strong accent. About end of Nov he ask if what was i going to give him for hid birthday i said when your birthday he said 29 of nov he said he lost his cell phone and that he would like to get one but had no way to get it so I sent an Iphone to him that he talked me into because i was going to give him one of my old ones but he said he needed something that picks up good signal out in sea so we can talk. Then he had to go to United Kingdom to drop off materials. He told me his cousin spent a thousand dollars of his money that he was supposed to pay his bills and with wanted me to send money to Sheryl Wichel to help him out. I said "Don't have on line banking?" He said Wells Fargo froze his account until he gets back to Us because someone hacked his account. I told him you are a scammer he said no I am not and all kinds of stuff trying to convince me. He sent me flowers in the first month which was most likely charged to a stolen card but anyway is email is He a sweet talker uses angel a lot sweetheart dear and names like that. I cannot believe I sent 200.00 plus another 300.00 to him because he was sick. I shut his phone off last month because he never used it cost. 300.00 to shut it off. Please beware of this scammer from Nigeria named Allen John Lewis.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Catherine Cathy Donald - Nigerian Scammer

I received yet another email from a Nigerian scam artist. They wrote me again, lying about seeing my on a website, and assumed I am a male. Here is there email and photo.
How are you today? I am more than happy in your reply. How was your day? Mine, well i thank God for keeping me till this moment here in Dakar Senegal. My name is Catherine Donald, i am 24 years from Liberia in West Africa and presently, i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar, Senegal as a result of the civil war that ravaged my country, please don't be discouraged on hearing this as this is our first time of meeting. My late father Prof Benson Donald was a prominent man in the administration of the Government of my country and he held sensitive positions in the government before the rebels attacked and killed him along with my mother. I am the only one alive now and i managed to make my way to a nearby country Senegal where i am living now as a refugee. I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next email. Attached here is my picture. Hoping to hear from you soonest.
Catherine email address :
(so obviously this idiot is also using the name Linda Marouk as well.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Juliet Baby - Nigerian Scammer

Nigerian Scammers seem to love to use the word "Baby" for a last name. Here is the latest email from a Nigerian Scammer, this time the name is Juliet Baby. These idiots never stop, and their stupidity never ceases to amaze me.

My Dearest,

how are you doing today?
My name is
Juliet Yaya Enoch I 'm 22years
old girl
Rwanda in Africa,
5.6ft tall, fear in complexion,(never
married before )presently,
i am residing in the
refugee camp here in Dakar,
as a result of the civil
war that was fought in my country.

My late father!
Dr, Yaya Enoch, who was one time
Senate speaker of Rwanda,

before the rebel's attacked our house one early morning
they killed my mother, also with my father in cold blood.
It was only me that is alive now,

but I managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal,
where i am living now in a refugee camp,and this
computer is belonging to a reverend that has the
church here in the camp.I would like to know more about you.
Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what
you are doing presently.

I will tell you more about myself, in my next mail.
Attached here, is my picture.
Hoping to hear from you soonest,

Miss Juliet .

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Joy Baby - Nigerian Scammer

Well, After getting yet another email from yet another Nigerian scammer (using the name Joy) I wrote back. I told them they were stupid, that I was not on any internet dating site or sites, and that I was going to put their email and photo on my site unless they left me alone. Today, I got this, so it is safe to say they did not read my reply, just like they would not read yours.

Hello My Dear
This Miss Joy whom contacted you before
How are you today?. I believe that you are doing well. I am more than happy to read your mail today. My dear like i told you in my first mail,

My name is Joy from Ivory Coast in Africa in west Africa. recently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war going on in my country.

I am 23 years old girl 5'8" tall. My father Dr (Oliver koneh) was the personal adviser to the former head of state(Late Dr Robert Guei) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed him alongside with my mother.

It is only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am living now.

am residing presently here in the refugee camp , Its just like some one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon.

i don't have any relative now whom i can go to all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i know here is Rev. Andrew kuma, who is the pastor of the (Christ for all Churches) here in the camp i am leaving in the woman's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.

The Pastors Tel number is ( +221-771 409 025) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel.

As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.

i want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.

Please listen to this, i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is ($2.3M. two Million three Hundred Thousand Dollars),

So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
i need your contact details information which i will use to prepare the authorization letter of the bank where the money deposited which you will use to contact them with their email to know the procedure of the transfer of the money into your account,

your full name:......................

your age:............................
country and state:...................
phone / mobile:......................

