Sunday, October 4, 2009

Soldier Scam on

A reader alerted us to a scammer she met on, who calls himself Christopher Phillips. Christopher Phillips claims to be a soldier in Afghanistan and needed her to pay to get him deployed early so he can come back to the states. She called him on his scam and thank goodness didn't send him the money. His email address is
She sent an email to the email address he gave her to send the money to with nothing in the subject and nothing in the body of the email. She received an email back from a supposed government agency asking her if she wanted to send money for the soldier. Wow, wonder how they knew? (Of course it is because it's the scammers email address, not the us governments!)


  1. I have recently received the same type of message. Sergeant Major, wants to come meet me, straight from Iraq before returning to his home base but to do this he must pay his own way home. He doesn't have access to money outside the states and needs $2,000 which he will pay back as soon as he is in the states. Yada yada yada.

  2. i have had 2, i calling himself shadrack (shady)said he had found 1.5 million dolors when he was on patrol, wanted to send it to me by a diplomate, didnt ask me for money said for me to recieve the package my end open it and take the money out to pay him... yeah right

    2ND one i am still taling to, at the moment his son is sick, needs opp, appendix are ripe, needs around $3500.. can this be true?

    1. Men in the military have medical coverage for there family. Don't believe

  3. has anybody heard of , i was aked to send a e-mail to request leave for this person just wondered if the site is legal,, or another scam? will let you know the name of this person if all is false

  4. so what have you found out? i have heard of this address and have corresponded with them at this address. Let me know what you have found out.

  5. IT IS A SCAM. PERIOD. There is NO WAY you can send money to get a soldier home. We posted all about this in another post. IT IS A SCAM.

  6. has anybody hear of, i was asked to send a email to request leave for this person, then they want $1300 for 1 months leave. Then they say they will refund when soldier is safe here in usa.

    Here is scammer that say she is in Iraq

  7. is a complete scam obviously.

  8. Someone recently asked about a military site so they could apply for a soldier to leave. All sites like this are a scam. The military issues orders to deploy its soldiers and send them home. Period. There is no application process for those outside the military. There is no money you can spend to get a soldier home. Soldiers never NEED money to come home. They never APPLY to come home. PERIOD. There is NO COST to soldier to be sent home. The military branch that sent them wherever they are will provide safe transit home or anywhere else they are sending their soldiers. Again, there are NO APPLICATIONS to be filled out, NO MONEY to be sent.These are all scams. Do NOT fall for them

  9. Requesting leave costs a soldier nothing. They just put in for it with their superior officers who then give them a yes or no. It is the same thing as asking your boss if you can use your vacation at a certain time. There is no application, just a simple procedure to request leave. A website to send money for a soldier to go on leave? No WAY. No such thing. I have been in the military for almost 20 years. NO ONE can request leave for me BUT me! And no one has to apply for it! And no one outside the military can assist us in getting leave or coming home.

  10. Hi there,I'm a recent convert of Military dating and like others too,had the pleasure of meeting what I suspect a Nigerian Scammer.This person goes by the name of Christopher Philips or at least one of his names,lucky for me didn't fall for romeo's requests. However I decided to play along with this fraud after receiving emails with fake photo's and continuous sob stories.I've since reported this person,and eventually he stopped emailing me when I started asking questions and trying to get him to talk to me on msn. It was quite obvious his English was broken and the long letter's were such a laugh!,silly person left a trail of course being another female victim,whom I'm trying to get in contact with,'A lucky break for me I quess'? I do wish these scammer's would stop writing letter's that are obviously copied from a romance novel. And to remember to put the hair colour on their profile the same as in their fake photo's! These are two email addresses used from the 'would be scammer'

  11. Well I would have to say I was a victim to a person claiming to be MSgt. Nicholas Thomas.Wow, had just the right thing to say however he too lost his wife in a tragic auto accident, had one daughter and is in Afghaistan.He requested the transit leave, even had bank account details that if I sent and the accounts officers name was Albert Phillips, claimed they set me up an account and to pay the transfer fee to transfer all his pay to this account set up for me.1.6M and change.I didnt do this yet they even sent me a moneyabck guarantee for the cost of the ticket from Gen.Rolando Melendez of the US Army.So beware of goes by nicktom, and This one he will IM through. Makes me sick that so many good men are over there and would like to receive mail from the outside and now I would never write to any of them.Lesson learned and dont believe everything you read!!

