Friday, August 7, 2009

Nigerian Dating Scam on

And it appears these assholios are on too as yet another scammed victim details for us below!

I too was about to be scammed out of $300 (as a start) by someone who called himself Mike Smith. He finally told me he was in Nigeria and needed $300 to pay for a plane fare to come home to Kennesaw, Ga. and that he would repay me when he got here. He would not give me an address of where in Kennesaw he lived and told me that when I picked him up at the airport, he would lead me to his house. He did all the same things these scammers apparently do by writing these truly mushy e-mails and calling you all these sweet names, then wanting you to text them on their cell phones, set up Yahoo IM and so on.

I was very lucky to realize he was a scam because he would never answer my questions about himself and kept postponing the date when he was supposed to be arriving back to the states. I think the biggest giveaway was that he was in Africa and wouldn't say exactly where and then asked me to send him some money when he was supposed to be in the construction business. When I asked him why he needed to be there doing that kind of work, he said he traveled all over the world. My children were here at my house when all of this was taking place (when he asked me to send him money via Western Union and gave me someone else's name to send it to).

He told me to send the money to

Then he changd his mind and wanted me to use a Western Union Outlet and didn't want my son to know about this. I have our entire conversation from the Yahoo Instant Messenger printed out for my records. The picture he sent to me of what was supposed to be a picture of him was someone who looked too good to be true - much younger than the 55 years old he said he was, he appeared to be about 35 - 40 - and probably a male model. Of course, he said he would "fund" it to me when he came back home. Unfortunately, I did give him my home address because he wanted to send me flowers, which he did and his note was so sweet.

Like I said , just too good to be true. So now I have to delete all these things from my cell phone and computer but at least I didn't send him any money. I almost called the FBI but was told they are aware of this scam and so is the Nigerian government. So if anyone else has been writing to a guy call just know he's a real fake. He actually called my cell phone and his accent was anything but English - more like a Nigerian or other African accent and I could barely understand him. I have copies of all of his e-mails to me just in case I needed them. My son has helped me by going online and finding out more about these scams and I will make sure "Mike Smith" never contacts me again. It's just a shame they prey on hardworking, honest women looking for some nice man to spend time with and somewhere down the road, maybe marry!!


  1. The Nigerian scammers are all over is infested with this vermin!

  2. I too have been a victim of these online predators. I cannot tell you how stupid I feel, and how much money I lost. I hope this site helps people, and I wish I found it before I got scammed!

  3. Yes i too fell for a scam. This absolutely gorgeous guy with kids, beautiful pictures and romantic emails, phone calls and credible american accent. What started as a joke ended in me Losing money to Lukasz Kuzdub in Iridoko, Lagos, Nigeria. This is on He is now Kristidimplesdad instead of sinceresmilesdad. He is still on there now even tho i have told them. Ladies he is not real, believe it. Anita

  4. NAF Base Ikeja Lagos, pmb 21181, Ikeja Lagos 23401 Block P1 Flat5
    John Smith is his name this time!
    living in states but from UK
    Phone is +447024037960
    heart2heart200966 and hearts2heart200966 @yahoo,com
    HeartWorld20 on
    He is determined to make you his princess, his queen, and he will make enough $$ to impress you. He might have a dead wife, a child to raise, or parents who died in plane crash. He will compliment your life. He will have plenty of pictures, he might even have you talk with his child on the phone. He is persistant and consistant. He might be jealious. He will love you for eternity and he is going to make you his rich and lovely wife, after his short trip...but it will be soon my sweet, very soon. He is persistant and consistant. He writes email poetry but is a one liner IM'er. He does not want you to tell your family or friends about him. He is smart however he is he has not yet figured out how to use a cam or will say it's broken. He will need merchandise or money and will ask you to provide. He never lies and believes in God.
    God Bless that Country.

  5. NAF Base Ikeja Lagos, pmb 21181, Ikeja Lagos 23401 Block P1 Flat5
    John Smith is his name this time!
    living in states but from UK
    Phone is +447024037960
    heart2heart200966 and hearts2heart200966 @yahoo,com
    HeartWorld20 on
    He is determined to make you his princess, his queen, and he will make enough $$ to impress you. He might have a dead wife, a child to raise, or parents who died in plane crash. He will compliment your life. He will have plenty of pictures, he might even have you talk with his child on the phone. He is persistant and consistant. He might be jealious. He will love you for eternity and he is going to make you his rich and lovely wife, after his short trip...but it will be soon my sweet, very soon. He is persistant and consistant. He writes email poetry but is a one liner IM'er. He does not want you to tell your family or friends about him. He is smart however he is he has not yet figured out how to use a cam or will say it's broken. He will need merchandise or money and will ask you to provide. He never lies and believes in God.
    God Bless that Country.

  6. I caught this 2x in 1 week - p.williams0009 and anther one today gouchosmile or some such. I think the key is these scammers must use Yahoo IM cuz they go thru how to load it (wrong instructions for USA) and always have a single still photo of a nice looking guy in petrochemical or construction work. WATCH OUT! Catch them in first email if they have a minimal profile, 1 photo, and excuses why they are closing their acct and need to use Yahoo IM, THEN THEY ARE SCAMMERS!

  7. Be careful with ROBERT WRIGHT from Nigeria!! He asked my mom to send money for his soon who was sick at the hospital. My mom sent to him $350.- for Wester Union. He sent flower to my mom and he was asking for $400.- more.
    He use, Yahoo and NSN, here is his email:

  8. Michael Roberts claims to live in CA. but is in Nigeria scouting soccer players to sign up and bring over to the US. He is supposively from Madrid Spain and was a soccer player himself. He said he has a 13 year old son and his father passed away in Oregon prior to him moving to CA. His email address on YAHOO is and IM Roberts_cool101 When I started asking questions he is very vague and I asked him about the big furry black dog that was written in his profile and he said he did not have a dog....the next day his profile was deleted. I printed his profile prior to him deleting it and ask questions about the books he read based on what was listed in the profile and he could not answer other than what do you his last email he gave me his number +2348030453053. On Match his Username is Roberts4all and I also asked him about an emblem that was on his main profile picture and he could not answer that as well.....BEWARE

  9. Michael Roberts is still running his scam. Same story, same IM, same phone number. The photo was black last time I checked. And one other Robben Rossi notsoshyanymore300. Both from, where they sign on for 3 days to contact people with their fake stories. Neither has asked me for money, but one is quick to ask about the nearest airport and the other smoothly tells you he would fly home if he had someone to fly home to. wouldn't let me write what I wanted to in my profile about this characters. It's better to live single than to deal with these creepy people.

  10. Be Aware of these two Michael Roberts 2348030453053 and Robben Rossi 9-24666501
    They didn't get any money from me. I had read this information and played along until I got their phone numbers. Michael Roberts got nasty. Doesn't like people being the wiser.

  11. They are all over the site. I got winked at by one this morning. I was doing a search online and saw one of my friends with a fake profile. Someone posted three of his pics and said they/he lived in another part of California. I forwarded the profile to my friend and he was livid! He contacted Match and advised Match that his pics were being used to lure women into contact. They took his fraudulent/fake profile off and gave him a month free. These people obviously have the money to join, as they are all over the states. I found about 20 profiles (CA, NY and Texas). I am going to report to Match. The majority of men have themselves posted as widowers with children and cannot spell well. The profiles look like cut and pastes. It appears they are using either pics from magazines or other men's photos with profiles they mix up and make up used from other profiles. Beware and decipher the profiles!! Oh, and get this... I found one profile in NY and one in CA with the same wording. Totally fake profiles!!

  12. I cannot believe any of you women lost money or almost lost money due to these scams! How could you even think about giving money to a stranger on a dating site?!? I got an email from a very, very young looking guy and his profile says he has three kids; 16, 20 and 21! The guy barely looks 21 himself and his age is 35. The profile doesn't make sense at all. He says he was brought up in Connecticut yet writes; "I want make my woman happy and I happy when my women es happy." HELLO? Oh, and he's the owner of a company, but under profession, he's been working for a company for 31 years. There signs so be careful and read them!

  13. I am glad I found this site. I have been on Match two different times. I thought something was off. I have been contacted by a few different very good looking men with kids in their pictures and their pictures almost look like they might have been taken from the Internet or they are pictures from magazines. One guy had a nicely written profile, but in our emails, you could tell he was from another country. Then when I asked him about the way he spelled his words and his grammar, he got very defensive and said he was tired. Now I don't feel comfortable on this site after reading these postings, as I suspected that there were fakes on the site, but there seems to be so many now. Scary stuff and we are wasting our money because we can't tell who is on the up and up and who is not. I started browsing the site and now I am suspicious of quite a few profiles. There are many widowers on the site now and the profiles don't seem to match up!! Eventually I bet there will be a class action against

  14. is full of fake profiles. Most are listed as widowed, and may list as Native American + White Cauc or something else. They make mistakes like listing living in Tallahassee but looking for someone 100 miles from Jacksonville! ??? The photos help you detect these fakes. Very posed and blurred backgrounds... might be taken from a magazine. What ever you do, don't give anyone your phone number or personal information. You can't know who is real and who is scamming. What a waste of time and money. Defeats the whole purpose of a dating site when you only meet fakes. Read E=harmony has some too, but not like Match. Who knows. I'm not wasting any more of my money on these sites. Keep your eyes open if you decide to continue or try internet dating sites of any kind.