So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.

Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding people,truthful truth and hardworking.

My favorite language is English but our language is french but i speak English very fluently. Please I will like to know more about you.

Your likes and dislikes and what you are doing presently. i will send you the detains and information of the bank contact in my nest mail hope you understand .

Attached here is my pictures. please i am waiting to hear from you soonest.
Yours sincerely Joy.
Red roseRed roseRed roseRed rose

Monday, February 20, 2012

Joy Johnson - Nigerian Scammer email

Here again is another Nigerian scammer sending me an email saying that she saw my profile (that I don't have) on a dating site and wants to get to know me.(And of course, scam me) Here is the email:
Hello Dear,
How are you today together with your business and your entire family? I guess that everything is moving smoothly with you. I am more than happy to read your interesting mail and i hope that you are fine and healthy, I have noticed that you are the kind of man i am looking for, I believe that you are a trust worthy and caring person, that's what makes me to disclose my identity to you.

My name is Miss. Joy Johnson, 24 years old from Darfur Region of Sudan but presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the killing of my family by the rebels on last year please don't be discouraged for hearing this. I believe deep down inside me that you will never break my heart or let me down in anyway. I am from the family of late Engr. Jafar Waleed Johnson. My late father Engr. Jafar Waleed Johnson, was One of the Board of Directors of Sudapet Limited (Sudan National Petroleum Company) Darfur. The brutal killing of my mother and my father, one kid sister and kid brother took place one early morning by the rebels as a result of the civil war that is going on until now in Sudan. I was in my second year in Applied Mathematics department of University of Darfur in Sudan before the death of my loved Parents. I contacted you for a possible help. My step mother is a very wicked woman and she intend to kill me since my father and my biological mother is died. Then she planned to take away all my late father's property and some other valuable things from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Parents. Meanwhile I wanted to find my way out of my country because I have seen what she is planning to do to me. I thereby plan to go to Europe or other part of the World, but she hide my International passport and other valuable travelling documents. Luckly she did not found where I kept my fathers File which contains important documents.

I managed to escape with the documents which covers my late father's deposited money $6.2 Million Dollars (Six Million And Two Hundred Thousand US Dollars). which he used my name as the next of kin. Meanwhile, I am still residing here as a refugee under the UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR REFUGEES, i am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foreign personality to help me transfer the money from the bank pending my arrival in your country cause I will like to see you face to face soon.

Furthermore, on your wish you can contact the bank for confirmation and you can communicate directly with them regarding this fund of my late father which was deposited in their custody. I am giving you this offer as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me retrieve the money from the bank and transfer to your nominated account. Remember is my wish to come over to your country but I don't have travelling documents such as International passport and money for the air ticket at the moment, all this is why I told you to contact the bank first so that this money will be transferred into your bank account, so that from there you can send some money to me to prepare my travelling documents to come and meet with you and start a new life with you and also continue my studies cause I will like to further my studies as soon as I arrive to your country, please try to help me to achieve this goal as I have a desire to become a famous personality in the nearest future. I will be pleased if you can do this for me.

You can reach me through this number (+221 77 37 54 344 ) It is a Reverend Fathers phone number, by name Reverend Father John Chris and email ( he is the person that is in charge of the camp it,s even his office computer I'm using to send you an email any time he is less busy in his office because there's no computer at the hostel except in his office. If you call, please ask of Miss. Joy Johnson, When ever you call, try to tell him that you want to speak with Joy Johnson, I am in the female hostel. I have already inform him, that some one will call me through his phone. He will send for me from the hostel to come and speak with you. So please do not fail to call me, because I need to hear your voice too.
Nevertheless on your wish to help me out I will like to have your data such as:

1.Your Full name
2.Your country
3.Your occupation.
4.Your phone and fax number.
Immediately I receive your data I will give you the contact and information of the bank where the money was deposited for you to contact them for confirmation in regards.

Remember I am revealing my secret to you,because I need help and I actually prayed that out of the three mail I sent the one that I received first will be the person to assist me, which is more or less a divine thing. As you know one must certainly trust person notwithstanding the time we have known. For me I trust you and I also enjoin you to trust me.The bank refused to give me this money because of my refugee status here in Senegal as the law of Senegal do not allow a refugee to per take in anything concerning money and I don't have any bank account where this money will be transferred that was why I contacted you because I do not permit to do that also the bank has advise me to nominate any foreign partner I trusted that is why I approach you in this regard.