  12. I am from Australia i had a solider contact me from Iraq,who lost his wife in auto accident brother died at 37 ,both parents dead,,,,,,well i question all this but to top it off he was retiring from the army and wanted to relocate with the right woman,he was pretty good scamer as he had me confused,but then ask for money when at the airport ,he was bringing me a gift,then i received a nasty email from customs stating i knew Paul Chapman and his daughter Latoya and i needed to get documents for ownership and orgin....well yes money ,hence i reported it to to the 3 sites for scamming,i was happy to find out the real person was a live and is married with two children and knows of this ID theft,which made me happy.

  13. I encourage readers that if they have a scammer to report to send it to us via email so we can post it, along with any photos and other information you may have. It will reach more people that way, and more people will be warned before they too are scammed.

  14. anyone hear of a sgt major simeon danvenport

  15. sgt as i write this he is asking me for $3200 for leave!

    1. Do u have a pic of this guy ? I'm sure he is doing the same to me right now

    2. i too am being contacted by this person and i have stated to him that i think he is scamming me to which he has said his name was stolen and is being used by the wrong people... as yet he hasnt asked for money and im so confused ....

    3. There is nothing to be confused about. You got the info he is a scammer and an obvious liar, if you don't want to believe that and would prefer taking a chance on his LAME lie that his pic was stolen, that is on you. He will ask you for money, they all do, since that is the only reason they are dealing with you in the first place. Maybe when he does you wont be confused anymore?

    4. Hi ive been also talkin to David Milo but different email ive read some other emails bout him that the real one was found an is aware of the scams. How would i know if hes the real one.

    5. He isn't. That is more than obvious. You will see when he asks you for money.

    6. David Milo has been talkin with me for awhile now. I know its all a scam, is there anywhere to report this. Ive read other emails where hes doin the same. Someone said that the real david was found an is aware of this. Is there anyway to stop this since the real david hasnt?

    7. Could someone please share a photo with me? He is also chatting with me and has been for a long time, trying to convince me he is the real deal, I know he isn't, but I need to see a picture please

  16. Mark Pedersen Butler claims to be in Afghanistan. He has carried on long converstations with me and claims to love me, even though we have not met. He wants money for a phone so he can talk with me. He only uses Yahoo IM. He tried to get me to send money by western union. That lead me to do some research and found out he has done this to many people. Watch out for him!!

  17. yes Mark Pedersen Butler and of course I fell for it I am now broke because of it AND I am being told he is currently in the hospital in a coma and that is why he did not make his flight his new identity is sgt.taylorjason42 who is claiming to be writing me on Mark's Behalf. one daughter both parents have passed away I have no idea how to upload the photos he has sent me and those that he claims are his daughter

    he also has an attorney address that he is using and claiming we have married by proxy

    I wish I knew where to turn with this so that I could get some financial relief

  18. My Sister in Law has been contacted from a guy, she sent me a picture of him, and oh my to die for, says he's the real deal! I tried to warn her, she understands that he's taken over his families business in Africa that own a gold business, his Dad is Canadian his mom is from Africa, they live in Canada, and is raising his only child,his wife died a few years ago from heart condition. He has a Florida phone number, and she lives in Florida, he's only 3 hrs away he says, he proved he was real, and that he is who he is by getting on the web cam. I tried to warn her but she is reluctant to listen. She said he only texts and yahoo messages, and she did call him Friday and that he was pre-occupied, because he was getting ready to fly to Africa on Sat for business. His name is David Woodman, anyone hear from him as well? She has no money so he's barking up the wrong tree, he said once he gets back they will meet, and wouldn't mind moving to the same town so they can continue to work on the budding relationship!

  19. oh yes there are many ways to cheated the women there trust the true love--and they are good the men there do it,Soldier there love you find a lot of money together with there compani--and ask you about he could send for you--I be asked to times.frist time I said no--dont hear more--next time I said yes because I want to know whats going on--everything was paid--but when it cames to the airport it be scanned and the agent there scould came with the pack need 1500 dollars to go through:-) he did not get any from me. There are other there asking for help to friend to get on dating sites over your facebook site---dont do it--its also because they so can hide .
    Other..not soldiers use that they go to europe for work and then something are rong with creditcard--so need to loan--or there machine dont work they need money to make it--or they have a big check--send a copi there will go a month before they get cash and want to loan. some names: rubertus Harings--benjaminn scott-james collins-mark pollo- Josh Restemayer- chris rodney donovan fisher--right now I dont remember more--but take care--I was stupid loan out about 5000 dolllars:-) stupid--but now I have learn--he was about 5 month to get the first money. But all the other fall in true love after 3-4 mail--so it was easy to wait and see what the story was--so all women out there TAKE CARE never loan money out or give.