  15. I've had two people contact me in the last week who started the conversation asking me to contact them on yahoo IM... reported them both... I'm beginning to think many of the profiles are fakes. It's ridiculous and frustrating... I wonder how much time I've spent reading fake profiles. I was also wondering about all the widowers (when the men call themselves widows, you know it's fake). I'm 40 something and I don't think there are that many dead wives and kids out there...

  16. Another thing to notice is the age range they are interested in, like 27-52 or 35-65. Many widowed with a child they must take care of alone. Funny the child is usually in the teens and goes wherever their work takes them because the child wants to see the world before starting college in America. I've seen them list more than one item for ethnic and even a haircolor that doesn't match what's shown in the photo. Don't communicate with them through yahoo IM. They are fakes.

  17. Ladies need to be aware of a guy calling himself Michael Brail,says he's in the military and cant give you any information other then what he needs from a women and what life will be like with him when he gets back to the states. His wife died from cancer and his only family now is his son.. had a profile on I emailed them to let them know and I think they do not care because they are making money. This person will send you the sweetest email and say all the right things and then start asking you for money because he says he's got to get home from Afganistan on his own. PLS DO NOT SEND MONEY or anything else for that matter

  18. Yes, I noticed that the men's requested age range is even up to 70. One man put up to 80. Sure, because it is money that they are seeking if they can find someone dumb enough to comply. I reported several profiles to Match and they are still up. So, they do not care if these fakes are paying for a membership, because it is money Match is making. Since they are not taking down the profiles, Match is somewhat responsible. I know Match cannot monitor everyone who signs up, but if they being notified and do not take the profiles down (they'd still be making money), then they are responsible to a certain degree.

  19. is crap. If you haven't purchased membership... don't! It's full of fakes and a total waste of time and money. What you are buying are lies and deception. And someone is getting richer providing an avenue for this type of activity. If you do have membership. Be careful and don't resign to giving info or continuing communication through Yahoo IM.

  20. is making money off these fraudulent emails, so it seems they do not mind. I just signed up last week and when you do a search for "New" men, there are several widowers and/or divorced men with similar profiles. It seems they are posted daily and I even checked other states. You can tell they are fake. The wording is overkill. So bogus. So, this is what we are paying for? It's hard to trust anyone on the site. I am going to call and ask for reimbursement, as it's a waste of money and time.

  21. It happens to men too who join. No many US citizens listed who are the real thing and so many non-US citizens. Great idea but this type of site doesn't cut it. Not even good enough if you're not looking for a mate or date. Remember how writing a penpal used to work? It was fun and exciting and REAL. Sites like MATCH.Com are useless, wasteful, and just a terrible setup and poor attempt at what they claim/adverstise. I hope a lot of people read this and it goes belly up!

  22. I just bought a month's membership on and I am also seeing that there are obvious fake profiles on the site. What a waste of money. You don't know who is legitimate on Match. What a scam. I guess Match doesn't lose anything because these men must pay to have memberships if they can communicate with you. This one guy makes $75K a year and wants a women who makes $150K. HA, let's send these Nigerian men (or wherever they are located) lots of money!! SCAM! Yes, let's sign up for Match.scam!!! I am going to try and get my money back.

  23. I am glad I found this site! I thought something was weird. This good looking guy contacted me and his age preference is 18-121. He is 47 and his picture looks likes he's a kid. He is caucasian but the profile says he's latin. He writes like a 2nd grader (obviously doesn't know English very well) and says he lives in San Francisco but looking to meet women 50 miles from Syracuse, NY? HELLO? Now that I have read the other posts, I am so mad I paid for three months, because now I feel like this site is a big scam and I am sure it's not the only site like this. However, my friend met her boyfriend on It's my first time on a dating site after my divorce. Not sure what to think!?!

  24. I'm glad that I had read into scams before. I knew that the man on yahoo personals could not be real.His yahoo im or email is p.williams0009 Not all the profiles are fake. The reason I say that is cause I dated a person on yahoo personals for awhile.But this p.williams0009 is a scammer and fake!Be careful Ladies! Best to keep your dating local not abroad.

  25. There's a bunch of loonies on Match! I made plans to meet with this guy and he had to cancel because he was sick. I told him not to worry about it and that we'd do it another time. He called and left a message two weeks later (2 WEEKS). I had already forgotten about him. When I didn't call him back, he wrote to me and called me every four letter word and then left a VM for me. Nice. I guess it was a good thing I never met with him. Crazy person!

  26. sweetsmiles88 is the user name I was given tonite...claimed he was new to the site as of tonite and wanted to know my name and how things were going for me so far on the site...made up a name and told the truth abt the results (nothing much to tell really) after few more sentences mostly asking me stuff he stated his computer was slowing down from the Match Im and he urged me to move our very interesting conversation to yahoo IM...advised him I had no acct there to which he "pretty pleased" me to set one up...did not sound rite so I dic=onnected and did a search of his profile which it was not listed on their site..decided to search on teh net for more info...thanks for your site here...sounds like same thing noted above. Since I am a very suspicious and cautious person I decided why worry abt being perceived as rude, whoever this is has no idea who I am and I plan on keeping it that way so w/o further comment tohim I shut it down. Thanks again guys

  27. loveisgreat62 is another widower with 2 children, speaking with a British accent. He used 2 names Mark West and Mark Hopper, which when confronted with scam alerts on both names, easily annoyed him. He also wanted $ from Nigeria, while on work assignment. The energy that they put into these scams must be expensive for them because they must keep track of all the different dating sites , women with different histories...
    Empower yourself to be creative with your own screening, because they repeat the same scenarios, the same love letters, but they always trip and fall and you will know, especially if you ask early on for a meeting in a very public domain with 20 of your closest friends.
    Speak to your law enforcement agencies about techniques to protect yourself, post ordinary profiles, check their ability for spelling and grammar and knowledge of geography and the laws regarding requests for money to foreign countries.
    The scammers will get very nervous and anxious because they will not expect your knowledge. They think that their love letters provide them immunity from your questions. These scammers have existed since the beginning of mankind and on-line dating sites are there for profit, not for your protection.

  28. This guy wrote to me yesterday and I noticed his grammar was odd, so I asked him if he was from the US and the he asked if I had a good sense of humor. I said you have to have one if you're going to be on Anyway, he said he was from America and he couldn't spell and nothing he meant to write made sense. When I started asking him questions, he stopped writing. I browsed the site and there are so many "widowers" w/kids with profiles that are written so poorly. The pics look like magazine shots. I know I am repeating what has been written, but it's my first time on this site. Now I want to be reimbursed, because how can you trust anyone on the site. How do you know which profiles are real? Well, at least a lot of us are catching on before we make any stupid mistakes. I am so suspicious anyway when it comes to Internet dating.

  29. I had communication with i think "safesmile" cant't quite remember as i chose to bloke the memory, again wife had died, moved to borders in Scotland from USA, mum looking after son in Italy. I thought the circumstances and grammar in emails odd but because he lived in a rural border town ith gave me false security, anyway i had not heard of such scams.

    From Nigeria he called in a panic asking for $350.00 as his UK travellers cheques could not be canceled and he said his Mum died from cancer the week previous.

    I felt sick in the stomach I did not know what to do, was it a scam or was it liegite any way i was very lucky but still stupid, as i was in the post office sending the money order, a nigerian gentleman who married an old school mate stopped me outside the post office and told me to cancel it immediately. Moneygram is great i got my money back.


  30. I just discovered Mark West from is a scammer. It seemed very odd that he's in love so soon. He's a widower, married for 25 years. Two chilren (complete with pictures)living with their grandmother in Italy. He just emailed me that he has to make an urgent journey to Saudi Arabia then to Africa... How much do you want to bet when he's in Africa he will ask me to send him some money or cash some money orders? Is there any way to turn this guy in? What tipped me off was a love poem... sounded strange after only 3 I googled the words and poof! He's a known scammer (may not always go by the name Mark West-name and pictures may vary, but the stories are oh so similar... here's the poem folks:

    Dear Angel,

    Some of the most superb feelings and tingling emotions come from what love an Angel, such as yourself, and I make. Our world, as we have come to see it, has no bearing and an infinite boundary when we are locked lips to lips. No one person can sever that bond of nothing but pure affection and intimate passion. We are the Angels of Our Heaven and with merely our names to live with. A name, which consists of nothing more than symbols of a language taken for granted. I would soon rather speak nothing. A true test of love of which we have accomplished merely by the elucidation in our eyes.

    Earth moves with such apathy that only Our Heaven can keep the pace of our devotion for one another. As slow as the heart beat of a goliath at rest. Why would the world seem so passive? I believe it is a chance for us to make our own time to spend together. It is love. It is what binds the thoughts of all beings trying to understand it. It appears that you and I have fallen into love, without having looked for it. This is Heaven and we are the Angels of Our Name....