Bye and take a good care of yourself,have a nice day.

Yours sincerely,
Joy !

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bryan Wesley - Victims Story of A Nigerian Scammer

Here is a story from a reader that she would like to share. Here is her email:

Hi, I wanted to share my story that I spent the last month of my life experiencing. On January 8th, I was browsing on a dating site that I had been a member of for almost three months and my subscription was about to expire. I had not been on the site in over a month because after the first couple of men that I met, I knew that this was NOT the place to meet that "special someone" in my life. However, I am not sure why I was on the site that day, but I was and it changed my LIFE forever.
I was browsing some of the pictures that were on the site and I came across the handsome young man in a picture with his daughter. I can not remember much about what his profile said, nor do I remember anything much about what he was looking for, I just saw that he was new to the site and he "claimed" to be from an area near my house. Since he was online that nite I decided to say hello and talk to him a little about my experiences as well as others experiences on the site. I really was not looking to become friends with him nor had no interest in meeting/dating him. We talked for a couple of hours the first night and he seemed to be a "nice" guy, after all he had a gorgeous daughter. The next several days into weeks, he and I chatted and emailed daily for the next three weeks. What started out as a simple, BEWARE OF THIS SITE, turned into my worst nightmare.
In the beginning, we talked about our lives and what we were looking for and how we both felt that God was always a guider in a "TRUE" love relationship. As emails would come daily and chats were long and sweet, if was very easy for me to start having feelings for someone that truly seemed genuine. When we talked about meeting, he told me that he was in Nigeria on a business trip and that he was going to return to the states in a short two weeks. What is two weeks to wait for a handsome, wonderful man and his daughter. Right?
I never even thought I could be part of a scam. Actually, I have heard of people being scammed but I never thought that this would turn out to be one until the begging for money became demanding for money. The first time that he ask me for money, was in that he needed "funds" for some food for him and his daughter. He wanted me to send him 150.00, not much right, hey I can do this. However, that week I only had like 200.00 in my account. I sent the "funds" and never heard not one single thank you or I got the money that you sent and I really appreciate it. I got NOTHING. That should have rang a bell if anything would. So, time went on and it was time for him to come home and we chatted about me picking him up at the airport and how we would spend our time together. However, when he got to the airport, he needed 1000.00 to help him pay for his ticket. Of coarse I was not going to send this guy 1000.00 because I did not have that kind of money. However, after many hours of begging, he got me to send 500.00. This should have been the second warning sign. Sending that amount really set me back in paying my bills and getting things that I had planned for the money. But it was well worth in becasue in 24 hours the man of my life would be home and we could begin our life together. Until, the next day and he did not show. What? You are where? And you didn't leave because? WOW, was I hurt. This brought on the next few days of a "lovers quarrell" about many different things and how I was so selfish and so self centered. Of coarse I cried and yes he apologized and made me feel good again and that he would be home when I could send him 1000.00. No, I can not and I will not, absolutely not. As he knew that payday week was approaching, he hung in there and I kept telling him that I had many expenses that I would have to pay and would not have the money left to send him 1000.00 like he needed. He told me that he would be home and that he would pay all of my expenses and that we were going to be together forever and I would never have to work again and we could travel and we could make love all nite and we could... well you know the story. On that Friday, I had NO intentions when I left work to send this man money. I had decided that if he wanted to come home to me that he would get home especially since he had 2,000,000.00 in a bank back here in the states. Then on my way home, I got a phone call from a guy that said he was Bryan's best friend and he wanted us to help him get home. He told me that I should not worry about my bills that I would get that as soon as he got to the states and that my future husband would soon be home and we could begin our life together. After talking to this "friend" for over an hour, my weakness broke and yes I went and sent the money, all 1500.00. My new life would begin in less that 24 hours. I would have a man that would be my future husband and a beautiful young girl that I could love and cherish forever. I cried all that night in utter excitement that soon, real soon that I would be at the airport and I would wrap my arms around my new stepdaughter and new husband to be. The next 24 hours was an extreme night mare. Reality finally hit me of what all my friends had been telling me. I was devastated, I was hurt, I was sick. I don't think that I even have enough words to express how I felt for the next day and a half until that phone rang. Yes it was HIM. Where was he? What happened? Why is he not here with me? And why are we not living happily ever after? Why am I so miserable?
The next few days Bryan and I spent, "making up" from our nightmare and we still love each other and we will still be together. We just have to get him home. You have to send 4000.00, no just send 2000.00, well I have 1500.00 just sent a 1000.00. NO, NO, NO and oh did I say NO. I do not have any money. None, zip, nothing. Fortunately, for me I was lucky and only lost like 2000.00 and it has set me back in paying my bills and put a little hurt in my life that I will probably never recover from. However, what I want many girls like me to know is, be AWARE. I am a seriously strong independent woman that gives a lot but NEVER would have dreamed that I would send my ENTIRE pay check to someone that I didn't know. After all, I was warned by so many of my friends that from now on I will trust with my life.
My boyfriend's name is Bryan Wesley and he has a 6 year old daughter. A very handsome man with a beautiful daughter. He has a friend name Phillip. Bryan's email is As of today, (February9th) he is still using it and still on yahoo chat under that name. If I can STOP the next vulnerable woman from loosing her money and her heart, this letter was worth sending. I hope that someday, I can make an impact in the lives of women that ALMOST gave all they had to someone they NEVER met. Please, ladies read the stories and LISTEN to your friends.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Peter Ostachinni, John Stewart and George - Nigerian Scammer trio!

