We set up an account on an internet site and were contacted by scammers almost immediately. Here is one of the scammers who has contacted us and within 4 days - he asked for money!
Here is the first email smith p (Paul Smith) sent us along with the photo the scammer is using on Tagged.com.
smith p on tagged.com
Hi Baby, My name is smith paul and I will really love us to know each other better. Please, hit me up on YM. my ID is smithpaul5839@yahoo.com so we can have a chat. You may also leave me your Yahoo Id or hot mail Id for me to also add you to my list. i am on line now on yahoo u can buzz me if u get my mail so we chat on yahoo I await your reply. Regards, smith paul

His email address is smithpaul5839@yahoo.com
Over the past four days he has sent various letters professing his love. Most of them with poor spelling and bad grammar. Then he starts copying and pasting stupid love letters from God knows where...He is of course traveling for work, in AFRICA - what a surprise but will be back in the US soon. Within 4 days - JUST 4 DAYS - he asked for money in this email:
my love hope u got all my mail i have been sending to you i am just here to ask for ur help and hope u will not let me down on this due it new how love is going fine but i need u to help my friend it name is Justin Francis Stockheimer right now he is have a big problem is son is so sick and he lost is job i feel for him cos he is the only person that as been nice to me all my life he got me this job i am doing now and u no what it mean that when he is in pain now i can not help him out............my company ask me to travel to a country to work there just for two week and i have use some money to get some paper work done i do not have much in hand to help him with and u no i am not too rich like u do but i do not mind if u can help me with the small have i to send to my friend i have about $2500 to give to him but he still need more like about $1500 i do not no if u can help me with this .....i will be happy is u can help now cus i need to make my friend happy do u no what i told him about both of us the new love i have fine u and he was happy for me and u..but pls if u can`t help me that is ok but u can help me that will be fine
if u can`t help me just let me no but i will love u with all my heart and soul but my friend need help ok
Yeah, we are sure you will love us with all your heart - when we don't send you the money.