    Affection Always,

    Your Heaven's Angel

    OMG! Give me a break!

  31. Okay...all this sounds way too familiar.The only differences in my story and all these are that I was on Eharmony...and that I found the REAL person with the name used by my scammer.Apparently,any photos and information that you send them in emails will also be used to lure in men.How ironic,right? My guy was from New Zealand,living in London,deceased parents,helping manage a company owned by his late father.He gave me a London phone number,but didn't sound anything like what I expected.Now I know that they will ask to have you buy a cell phone so that you can talk without international charges,or for them to use during a visit to the states.Of course,you'll have to use your address in order for them to have a local number.I'm sure that's how he came to have a London cell phone number.I"m nosy,and did a google search on my own and,surprise! found my guy in New Zealand! Pretty impressive stuff too! I wondered,"Why wouldn't he mention something like that?" Then,I found him on Facebook.All his information and pics matched the stuff I had found on google.Noticed some discrepencies in his story to me though.Did a friend request.Got a reply that he didn't know who I was.The fake guy said that somone had changed his password and he couldn't get back on Facebook,not to write him there until he got it fixed.(I found an article in the newspaper about AT&T iphones bringing up the wrong facebook accounts,so I thought it might be true.)When I questioned him about the things that didn't match up,he emailed me a copy of his passport!!!! Something didn't feel right,so I sent a notice to the Facebook guy,telling him that I had an email containing his passport.He replied,and told me that the same thing had happened to him..with a woman! She was supposedly from the U.S.,with parents from the UK and Italy (to explain the accent).Once he was hooked,she needed money to come visit,and a copy of his passport for a visa.We have talked on the phone,and the REAL guy has a GREAT new Zealand accent! (and is very,very nice!)Now,I suppose,my info will be used to scam some poor guy....I hope they have the same luck in hooking a guy that I have...BAD!!!lol Thankfully,I didn't send any money!!!

  32. I had a bad expereience on as well. An alleged guy from Norway living in US importing gold and gems from Ghana...he has all of these calamities and needs money as he is being scammed and did not bring enough money with him...similar attributes, poor grammar, widower with a son, dead parents...he may have one or more profiles on match puredove48 was one of them. He is very persuasive but his schemes to get his gold out of Africa went from extorting me to possible money laundering. Not only can you lose money but be prosecuted for crimes...I have an MBA and picked up on these and shut him down...I believe he was a part of a ring out of Ghana-beware of Richard Heribert, son Jerome.

  33. scam. Heavenslove49 is also Nigerian scammer. Claims to be widowed petro chemical engineer living in Philadelphia with his daughter Lisa. Owns 2 ships and buys oil from Nigeria to sell to other countries. Goes by the name David Collins, with daughter Lisa. So far, has not asked for any money. Probably won't since I made up story that I'd been fired (that day) from my job and was worried about paying my bills. I even asked him if he'd pay my bills, to which he graciously agreed. After reading all the other comments, I'm disappointed that I joined match. From what I can tell, the only way to report is while viewing suspicious profile; well, he's turned it off. If anyone knows how to report to match, please post.

  34. Fred Oscar might still be on match. He always changes his e mail addie, he's supposedly Italian, living i Fredericksburg, MD (Fred from Fredericksburg?). This isn't even an Italian name. What threw me was that when he called me, he barely spoke English, but DID speak Italian. I believe that there was more than one Fred. The one good photo I have is of a cute white guy with blue eyes,kinda young looking. Story is his wife and son were killed in a terrible car accident, and now he raises his daughter, is an importer/exporter of stuff..
    After he talked me into setting up a Yahoo IM, I started a background check on him, all over the internet, and there is only his name, no other info. I checked around the MD area to see if there had been any horrible car accidents in the past 8 years, found nothing with his wife's and son's name. He fell "madly" in love with me after 2 e mails from me, and I thought that was creepy. He too wrote me really bad poetry, which I have saved. One of them was called, "I Care".... that's not much. I mean, my cat CARES about me, nothing more.
    I think has been set up by these scammers, and this is a brilliant way to find people, since they've already been outed about the e mail scams. is earning a lot of money from subscribers, and they may even get some kickback money from these scams, even if they are not directly involved.
    So, I wonder about all the other dating sites. Just because they advertise on TV does not make them legit. It was my first and only time I signed up and paid for a dating service, and I will never do so again. I'd rather be a single, crazy lady with a house full of cats.
    I must admit that after "Fred" began to insist that I send him money, and he called me one last time, it was a guy who had a really thick Nigerian accent, and I called him on all of it. I have friends from that area, I know how they sound. He kept denying everything, but I just IMed him and told him I hate him.

  35. William David Gibson -, Says he is a technical engineer living in Portland Oregon with a 17 year old daughter and a drug addict ex wife who is terminal with cancer. Ex and daughter living in Africa because bad people came to their house and threatened to kill them. Same theme as most other scammers. Bogus phone number and address. He even had his "daughter" email me. Kept up the scam for almost a month until he asked for money for an operation for his daughter.

  36. Watch out for David Collins....wife died 5 years ago. Has a daughter Lisa 8 years old. He fell in love with me after about 2 e-mails. Wanted off and IM'ed on Yahoo. In Nigeria because he is an exporter/importer of oil. Owns 2 ships. For some reason he has been gone from the US about a month (instead of 1 week), because paperwork in his business keeps being delayed. Hasn't asked for money yet, but I am somewhat playing along with him. I'm sure it is just a matter of time.

  37. Beware of Richard Heribert , son Jerome and calls himself 'whitedove',
    He is a scammer and says he lives in Sydney , Australia . He is charming so beware , but his english is atrocious!!!

  38. Lana James is "her" name. I met "her" on I was just scammed in the past 2 weeks out of over $3,000 to get her here to Oklahoma. I feel like such an idiot for falling for one of these scams. She claims she is 28 years old living in Lagos, Nigeria and is a hair stylist. She says she lives with her mother there who is doing work with the elderly. A georgeous looking dark skinned girl who would send almost any kind of picture requested and wrote english very well. I even spoke with "her" on the phone twice. Her Yahoo IM name is lana5003 and on match she was Hawlana. She claims her father me her mother on business in the UK, then got her mother to come to the U.S> to live with him where she was born in white plains, New York. Dont let this profile trick you guys.

  39. Well, I feel like a stupid fool and am not searching online a lot. so just found this and wish I had found it sooner.. just got taken BIG time.will take me a few years to recover..did send a lot of money as he kept stringing me along...

  40. Richard Heribert with son Jerome, appears again..He found me on Good looking man and even sent a picture of him and a young boy, whom is suppose to be his son. Sent me a dozen Red Roses for Valentines day and candy. Morning emails every morning... called me every night for 2 weeks straight... Bottomline is thanks to prayers from my friends to GOD about him.. and them being directed to this site.. I was able to not get scammed into loosing $$... In fact, the end result in this case is that I let him know I knew he was a con and let him know that using GOD's name in a fashion to position himself to get what he needed to assist him in his endeavors, is only going to end in his destruction... End results is that I let him know to not bother me anymore and I would pray for him vs.. "prey on him" to get out of this sad game he is playing.. Bottomline, if something appears to good to be true.... well it probably is... Buyer beware..

  41. known as Mathew Vasques is 48; from Texas with a 12 year lod boy living in WHERE, Niegeria and will be home in 30 days; wife killed in car wreck, raising son alone, has not asked for anything, but is smooth and speaks french- says he is french. whatever..I did not get taken, but his last IM from yahoo IM says he is getting his check next week and wants to cash it in Dallas-- convenient. IM also: matvri, or mathew vasquez@yahoo

  42. OMG!! I am overwhelmed with all of this information!! I should have searched scams weeks ago! Beware of CORRIGHAN DELANEY!!!!! He goes by Corrie. His match name is CORRADLESS although he has removed his profile as of yesterday. Says he is 46, from Atlantic Beach, Florida (Jacksonville), wife died 1.5 years ago in a car crash, has a 2 year old son named Shane Delaney. He is originally from Ireland and was overseas in UK working. He was so sweet and very complimentary. We talked on yahoo IM for hours and when we finally spoke on the phone I kept thinking that he didn't sound Irish at all! Finally after about 2-3 weeks he said he had been offered a new contract to commence April 1st. I told him how proud he should be and he said it was a once in a lifetime offer. A few days later he told me that he had to pay a pre-contract fee of $5500. What???? I've never heard of such a thing. He asked me for $2500. I immediately put on the breaks. I told him that I didn't have the money. At this point I was completely skeptical but kept corresponding. He asked me for money on 5 different occasions and within 4-5 days. The last conversation we had he told me that he knew I had the money and that I was being greedy and stingy. At that point I immediately logged off yahoo IM and later saw an offline message from him saying "Don't U ever IM me again." Don't worry, Corrie!!! I did, however, do some reasearch along the way. I searched the local newspaper for an obituary for a Maribel Delaney...none. He wasn't listed on white pages, etc. Nothing added up. Also, the photos that he sent (amazingly handsome) were obviously from a cruise ship. I've wondered if the scammer could have worked for the photographer on the cruise lines and just plucked those photos. Man, what a mess. I have reported him to under the "report a concern". Ladies, beware!!! I would like to add that I have met about 6 guys on that have been just lovely. Very handsome, well mannered, professionals but simply not the one for me. It's not all bad you just have to use that intuition that God gives us. If there is something that doesn't add up.........check it out!!!