Here is an email from a reader who was targeted by three different scammers:

I have recently been scammed of money by the Nigerian scammers and I would like to share some information.
I believe I was targeted by the same scammer on three different profiles on ( I am in Malaysia but have used match when I lived in the US ). The first profile called George ( was a single dad with a 5 yr old daughter, but there were obvious mistakes in what he was saying, blonde blue eyed and he insisted his mum was singaporean chinese). 2nd was John Stewart who said he grew up between US and UK but when I spoke to him he was brazilian. So that got dropped when I asked him who he really is. The 3rd one was quite sophisticated, very detailed, intelligent, consistent and called Peter Ostachinni. All 3 were involved in oil and gas. It sounded plausible as malaysia is big into oil and gas. So this 3rd one called Peter started slowly, emailing quite normal emails, and then it got more elaborate. his profile said he is divorced with a 7 yr old son. His ex wife is dead ( all three of them has dead ex wives ), parents are dead, son in the UK, and he s British in oil and gas. Then he gave his phone number and I gave mine. Then he called, he was on his way to Australia for a conference and talked to me on the way to the airport. Timed it right of the distance between hotel and airport. Then time it right again between flight distance and timing between Malaysian and Melbourne. Then it graduated to phone calls and yahoo messenger. Chatted at night and he called in the mornings and this happened every day. Charming, said I was the love of his life, everything he ever dreamt of, his one and only. Even sent flowers to my house. Then by the 7th day of this, he begged me to check a link for him. His bank account in NatWest. And gave me his password and username. I clicked on it and told him what was there. He wanted to transfer GBP 1.5 million and asked me to do the transfer myself. I refused.
Then he was supposed to visit Malaysia at the end of the week. Even sent me a confirmation of the hotel that I picked. In the middle of the night about 2 days he was supposed to visit me, he called to say his son is really sick and he has to get back to the UK. Very smart, timed it the length of time of non stop flights between Melbourne to London, and then called to say he landed. Said he would call again when he reached Manchester ( he is supposedly from there) and he has a manor in Manchester. When he got there he arranged for me to talk to his 7 yr old. A young boy that has an english accent came onto the phone and spoke to me a few times. He continued his charming twice a day phone call and then if he had time "chatted" on yahoo messenger.... and here goes... then he has to go to Africa to interview workers for his new project. on his way back to Malaysia... When asked why he said Nigerian and cameroonian workers are the cheapest in oil and gas so he has to go to Nigeria. Called to say good bye... then I got a call in the middle of the night to say that he was boarding and he brought Ken with him to Nigeria. Said he would call when he landed. So he called again to say he landed and explained that he wanted to bring Ken to surprise me. Then he called a few hours later to say he got mugged as he got out of his taxi and everything was taken.... so he said he has to go get things sorted out . An hour later he called back sheepishly asking if I could help him ... by sending money... USD 5000.... I did... he still continued to call to thank for the money and provide progress information. But after I sent the money I talked to a friend of mine and she got concerned and researched and found out all about the Nigerian scam. I have ceased all communication as this scam is one that would go on and on to reel in more money for him. So I am 5000 less and wiser and feeling terrible but I want to share my story because I believe I was targeted and this scammer is highly sophisticated. He used several profiles to test me out and to see which work for me and also to see what my psychological profile is like . He still continues to call though I have ignored all phone calls ( how about all of 31 times in a span of 36 hours) and is very tasteful in not asking for account information and is able to create drama, credibility, trust, and prey very well.
Scammers email addresses are:
John Stewart, email:
Peter Ostachinni, email:

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jena Deerow - Nigerian Scammer

Here is yet another unsolicited email from a Nigerian scammer saying I emailed them, which is nonsense and they liked my dating site profile, when none exists. Here is the scammers email:
my dearest love one
I am more than happy when i saw your mail.How was your day?,Mine is a little bit warm over here in Dakar Senegal. My name is Miss Jena deerow from
Somalia, ,5.7ft tall, dark in complexion,23 years old (never married before) and presently i am residing in the missionary camp here in Dakar as a result of the civil war that happen in my country then and still going on secretly.

My late father was the managing director of deerow industry (Ltd) and he was the personal adviser to the former head of state (
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my father and other members of the family in cold blood.

It was only me that is alive, it is by the infinite mercy of God that made me to escape the tragic incidence because i know he hold my future. i am alive today is by the help of one army man who brought me to Senegal in west africa where i am leaving now.

I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes, you know love, understanding and tolerance covers a lot of mistakes in a life of a couple that why i will love to know your hobbies and what you are doing presently.I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.
Attached here are my pictures, which i will like to see yours as well.

i will like to be your friend...
Hoping to hear from you soonest,

Monday, January 30, 2012

Devon James - Nigerian Scammer

Here is a letter from a reader to warn you about Devon James, another Nigerian scammer.
Here is the email:

Hi I was on a dating sight and just by chance I said to this guy you should change your profile picture as the first one wasn’t as nice, this is how it all started. He was had me fall in love with him from the start. I have reported this to the sight as he had to pay by credit card but I know they will not give me this information. He said he was an "I work as an freelance auto technician,i do consulting,managerial,supervision and contract jobs for auto companies who requires my services,i am pretty much fulfilled in my job and i enjoy what i do. “

There are so many emails and messages to go through of the love he had for me and I saved him and I was his world, and I had fallen for it all... this is just some of it. What a night mare I am glad it’s over. I have lost my money but I still have my kids and health, it’s hard moving on but you know you just have to check it off as a hard lesson learned.
Here are some of his email, there are hundreds as we chatted for over a month
Here is my phone number +447024048386 i hope everything is alright over there darling?What sort of thing is it that could happen to your computer love?are you having any kind of problems with it or someone wanna take it?Please if there is any problem just let me know to see how it can be solved because i need you to stay in touch with me now.I do have your number on speed dial and i do have your address sweetheart.I am worried now with you saying if anything were to happen and i don't hear from you.Baby please i will advice you to take good care of yourself...Do not let anything worry you...if it is about our relationship maybe it is best you stop talking to your friends about it and just concentrate on letting me to make you happy.I love you so much and with all of my heart and i want you to believe and know that i will take care of you just be good and if you can pray sometimes for strength and peace of mind.I am doing alright dear but you know you are always on my mind.I respect you very much and that is why i try to talk sense to you so that you can understand and know that God loves you and that i love you so if anyone tries to bring you down then that person is bad and no better than you because it is really inhuman to demoralize someone and watch them suffer,cry and get sad.Count on me and i will be there when you need me until i come home soon and whisk you away in my arm to somewhere peaceful to lift up your mood and make you forget all your worries...I swear i wanna make you happy.I love you cherry pie.Kisses on your forehead and warm bear hugs..
Love you xoxo
Dear xxx,

What a wonderful beginning to a new year! It began late in the previous year -- me finding you, chatting online, confessing my love, and then it happens all over again. The feelings that I’ve felt for you all along begin to resurface. Only this time, I am free to act on them without fear of upsetting anyone.
Thank you. What more can a man say to the woman who opened her heart to him, allowing him to feel the warmth of her love across the great distance that separates them? You truly have no idea what I feel for you.
I try to put this feeling into words, but fail miserably. This feeling of being both scared and at peace, of having both butterflies and a sense of calm, is a feeling that I have only dreamed about. As the days continue to pass, my love for you continues to grow. I never thought I had the capacity to love anybody as much as I love you right now. Yet, my love for you continues to mature, growing beyond the realm of my heart. It seems that you have become the fiber of my soul, the very reason for my existence.
I have no other words to describe the way you make me feel. No words, no actions could even come close. I believe that Ronald Regan said it best to Nancy in a letter, telling her only that, "I more than love you". Their love was a strong love, surviving everything, even death. I believe that even after his passing, Nancy felt Ronald's love for her raining down upon her. That is why she has always seemed at peace after the death of such a truly loving husband. That is the love that I feel for you.