  20. I have been chatting with James Collins...says he is in Afghanistan....just recently asked me to send his daughter in Ghana, staying with friends while he is deployed...She needed a laptop computer and I phone 5...she is supposedly 8 years old. Smell a scam...Too bad they use teh miliary as their cover. Here is what I sent to him....
    I suspect since I have not heard from you, you have figured out that I am on to your scam.
    The post office would not send to the name and address you gave me as they are registered as scam names and addresses. Ghana....come on BIG RED FLAG!
    After further checking GOOGLE search engine. Indeed the name Andy James PO Box you provided is a scam address.. Nothing gets by people now.

    Do you think I am to believe that your daughter's items were stolen..that is what insurance is for? to replace stolen items.
    That she can't do her school work? Remember I work for a school district.
    Why can't these so called wonderful friends purchase the items for your daughter and then you can pay them back?
    Asking someone you have only known ON LINE to make this very specific purchase and send to a country known for dishonesty is beyond reproach.

    It is unfortunate that you used the military as your guise (if you are indeed in the military). You shame our poor men and women.
    I would think that you would have a more productive use of your time than to take advantage of people.

    Believe in GOD....I don't think so.

    My only regret is the I could not tell you to your face these things. But come to think of it would be too much of my personal integrity and energy to speak to some one as dishonest as your self.
    Your dishonesty and lack of morals, integrity and honesty will bite you in the ass.
    You are reprehensible.

  21. Just so you all know David Milo is at it again. His new profile can be found on and his user name is yugtuuj. claims to be 38, in atchinson kansas.. and 5'5.. amazing. like i would fall for his tricks again.. watch out ladies!

  22. Is this the same guy Thomas daniel Milo on he claims to be a Sgt E1 who's parents are both dead and half brother is a drug atticted if so he sent me fraud money grams to chase for him 3 in the amount of 980. And I was suppose to send him only $500 of it if so if it is the same guy the email I have from him is

    1. Dan Milo is a scammer: try this email.
      he claims to be a retired civil engineer, half Turkish and half british. then he is half Spanish and half American...

  23. all know jack wilson scammer from africa

  24. Has anyone ever heard of Col. Michael Purple, Army National Guard n Afghanistan or how about Felix Davidson in Amman, Jordan. I have been contacted by both of them with the same scenario - fill out a form to request leave and send money.

  25. Does anyone have pics of these guys? And do any of these guys claim to be in Syria and crashed a tanker and now can't leave because they have to pay for the tanker??

  26. U.S. Sergent Rodney Sepul, handsome AF. Total scam. A real good tear at your heartstrings story, lost his wife in child birth is the single Father of their only child who is in Military Child services until he returns from his mission in Afghanistan which he is being deployed to tomorrow if I don't send $2000-$5000 for his emergency 2week to 6 month leave. Ummm... Be Safe in Afghanistan?

  27. I have been talking to Barry Chandler who's a colonel station in Kabul Afghanistan on a peace keeping mission. We talk over messanger for a couple of weeks. Then he asked me for 750.00 to pay for internet so we could keep in touch he didn't won't to loose me. He has a facebook page... He told me I would have to send the money to a agent..ok Im not stupid told him I would not send because the army furnishes what they need.. Barry's wife and child pass away 10 years ago in a car accident and he is a only child from Chicago, Illinois both parents have passed away also...He has sent me his ID and pictures He said he does not have access to his funds and he gives 10,000.00 a mth to charity here in the states.. not done... now he can't live without me (right) he not eating or sleeping so.. now he ask me to write a letter about my health problems to so I did and didn't forget to tell him Hi.. I received a letter from the patriots asking me to send 450.00 and when he's back the patriots will refund my money.. right well still not sending any money would like to find out what is really going on!! He has talked to another lady who I contacted off his friends list asked her for money also..who and what do I need to do? He knows I don't believe him and he is trying to scam me but still talking over 2 mths now gets mad has a temper when I don't send the money but has not given up have a message that just popped up... He also in Hangouts ladies be ware he talks a good talk but im not fallen for his lying ass please feel free to contact me if you have heard of Barry Chandler/Calhoun...

  28. very similar case with me. A female US soldier told me her husband was killed in a car accident and her parents were dead when she was at tender age.She has a daughter. she was in Afganistan raid a Taliban base and found money and gold.she said sent to me in a box ship through a red cross agent in Singapore. Then the shipping agent ask me to pay for custom in Indonesia.after that they said need insurance request by Airline. l refuse to pay. Then nothing came out of that shipment. Later she ask me to pay for her leave from the USArmy.ask for 1700 usd.for vacation for two weeks.when l check the name of the general that sign the e mail sent to me request to pay to an Indonesia lady in China construction bank account . then l read your Dangers of internet dating.Thank you for the blog want us. now l will stop communication with her .a Mary Kim Palacio.



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