  43. I was in touch ,with this mathew vasquez, who was amazing in all his stories, very convincent,Iwas caugth by him, at on January,since then a lot nice letters,chating,sweetiy words and a deeply love letters and yes same,was french,and also american, living in texas, son Mike 12y.old but whom suddenly got seriously sek, just 2 wk ago very affectioned,called me askiing for help. for few $2000.00 telling me "our"son had needing assistence for a quirurgical problem, impossible to getting check from work but imposible to cash it there in Nigeria.. and yes I tried to help and I went the local american consulate where they alert me about nigerian scammers, I let him know about it but he denied all,In my opinion this history should be real, but this could be happened maybe 50 ys ago.and is the inspiration for remodeling similar stories around
    Now I felt so sad, cuse was my first entrance in any kind of this sites of dating, and here we are with broken heart,and all illussions felt apart, even when I still having my pocket no empty.
    I searched inf at whartton, found a local phn number, then I called to Mathew at the ad in whartton tx and YES HE IS AT HOME BUT AMAZING HE LOST 24 YRS old! YOUNG AND NO 47 yrs, AS matvri told me.
    the scam will be in find a convenient place where he´ll cash his chek.and the problems for do it ok?. be smart ladies
    if someone can tell me how can I meet the real Mathew vasquez that is no a model, seems be just a nice with beatiful smile regular person,
    I know this man should be anywhere safe hopefully

  44. Has anyone heard of a Jamie John Miller. He claims to be from Michigan, has 2 children, and is widowed for 2 years. He says he's an engineer finishing up a big project. He says he was born in Jamica, does speak pretty good English but does have an accent. He did send me flowers and chocolates.

  45. Do you have any reciept or can you get one for the flowers and chocolates? The scammers send those all the time, with STOLEN CREDIT CARDS.
    You really should try and find out asap, before THEY come to YOU for recieving stolen goods.

  46. Ladies please watch out for the following men on LOVESOMEONE48 and FULLVIEW360 they come over so sweet and sincere but I have never known such scamming in my life.One is a flight attendant the other a contractor. I am still reeling from the scams these men pulled or tried too.

  47. Ladies on
    Please watch out for LOVESOMEONE48 and FULLVIEW360, one is clearly nigerian and calls himself Charles, the other is American and calls himself Mark, they opperate the same way and are just out to scam money from you, they fall in love with you and then the requests start. both are charming and even cute when you look at the pictures you would never believe they could stoop so low.

  48. Watch ladies,, looking fro lady in texas. he said was raised in France, with a child 12 yrs old. says a good man fear inGod, civile engeneer working for a while in lagos Nigeria, he said wil have a huge check already, but in reality his behaive belongs, a scammer, cuse he asking for money, before he comes to you.his Im is mathew vasquez pretending he will marry you and so on...writte here if you hear about him, or knoww something .he says is from texas usa.

  49. Add me to the list of "HOW CAN I BE THIS STUPID?" I too was winked to by a "wonderful man" on, NICEFORME111. He says he is a widower of 9 years, an only child, American born but mother was Belgian and he was raised in Belgium. He is a world citizen tasting all the flavors life has to offer. A beautiful picture he hides behind, uses the name of Alan Edwards, says he is opening a new jewelry business in Casa Blanca, New Mexico and is the sweetest talker you will ever come in contact with. He couldn't give me his mailing address so I could send him a birthday card on March 18 or a phone number.....BUT he won a contract from a wholesaler and had to rush to Accra Ghana to buy jewels for this new project. Amazingly enough, when he arrived, he decided he would like a birthday gift, a PSPgo. A $250 dollar item!!!! What nerve. And then he wants me to send it to some Ebenezer Ono who is supposedly the manager of the Jarcort Hotel....I can't seem to locate such a place by the way. Wants me to send it to his personal address because that way the hotel manager will make sure he gets it. Then he claims his laptop crashed and wants me to help him out or he can't conduct his business. BITE ME!!! WAY TOO MANY RED FLAGS. IF HE WAS A WORLD BUSINESS MAN AS HE CLAIMS, and supposedly had all this security with him, why the hell couldn't he be able to conduct his business without his laptop?

    I confronted him, because I'm not the desperate widow he thought I was, and he stammered and stuttered and I sent him hikin! What a jerk. I also told him SHAME ON YOU for posing as a widower and stalking women and PROFESSING TO BE SUCH A MAN IN GOD. I told him one day he was going to meet his MAKER face to face and would be held accountable. What an ugly, ugly world.

  50. The guy that tried to scam me is Thomas Hamilton from Houston, TX or so he claimed. He even gave me two phone numbers which when I googled them were U.S. phone numbers. I pretty much new he was a scammer when he started calling me "sweetheart" and "baby" after the first week. He told me to go on my way when I refused to open up a pay pal account in my name "To protect his information" so he could give an orphanage in Mexico (he claimed to have traveled to Mexico). When I refused to do this for him that is when he told me I needed to move on that he couldn't believe I didn't trust him enough to do this. We had only been talking for about a month on yahoo IM. He also took his profile off yahoo personals right away after sending me his email so we could chat on IM. I told him I knew he was a low life scammer and left it at that. He claims to be from HOuston. So all beware of The fake Thomas Hamilton.

  51.; mathew vasquez;; math78lol, mat678lol;

    Nigerian scammer-- Looking for women from Texas; says 48 from wharton, TX; has cute 12 year old boy-- he asked for money because he was robbed--BS, coming home in 30 days; favorite team is MANU;

    fun talking to him till you figure it is a scam!! too bad-- he does not exist!! his address is:

    matvri (7:00 AM): 43, Adebowale street, Saabo, Ojodu.
    matvri (7:01 AM): city is: Ikeja
    matvri (7:01 AM): State is : Lagos
    matvri (7:01 AM): Zip Code: 23401

    his phone: 0112348021018431 the PIG!!!

    He asked for money-- I told him I was on a cruise in Mexico and not able to assit-- I was at home sitting in bed-- watching him go crazy trying to IM and email/ and phone call me. DID NOT WORK-- I just got another text--
    I am did not get taken

  52. Wow did not know why I was so inclined to do a search on Mathew Vasquez but so glad I did. I have been emailing him the last week and on the surface looks really good - glad I found out now before he asked for money - going to shut that yahoo account down tonight. currenly he is going under he is using the same MO as above 12 year old Mike - in Lagos coming home in a month - rather have egg on my face than empty pockets. This was my first attempt at on line dating - think I will stay single.

  53. "Mike West" still scamming on match - conversation moved to yahoo immediately and profile disappeared. But all the bad English and bad grammar were an obvious giveaway. There's another one that's contacted me on match asking me to correspond to a yahoo account also - I'll try and report both to match but their profiles have disappeared.
    How can they have so many profiles in so many places on match and so many different email accounts on yahoo?

  54. I met my sweetheart scammer on, take a look at profiles: SH94547746 & SHA2510 (Christian,44yrs,Engineer).But I've seen him on too.This man is on several dating websites, just different profiles.
    Ok, all of the above took place (intimate emails, asked me to wire £1k I DID NOT to my 'husband' in Lagos,Nigeria, etc).When I confronted this liar on Yahoo-IM, his last words 2me were "F**K you & your Money." I thought this was the last I'd hear off him.Then around 4wks l8r, he hacked into my hotmail account & sent an email to all my contacts, asking them to look on an eletrical website from China. I immediately warned all my contacts not to open his attachment.I'm now waiting to see what he attempts to do next...


  56. On too, profile name is in2ahealthylife. The guy on the photos looks amazingly gorgeous. Too good to be true. Yesterday he posted himself as separated and he has now changed it as a widower. Watch out girls!!! It is a scam...More to come as he is on the watch too. BE CAREFUL!!!

  57. I am so glad I found this. I have two of them -

    sosweet707;petrochemical engineer;email

    I have already had him removed.

    torrence110;construction contractor;email

    He is still active on


  59. HARIS JACKSON/Alex333 (a professional scammer) on Also his picture (under different profiles) is on www.j-singles,, etc. HIS PICTURE IS BLACK CURLY HAIR & GYPSY LOOKIN. All his words are over the top from the start til the finish when he asks you to wire him money to Nigeria via Western Union. So far I've seen him as;

    PURE VERMON THIS MONSTER... he'll expect u 2 call him! He's acts quickly & everythin is a whirlwind romance - 2 gud 2b true.

  60. Look at two identical pitures on www.shaadi.cow with two completely different profiles!
    SH94547746 (44yrs, Engineer)
    SH24658874 (40yrs, Contractor)

    You can look for FREE (you don't need to be a member), just search under PROFILE.