Always yours to cherish,

I love you.Happy new year's eve.


Dear xxx,

I know we've been busy lately with work and what not. I wanted to send you this letter to let you know that I'm thinking of you and love you very much. I'm very lucky to have such a wonderful woman and I wanted to say thank you for changing my life.

Before you came along, I felt empty inside. You filled an empty void in my heart and I can never thank you enough for loving me unconditionally.

xxx, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up to you every morning. I want to hear you breathing while you're sleeping. You make my life complete and you make me feel like I can touch the sky a million times. You make me laugh and sometimes so hard I cry.

I feel blessed that God sent you to me as a precious gift. I can't wait until my work schedules change soon therefore we can spend more time together.

xxx, thank you for loving me completely with your heart and soul.

Love always,

here is when he ask for money:
Hello honey,
How are you doing and hope my message finds you in good health.I am writing to inform you that i am already in the mood for tomorrow and i am thinking of you right now and missing you so much with excitement as i cannot wait to be in your arms carry you on my thighs kiss you passionately take of your pantie and make sweet passionate love to you.Well hunny as you may well know after the delay last weekend i had to go back to the hotel because i had no where else to go and have been staying there and having my meal there since the past 4 days...Now i had met the manager to discuss my bill for that time and i was made to know that i have incurred 480 British pounds which is about $757 Canadian dollars which i do not have right now and i don't know what to do because i did not plan for this besides the delay last week caused this and i am really really agitate and sad again because i have to ask you to assist me for the very last time to pay this off so that i can't have any delay tomorrow or else i will miss that flight if i don't settle them i might get held by the hotel security so please honey i know you told me that you do not have money but please try and help me out from this one for the last time i have no way to get money if i don't come home and also i have to pay the money you already sent me but i cannot do that unless i come back and my flight is for tomorrow.I love you so much and i wanna be with you..i can't wait to be with you tomorrow...i already sold my watch and gold necklace to complete the money for the ticket which was 1890CAD while i had 1500 from you to settle my bills before and buy ticket....please help love so that we stop spending more money..I love you very much and hope read from you soon.

Love you forever
here is where he asks for my banking info but i said no way to that
Subject: Info i need
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Bank Phone number:
Account Number:
Routing Number:
Online User name:
Account Holder Name:
Account Holder Address:
Your Phone Number:

Baby this is the info i have been requested to get to enable the info go through swiftly..please i am expecting to hear from you soon.

Love you loads

this was 1 of the reason he needed money for the first time this is how it all started with the money:
Good morning love...i missed you too have been busy with work here and yesterday was a bad day because had a situation at the workshop.....there was an of the engine i was servicing got damaged when i was lifting it with a pulley to seat on the engine seat in a truck it got damaged so bad i guess i was over working and i was really tired..i got home yesterday had a hot bath and crashed out so now today am out here trying to get a quota of the repairs since i have to cover for the damage and i am really upset right now.....I have to get back to work to find a solution and fix everything before the overseas superintendent manager finds out he will be arriving tomorrow to clear me so i can leave on Friday....i love you and i hope you are fine....
Jan 19th 2012
Sweet heart my internet is messing up so bad and getting me upset i wrote that i will be needing 1500 if you can really be up to it i just need to sort out a couple of bills at the hotel because i over stayed my days and incurred extra bills then i need some change for the taxi to the airport and in case i need to get something or food when am hungry...i know you told me that you are over draft but i can pay it all at once that is not a problem i know you do not have much but i assure you it will not be a big deal at all because you will be getting it the instant i get to london because i will be making a cash withdrawal for the car rent an hotel.I hope to read from you again hope you get this message before you go.i love you so much and thanks for doing this for you loads
Yours always
Jan 20th 2012
I sent him the # for Western Union 1 digit was out so that was another delay and more money needed later


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