    BEWARE - this gypsy man is on ALL dating sites & will always demand money 2b wired to Lagos, Nigeria.
    He's becoming sooo obvious now, just take a look at him very easily recognizable!! DARK CURLY HAIR (as mentioned above).
    DON'T GIV HIM UR REAL EMAIL ADDY - HE WILL HACK INTO IT SOMEHOW & PESTER YOU BY A VIRUS EMAIL TO ALL YOUR CONTACT LIST. He did this to me & I woz reli humiliated by him - I jus wanted to rip his heart out.

  61. Beware of CORRIGHAN DELANEY... My story is the same as the prior post on Feb 23rd regarding this individual. Met on Match etc. He asked for $4500 to secure next contract overseas. I thought it was odd and starting investigating on line dating scams. Took the test to identify a scammer and found that he fit the profile. I called him on it and forwarded the test along with the positive red flags about him. He did not deny it.
    Kind of creepy not knowing who I was in communication with. Not to mention I shared pics of me which I'm sure his ring will use to lure a guy.

  62. CORRIGHAN DELANEY IS A SCAMMER... Met him on Same story as the earlier post on 2/23/10. Wanted $4500 to secure next overseas contract. Investigated the red flags and sure enough he had many indicators of a scammer. I called him on it and no denial. He uses a picture of a handsome white guy but obviously not who I was in contact with.

    Email is and

    Here's a sample of what he writes:
    "you give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you. I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful though. In this short time that we've been together, we have grown so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. "

  63. William Gibson or scammed me. He said he was an engineer. He kept having things come up so we couldn't meet. He had his daughter email me. He wanted me to send money through Western Union to Nigeria. I see he has done this to other people. Can't do something about this?

  64. Be aware of ladysky. Also goes by Paris Morgan. She claims she lives in St. Louis, MO but is in Nigeria for work selling antiques. Claims her wallet got stolen and needs money to eat. Knowing something was up, I asked her how much and she said $2100. Thats a lot of food to buy.

  65. Ill try and report both to match but their profiles have disappeared.

  66. WOW this is all so familiar. I met two cons on Luckily I did get my money back from match but that will cover the long distance bills I am sure. Be on the look out for David Cruz and Nick Robin. These people are very persistent. I had heard about this scammers from Nigeria but very knew very little until he asked for 4000 dollars I wasn't too sure. I thought I was being too cynical but I was right. The fact that these people use God as part of their con is beyond sinful. Nick wanted my pasword for match as a sign of trust and I never dreamed they would steal a profile but he did. Once I was doubting this guy I went back into match to unhide my profile and it was not there. I contacted Match but there is no way to contact them by phone so I left an email about my concern and then without a note, email or contact they refunded my money to my card. Now I wonder if they aren't part of this whole scam. The phone #s I had been given to contact them are 44-702-401-0884, 44-702-407-0728 and 234-805-583-4752. One of these guys was an architect and the other a nurse. I'd bet they are real people who's profiles were stolen as well. I will tell everybody I know about this and Match and I am going to contact a news station and radio stations so they can do more stories about these people and get this information out there and warn more people thinking about joining a dating site what to look for. I also think someone should investigate Match itself because I get the feeling they are part of this scam. Once I paid my money I got several im's and winks. It was like there was a direct link to these people. Do not beleive anyone who says they love you before you have met and of course if it sounds too good to be true it is!!!!!!!

  67. Yet another scammer met on He goes by the name of Raji Ahmed. He claims to be born in Turkey, lives in the United States, but is an Architect building a hotel in South Africa. His email address is He says he has a little boy that is 6 years old and he will even send pictures. He even sent one of his little boy in the hospital and needed money! Also says his wife died of cancer when the child was 1 year old. I ask what type of cancer she had, and he said prostate cancer! LOL I asked him if his wife was a man. Thank goodness I never sent him a dime. BEWARE! I called to complain and they do nothing! Stay away from this site!

  68. Well ladies another one for the books. His name is Frank Robson phone number 0112348026019381. I caught him posting two different profiles at the same time, same picture, different user name on He claims as most, he is working a construction job in Lagos, needs money to get his check from thew Governemnt and is stuck there with his kids if I didn't help. Women beware

  69. How about's puregrace69 / Robert Dante / Glenn Dale MD? Widowed with 2 kids. I've been letting this play out, with the alarm bells going off but nothing I could prove out one way or the other. Born in Italy, raised in UK, moved here to start over. Structural engineer, independent contractor. UK Mobile, cockney accent. Good english/grammar. Supposed to meet within 2 weeks. Just got the note that the dreaded calamity has struck while on a trip back to UK. Told him to IM me tonight. This should be interesting! Rest assured, no money will be sent.

  70. I've encountered an Adam Matthew Vasquez-same story-11 yr old son, lives in toledo, Ohio but is a civil engineer working in Lagos, Nigeria. Will be home sometime this month but can't put a date on it-just whenever he is done. His yahoo id is either cutemat89 or entadamman-yahoo email is he's french, divorced his wife 5 years ago, caught her in bed with his best friend, a year after they divorced, she died in a car crash. Parents dead, he was adopted out of an orphanage in France. Only child, etc. Sending money was never an option-I don't have nor would I ever send it anways. Sends sweet loving emails and im's. If this person does actually "come home" I'll let you know, however I highly doubt it.

  71. Hi. "Carl Martins" from, engineer in Dubai, fake documentation, fake identity. Pretend UK accent, he will call you and work you until he is ready for the kill. Rig construction in Dubai, accident and one of his man died, 3 other injured. He pretty much sticks to his story through all of his email.Claims to be a widower and a son in the British Navy. He will want to contact you through your personal email address as he is not on match often. Please be careful ladies, he is a full fledge criminal, incredible scammer and has been reported on Match but still there, so watch out. I also believe the is owned by those scammers, as most ot the people that contacted me, have been scammers. Some were just so obvious but Carl Martins, was incredibly good. The emails were poetic and yet, he will still answer your questions through those fake emails.

  72. Three "id's" to watch for; all Nigerian cons: "niceowen" (owen vandenburg from Idaho/the "Netherlands", "comebemine02" (richard collins-yahoo id, "spokierichie") from "Dallas", and "Robert Creamer" (yahoo id). All had African diction/dialect effects to their English, said they were in Lagos or Ghana,and at least one said they needed money. One even sent me pictures of the Nigerian "bridge site" where he worked. All were "civil engineers" or laborers. All asked immediately how long I'd been on and all contacted me in the first 24 hours of me signing up. They are watching closely for new posts. . .Be careful ladies

  73. Guess what Adam Mathew Vasquez is my scam also. Met him last week. Same MO, 11 year old son named Mike, in Nigeria, same beautiful e-mails and IM's on yahoo messanger as entadamman. How can someone prey on women like this. I just lost my boyfriend of 10 years in a car accident not more then 2 months ago and I have to listen to empty promises from someone else. I have all his e-mails, profile from and pictures printed out. Haven't heard from him in a couple of days maybe because of relatives in law enforcement. We will see. Be careful ladies it's a heartbreak waiting to happen. His first e-mail to me was on 5-08-2010.

  74. Well he's at on Match again. This time he's using screen name seekinglolcraig with the address of This time he speaks Spanish not French but it's the same picture as Adam Mathew Vasquez from ealier encounter. Be careful ladies.

  75. is still at it...His name in email is Craig Hancock. I think he was seekinglolcraig on match but that profile is gone.
    He hid his email in the match profile claiming he didn't/couldn't read email on match...I figured he was a scammer so I gave him one of my alternate emails...Fancy this...He's working in Nigeria right now, but expecting to be back in the US shortly...Sheesh....
    His email from was dated May 20th.

  76. A guy by the name of Devon Wiese appears to be another one of them. Matches everything the good ladies above have noted. Watch out for him. Picture is lovely one but too good to be true. Longer black hair and hazel eyes. Awful grammar in his emails to you.

  77. Ditto Devon Weise, and so many others. If only post one photo..DO not even bother to believe them. Photos that even have writing on them from Magazines !!! How dim are they? Lots of Architects, Engineers, all widowers, all 46-48 years, all living somewhere other than USA, with mixed family backgrounds. DO NOT EVER SEND MONEY TO ANYONE.
    Search their name, location and age on Google,and of course significant events like car crashes..or just don't bother looking at them..Tthey are seeking women how crazy are they or desperate !! Search for men your self..and ones that can spell !! and that can fill out ALL the relevant info..maybe we should set up our own website..Intelligent women.... On my profile I write, No Nigerian Princes or Widowers who want me to look after them and their kids.
    I have honestly deleted Dozens... I have a friend whose email contact list was hacked into and we were all sent emails re cheap iphones from China. I waste so much time reporting them and blocking them.. I nearly gave up. But I have met ONE genuine person so far.

  78. Are you sure about Devon? What a disappointment--you're right...the picture is too good to be true.

  79. Can anyone give me more information on Devon Wiese?

  80. Devon has e-mailed me...very good english...I told him I thought he wasn't for real...I'd proceed VERY carefully. Did he tell you he was new to the site?

  81. This is Devon's e-mail to me...

    wow! lovely pics!
    How are you doing? lovely name,what does it mean?....I couldn't help writing you when I came on and saw your line.I really have no idea how this works because I have never done anything like this before but really hope this makes a difference in our lives,you are my first and I do hope you bring me luck.

    My name is Devon Wiese.I have black hair and Hazel eyes. I am 6'3 in height. I was Originally born in Monroe,North Carolina and I grew up partly there.I like my life here,got a beautiful house and the best neighbors anybody can ask for. My dad is from Milan Italy and my mum from western Texas.I really love to get to know you if it is not too much trouble for you...age can never be a barrier to finding that true happiness.hope we can share the same view to that.I enjoy working out,swimming,running and basketball.I work out good to keep fit and also enjoy playing golf.chicken and salad is my favorite meal and I love to play my violin every day.

    Hope to hear from you soon..(got my graduate degree in Chemical Engineering and my postgraduate in info tech).
    Do take care of your beautiful self and keep that beautiful smile shinning!

  82. Notice in Devons email he calls his mother "mum"?
    Red flag. He's a scammer.

  83. Ok. Above email sounds identical to mine. Has anyone been asked for money by Devon Wiese and can anyone give me the date of their last email from him? Says he has a house in melbourne and lives there. Has he told anyone what he does for a living and where he is? Im getting a bit nervous. Says if I hurt him, I will hurt for the rest of my life.

  84. He can't do anything to you. Don't worry. The love to threaten women.

  85. Mike Smith is still scamming, but this was from the Chemistry dating site, which is a sister site of He uses the email address of

    Same story as all the others, widowed with a young daughter, sent me flowers, went to Ghana on a 4 week job to make really good money, took daughter with him, fell in love after 2-3 emails, and then his computer crashed and he needed me to send him a new one. Of course I got suspicious, checked this site and discovered it was all a scam. I called him on it and I never heard from him again! I'm glad it didn't cost me anything to find this out. I feel so sorry for the women that did lose money on these horrible scams. How low can a person be when they're messing with your heart?

  86. Devon Wiese, now there's a name that doesn't surprise me to see on this blog. If he's using the photo of the long brown hair very handsome looking guy then ladies beware! I chatted with him more nights than not for hours for about 3 months. He charms the pants off you. Tells you he can see you being together forever. He touched my heart with the things he wrote and I, as stupidly as it sounds, started to fall for him. He said he was working on off shore rigs and thats why we didn't meet. There always seemed to be something happening with work or circumstances that prevented us from contact. In the end I confronted him with some things that didn't add up - like his bad English or never calling me and never being contactable. He really cracked it and claimed I was being unreasonable for even questioning him. I called it off. It was too weird. It got weirder. A month or so later my girlfriend who was also on the introductory site was telling me how she met this guy called Devon!?!? He had used the same bloody name to get back to buisness!! The cheek! I don't know who he is, or really what he wants but he gets pretty friendly pretty quickly. If you want my advice, steer clear.

  87. Re: Devon Wiese. I made the first post on this guy above and the emails he sent me are almost exactly as what the other good ladies have posted - right down to the chicken and salad being his favorite meal LOL. He said he was some sort of engineer, living in the UK, but from the US. With his awful spelling and grammar, I don't think so. Same thing about where his parents were born. Really, he just cuts and pastes the emails and sends them around, changes a few little details. Very charming, wants you to bring him luck, says this is the first time he's done this. So when I had my suspicions after the first couple of emails - and after he'd said where he'd traveled, I emailed him back with one polite sentence, asking if he'd ever been to Nigeria. WELL! All of a sudden no more Mr. Nice Guy. All I got in return was a sentence that asked me why I was asking and why did I think he'd been to Nigeria when he never mentioned it previously. It was night and day between his introductory emails and this one. The guy's a fake and I blocked him immediately. Don't say anything, just block him now so he can do no more harm. Don't let him scare you or scam you - just get yourself outta there and don't tell him your plans.

    Good luck!

  88. OK.. ADD ME TO THE LIST.. WILLAIM GIBSON.. Meet him on Match.Com and he immediately deleted his profile the next day. He MO was an engineer living in Dallas Texas. He claimed to have an EX wife that had studied in the states and was from Africa. And he had a daugther named Mray.
    The first two weeks were nice conversations etc, then it quickly progress to love poems etc. He then when out of town on a business trip to Washington DC.. then the call came from his daughter.. he had to go to Africa where whis ill ex was dying of cervical cancer. The the next week his daughter needed sgy for a kidney obstruction.. He ask me for money then but I blew him off. I realized he was a scammer, When he could not get money for the surgery, He then insisted I get a HELOC (home equity) loan because he still owned money on the operation and the hospital had his passport.. WELL... OMG... Just be aware of the smooth talking. He did make a couple of mistakes.. 1 he forgot his own birthday Sept 3 one time then Sept 6.. And he said he live off Anzio drive in Dallas. Which is a house but very modest for a Graduate Engineer!.. Remember. Willaim H is a scammer.!!!!

  89. Another is Carson Turner Whitehead 47, widowed, two sons; 13 and 11. Wife died of renal failure 10 years ago. He's been working overseas ever since.

    He was born in The US, Mom was British, moved back to Britain at age 7, then grew up and when to school in South Africa.

    Currently working in Benin, Africa for an Indian firm, as a Food Quality Analyst.
    He is waiting for a large check, (1.7 million US Dollars) to clear before he can come to the United States.

    His problem is that he and his children's visas are about to expire, and he has no cash due to investing all his money into the project.

    He will ask you for money to help them extend their visas, so that they can leave the country and make their way home to you. Where he will make you a grand lady and loving wife,also bring you a big surprise for loaning him the money.

    I can guess the big surprize already; he disapears with your money.

    His emails are all addressed to Hi Honey, or Hey Honey, Hello My Angel, Hello My Love. He never addresses you by name. First red flag.

    He quickly want you to join yahoo IM. Second red flag.

    But the biggest clue with all these scammers is they have no photo. They convince you it is because the site is having problems uploading it.

    Their words are very sugary and vague. It could have been written,copied and paste, and sent out in mass.

    Just read the signs, they are all there, and NEVER, EVER, send anyone money. Drop all contact when money is asked for.

    Do not respond to future emails, texts, or phone calls. They want to engage you in a battle of guilt, and will go so far as to threaten and intimidate to get money.

  90. Wow Devon Wiese yes yes yes....i have the same emails messages and profiles of this guy...was on did anybody post a complaint? I'm going to let the folks at Match know about him.

  91. I have had contact with two..,so be aware of in2healthylife alias Gary Miller.., he said he was seperated but now a widow.. he claims to have a lot of horses and lots of money to start with and then suddenly something happens with his horses and they all got sick and he needed me to send him 3000 english pounds., i said no and he kept contacting me both on phone email and skype.. he speak an almost none understandable english though he say he is from Maryland USA..

    Devon Wiese has written almost the same letter to me as i can see in here he has written to other girls in here.., he claims he is from texas and his mother is dead and father was italien and left them when he was very small., he lost his wife and son in a car crash 3 years ago and have now moved to england., he is a chemical engineer and consultant .. and should write good englsih and speak good english., but i had him on the phone once and like Gary Miller you could hardly understand what he said.., that should be the first clue., that they are scams,, so WATCH OUT FOR THOSE TOO ., i told Devon Wiese that i was poor .,so havent heard anymore from him., .,

  92. I was a victim too. I feel so stupid.Beware of Mark West or Mark Hopper West age 59. met on Match dot com. Says is petroleum engineer/ consultant. Buys and sell crude oil to major oil corp. Born in UK- his wife Maria died in car wreck. 2 children ages 9 and 15 living in Italy with granny. He claims to be living in the states now because memories of his wife are too painful. He is very smooth and romantic. Has accent that sounds German/Dutch. Had to go to Saudi and then to Nigeria. Needs money to get back home and to help with license fees. working with attorney Abraham Coker.
    If anyone knows how to have these guys arrested, please post.

  93. I also have been contacted by Adam. He sent me a picture of him and his son. Said he was in Nigeria for work and was a widower and had to keep his son with him. Say's his son is home schooled by a nanny he has hired. He never asked me for money or anything (i wouldn't give it anyway) but he's the same guy I read about on here. Guess we can't trust anyone.

  94. I have been a victim of this too from I actually believed him Devon Wiese and that he lived in Melbourne victoria for the past 2 years and lost his wife and 3 year old son, 3 years ago in the States and has no one else he would call me his princess charming and and that he is or told me a chemical Engineer and works for himself as a consultant and was over in Aberdeen Scotland on the oil rigs this past month and got sick and then I heard nothing from him for days until I did some research with no luck and never was given any information regarding work, company etc I finally got a doctor that I believed had seen him and was told he was unconscious and that no one had come forward to say who he was and when I did, I had no way of knowing or any contact details for the hospital etc I did some calls myself to scotland to trace him of which I havent apart from the doctor I was given an email from Devons friend, that I contacted by mobile to the oil rigs supposedly I am not stupid and knew then that this is not for real and I am so very saddened as we spent the last 2 months communicating every day on MSN as I live in Perth WA and I beleived that Devon lived in Melbourne I was emailed that he had been unconscious for days and no one has claimed who he is till I did, this doctor W Aziriji whom I looked up on the net is a scam too. please be careful as I was so trusting and honest and open to what I thought was real and someone who
    i really believed loved me with all his heart and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.....and I was waiting for him to come back to Australia ands spend some time with me I did not give any money and have stopped all contact now It is the sadest thing and hurts so much so after searching here tonight I see I am not the only one that has been through this and never saw it coming Please always find out their background company if they dont give the information there is something wrong I have been smart enough to do some searching for myself to see what is the truth and now i see it clearly

  95. Yep...I indeed was scammed by one shrewd, slick talker. First winked me on and asked me to set up so we could chat on yahoo. That was after he asked for my personal email address. Claimed to be from South Carolina, had a 16 year old daughter, Carlina, and had been widowed for 4 years. Wife died of breast cancer. Okay..I'm a 59 year old widow whose husband died 3 years ago from pancreatic cancer. I was encouraged to go onto because my daughter found her soon-to-be husband on that site. I figured, what do I have to lose? My knight in shining armor claimed to be of Italian heritage. Parents were from Rome but were now gone. He said that he was an independent engineer working with the oil refinery companies in NIGERIA and that his contract would be up in 3 weeks.
    Well, he was everything any woman would desire:charming, witty, good sense of humor, passionate, yada-yada-yada. And I fell for this toad hook, line and sinker. His emails and chats were so convincing--I just couldn't believe them not to be sincere. Wrong!! After some romantic words just two noghts ago he asked me for money for "foods and stuff." I couldn't believe what I was reading. I wrote back and asked, "You want me to send you money?" He claimed that he needed it for food. When I said that his company should be taking care of this he said that he WAS his company at which point I wrote to say that he'd broken my heart and that "it's over!" I was so upset that the following morning after taking a mild tranquilizer, I proceeded to water my flower garden in 90+ heat. Thank God my next door neighbor found me on the ground overcome by heat. My sister came and got me away from my computer. Can you believe this guy had the nerve to text my cell phone saying that I had disrespected him and that he was crying. My sister replied to his text by saying that HE was the one that has ruined everyone's day. She went on to tell him to find another person to scam you rotten bast__d. I took it one step further, however. After contacting the wireless company and doing some detective work on my own, I found out that his phone is owned by a 40 year old Tampa, Florida resident and tht 12 relatives are authorized to use it.
    Did he get his money? NO! Was I a jerk? YES! Will I ever fall for this type of things again? No way. By the way, my lovely Italian gentleman goes by Quirino Piero and yes he wrote me stuff in Italian.

  96. Someone help me! My sister is "dating" this Raji guy and she is over the moon right now. How do I tell her??? I need to protect her, but she is vulnerable right now after getting out of a bad marriage. Do any of these situations turn out good? I already know, I think. Ugh!!

  97. Watch out for Richard Collins ( He e-mailed me thru myspace. His first 3 e-mails and chats were filled with compliments and loving words. Then all of a sudden he was in Nigeria with a lost wallet and no cash to pay some workers for a construction project. He insisted I was the only one who could help him. When I mentioned that it seemed like the company he worked for would probably have insurance, he quickly changed the subject. Said he couldn't get home to Texas to see his children on Fathers Day. Of course, he was a widow who's wife died in a car accident. I really became suspious when that very same day I received 2 more e-mails from widows working in Nigeria with money troubles. Give me a break. When I told him I absoultely would not be helping him financially in any way, he got mean. Said I didn't care and I could just go away. Thank you I will. I reported it to myspace, they removed the profile. However, I noticed today Richard Collins is back up on Myspace AND Facebook adding women as friends. Be careful ladies, the man in the picture is NOT who you are talking with. Do not give these guys any money!

  98. I didnt believe it of Devon Wiese. I believed he loved me. I was shattered to find out about this site. I was his princess charming and had 'found him and saved his fragile heart'. I was his enchantress!!!!! When I questioned him about his being on this site he pretended shock and horror. He could'nt believe I doubted him. I believed his story about his wife and son being killed and thought I was helping him with his grief. He apparently had a house in Melb but was in UK organising a huge bid. When I said I would come over, he was instantly offshore. Always 2 weeks before he would be in Melb. This guy broke my heart. Stupidly, I was totally sucked in. But, dont lose heart ladies. I have since met a great guy on another site. He's REAL!!! We have been seeing each other and have become inseperable. There really are genuine people out there. Keep looking and believing. The scum that will scam you wont last.Thank God for this site. p.s. I'd really like to meet the guy who's photo Devon used. Gorgeous wasn't he??????

  99. Comment on the May 3rd post about Raji Ahmed. This guy is a total scammer. I got the same information about him. He even had the nerve to post himself again with the same picture on His new user name is nylovingman4u61. He claims now to live in Manhattan, but he'll tell you he is on a 3 month job in South Africa. Stay Away!!

  100. Micheal Roberts is phone # 2348030453053 traveling to Nigeria, from LA California and still under facebook,,,, yahoopersonals,. International soccer scout, son Kelly 13 or 15 years old. 1st request is usually for fees he could not come up with for his players flights.
    aka: Micheal Smith of Colton, Oregon, same IP address, same story, same sites, same phone #.
    aka: Steven Smith smooth_steven202 same info as above.

  101. Watch out for Lionel King (working on oil rig off the coast of Spain). Same story as all of the above with some variation. Wanted $20,000 to pay taxes to the government after his project was complete so he could "return to the States."

    Also watch out for Joel Harrison (civil engineer building a road in Ghana). Again, same story as all of the above with some variation. Wanted $35,000 to buy building materials. Even "tag-teamed" with construction friend (Steve Gibson) who "vouched" for him.

    Both of these guys were on Stay away!

  102. This is all too unbelievable. I am currently talking to one Michael Smith, who would rather be called Mike. Met on Afro Introductions, a dating site. He's English is quite stellar going by the way he writes. He apparently lives in DC but is originally from Nigeria. My first suspicion came from the name. Who from Nigeria has an English name as his last? Two, his profile reads that he is in Politics/Government/ Civil service. He told me he is an Economist/lecturer/computer specialist. hmph!!!!!! alarm bells. It's only been two days of communication but my radar is on high alert! Thanks for all your comments and enlightenment. Oh and he is a very staunch Christian. Too good to be true

  103. I want all ladies to be aware of torrence11o on, his e-mail address is
    he is a real scammer, claims to live in Grayson Ga, near Atlanta, says to be a contractor/consultant and stranded in Cape Town ,South Africa after a job gone bad at Cape Town Airport, claims to have been in a severe wreck and needs money for hosp. bills and other things or they are going to hold his pass port, claims to be i love and coming back to rescue me, after screwing me, my boss and friends out of 12,000+ money. steer clear girls, dont fall for this slick talking accent, may really be from SA. REPORT HIM TO EVERYONE

  104. I want to tell everyone about John Owen, who is OJ744 on, e-mail He was also too good to be true, although presented himself as a 64 year old man, very good grammar, went to Oxford, yada yada yada. He said he was a widower and a consultant. We met on, immediately he wanted to "focus" on us and we started e-mailing using regular e-mail accounts, and then instant messaging on yahoo, and then phone calls. he sounded younger than his age and had an accent. he had told me he had dual citezenship in Czechoslovakia and U.S. All of a sudden he was going to Nigera on business...four or five days later he had a credit card problem and some "bad guys" had made it so he couldn't use his card and he had no money to eat, blah blah blah. He wanted $5,000. I almost sent him $1,000. he wanted it sent by Western Union. Luckily I checked the internet first and saw all these Nigerian scams. I am very sad about the awful world we live in. Don't communicate with John Owen,, OJ744 on I am going to ask for my money back from and never enter another dating site. I am sorry there are no good men out there. I give up.

  105. Has anyone heard of Michael Allen? His username ismagnificent4447. He claims to be from Kentucky, but grew up in England. His daughter and wife were killed in an auto accident and he is raising his 10 year old son. He buys and sells gold, diamonds and antiques. He is currently in Lagos, Nigeria on business.

    He is 52. I am 59. He is looking for a women between 40 and 64. He winked at me on Match. We corresponded once through Match, then via Yahoo IM and personal email. He has asked for a I-Phone for his son's birthday and can't get one in Lagos. He also wanted to borrow my digital camera as his son dropped his in the hotel pool.

    He sent an address for his hotel where I was to ship the I-Phone via FED EX next day air. I asked him the name of the hotel and he said it was the Singapore. When I confronted him with the fact that my research showed NO Hotel Singapore in Lagos he concocted an excuse. I called the phone number to the hotel using SKYPE and the guy on the other end of the phone definitely had a Nigerian accent and only answered "hello". I called several times using a foreign accent and asked if this was this Singapore. He hung up each time.

    I became suspicious when it appeared he was cutting and pasting some of the script in his emails and IMs. It was obvious. He sent photos of himself and his son. He is fairly nice looking, dark hair, glasses. His son is blond.....a real cutie. It's the photos that are throwing me off. When I asked him where he lived in Lexington he told me the name of the street. I looked up Michael Allen in White Pages and sure enough, there was an address for him on that street.

    I don't know what to believe. I am definitely not sending a phone or my digital camera. I've tried to contact travel agents, etc. in Lagos via SKYPE to see if this hotel exists, but I'm not able to reach anyone. My internet research does not list such a hotel.

    I think I should go with my gut and not respond to the email I received this morning. I would like to know where these Nigerian scammers get their hands on pictures of Americans and their children. It's deplorable!


  106. That is a VERY good question about where they get their photos. Between modelling agency photos online and that fact that no one seems to have a problem putting pictures of themselves (and family) on facebook and myspace it is easy for them to steal photos!

  107. You make a very good point. They can cut and paste photos from just about anywhere.

    I drove to the address in Lexington where he told me he lived. It is an empty building.....not even a home. How stupid does he think I am? Of course I was going to check out his address.

    I have to admit that this experience has definitely jaded me. If I don't meet someone through a friend or family member, then I'll stay single. I have had it with cyberdating!!!

  108. Update: After sending an "I'm on to you" message to Michael Allen. I have received no further correspondence from him. Thank God for the gut feeling.

  109. Beware of Mark West, Mark Darling, Mark Darling-West. Also possibly Brian King (may also be Mark). He claimed to be 50, widowed, wife Maria died a few years ago. Two children - Gold 15 and John 9 living in Italy with their granny. He claimed to live in Johnson City, TN, but had to travel to Saudia Arabia and onto Africa. Was supposedly attacked and nearly killed. (Dr Demy Ola supposedly sent that email). Was on as truelovelasts4eva (or something similar). The email he used was He's very good at his game. I can't believe I was so stupid. Done with cyberdating.

  110. does anyone know about a micheal jasper,

  111. I see someone commented on Mike Smith: has matched me with him twice. First, back in March and again today. Funny how his daughter changed from age of 7 in March to 14 in August. I have reported him as I am sure his profile will be gone tomorrow. Thankfully I never got past a phone conversation, but very charming as they can be.

  112. has anyone heard of 'goggod' on I got scammed by him in April and May 2010. Same as mosts posts. He designed jewelry for a living and won a million dollar contract and had to go to london to get the gold. They didn't have enough so he had to go to Africa to get it. He couldn't come home on the plane because he did have the documents for the jewels had for me and my family unless he came up with 300 dollars. I new then it was a scam. I had a little fun telling him to sell it and that I didn't have the money. I emailed him about two months later to see if he was home yet, of course I knew he was, but he told me he needed only 100 dollars more to renew his plane ticket but he couldn't get anyone to believe him. Hum I wonder why. He said he still loved me and always will. I to felt real stupid. His yahoo email and im is The name he gave me is David Welborn, also lost his wife and son in a car accedent three yrs. ago and has one 11 yr. old son he is raising. He says he is from Norway and his parents are dead. I told match and yahoo and they said the removed took care of it but I haven't seen a change. I havent found him anywere else though. Just be careful for this one also. He also said he lives in Austin Texas but his profile on yahoo says Littlerock Ark.

  113. These scams are not limited to eHarmony and Match, I have found at least four on CatholicMatch and other christian related website. I have to give credit to Plenty of Fish as they have a message about be wary of individuals that fall into the following:
    kids not living with them
    living in the U.S. but traveling abroad
    get very romantic too quickly
    send flower or chocolate
    eventually ask for money
    almost always traveling in Africa
    I have been lucky enough to have figured them out before I got scammed.

  114. messedwiththewrong1 says:
    My mother was also scammed on They talked for several weeks. At week 5 he mailed my mom roses, bath salts, chocolate and a teddy bear. His name is Edward M Ginger – His ex cheated on him and he just wants to find someone to love him and him alone. He has a son aged 12 with a hearing problem. He is a contractor and flew to Malaysia to pick up a $1.5 million check. Got delayed by business and missed his flight with his son. Mom sent funds to him for new tickets straight into her city where they could finally meet and see how it would work. Then, the day he and son were due to fly out…..Oh, got picked up for expired work visa and need more money. In jail in Malaysia. My poor mom. I have many friends looking into tracking him, but it appears to be a dead end. Of course his return address on Palermo Rd in Boca Raton doesn’t even exist. The zip code is in the Everglades. I can tell everyone that reads this and sees other horror stories….DO NOT TRY TO MEET ANYONE on ANY dating site. Your chances of “true love” are slim to none and your chances of being scammed are about 1 in 2! Sorry, those odds aren’t good enough for ANYONE, much less someone you care about that is desperate for someone to love them. These men are smooth talkers. They will take you for however much they can get from you and when you call their game, they disappear. BE WARNED!It also looks like he is up to it again. NEWYEARNEWLIFE on just posted on an hour ago. All new details, though and of course he makes more than $150k/year

  115. I'm talking to a Michael Smith from, I've had that feeling it was a scam all along. His e-mail is Came complete with pictures, and a daughter who actually phoned me from the UK claiming he got detained leaving the country. Never asked for anything...but he won't get that far with me.

  116. anthony bradley from quebec canada. supposedly wife died in crash 5 years ago. he was adopted at age 9. has son 12y.o. came to idaho first and then to indpls in. civil engineer. work took him to cairo Egypt. classicromance56 was his name. wanted money once in Cairo. i did recieve calls from idaho (but it was a land line) did recieve calls from Egypt. wanted money sent to Oji Goodluck in Cairo. yup I fell for it for small amount and of course money was picked up. becomes angry, disconnects from you and never calls again when exposed for who he really is. too bad! the photos he used were quite convincing and just my type. Sent the roses and candy like many others. french accent.

  117. Shefali Chug, from New Delhi India posted her ad on She flirts around online. Wants to meet guys on trips to europe for fun. Yahoo her at shefali_chug_2005. Waste of time. Wastes time chatting, talks big about her job, her family and stuff but in reality is just looking for fun when on business trips. She wants good time, lavish meals and someone to pamper her. Beware folks.

  118. My perspective is a bit different. Yes i was scammed by someone on Match but prior to that I met REAL people. i guess the point is that paranoia is not necessarily the way to go. But more importantly, the scammer was on match and the name was Ivica Dickson. He said he was German, a widower and had a 9-yr-old named Miroslav. He was in UK and waiting on a job in either Nigeria or Romania. He got the Nigerian contract (he was to be paid one million pounds!), sent his son back to neighbors in Va. Beach and went to Lagos. After 3 weeks of very intense e-mailing, etc. he all of a sudden couldn't catch his flight home to DC because he had run out of money and owed the hotel manager. I wired him $2600 yet he has never come home. I also am embarrassed to say that i sent him naked pictures. I really trusted him and i am not a stupid woman. It was the first time I had ever done that which proves how completely and totally successful he was. In retrospect there were many other signs that should have alerted me that all this couldn't be real but if someone hadn't told me about the "Nigerian Dating Scam" on the first date of his alleged arrival, I'm afraid i would have lost more. Let's keep our chins up and be vigilant.

  119. Has anyone heard of George Richardson, age 51 from Miami but in the military in Afghanistan? I have the same story from, what a waste paid for a 3 month membership and only got someone trying to con me with undying affection. Luckily, I only got hurt feelings and didn't send any packages or money. Makes me ill that this person would identify himself as an American Soldier, even said he was shot.

  120. Stay clear from caringjohnforu on
    AKA: John Grisaffi. Posted his job as:
    I am an Independent international contractor. Basically, I design, plan and construct commercial towers, factories and real estates for major companies. I intend to set up my own business soon and retire from international contracting. Here comes the good part as he says he is currently working on a jobsite in Instanbul, Turkey. He wired $54,000 to a hopital in London where his mother lives, as she requires surgery. Now his jobsite fund is short of cash flow and needs money to complete the job. He asked if I could help him finish the job by providing him with his shortfall, he would come back to the states and buy us a home to live in. He loved me passionately. Here is where I decided to play along. I told him that my home was in foreclosure and I would be losing it shortly and I was worried to death as to how I was going to take care of my daughter. He told me that he would care of me later if I took care of his needs now. He wrotet: Are you going to support me through this or do you want to withdraw from this? I responded: withdraw. These are his final words to me: Well I have to get back to work now. Please take good care of yourself and I wish you the best in everything you do. Bye
    Wow, what a con-job. Loved to to the end of time until I had no money.

  121. Has anyone heard about R9815M on, widow with 6 years old kid, works on offshore, now in Africa, geologist/consultant? He scammed me already for his son, please be careful with him,his phone is 447700022160. If somebody knows him, please post it here, because he still "crazy loves me". I want be sure he did it before and wont do with others.thanks

  122. If anyone heard Jenna Bruse profile:JENHOLM25. Nigeria doing a school project geology.25 years old. Date of birth 22/06/1985.Father from Texas mother from Spain Barcelona was separated when she was 4 years and was thrown to her aunt. up to 19 years aunt looked after and she died freaking sad flimsy story. Please don't trust them. bloody scammers. I was told to pay the cashier through Western Union. I was cheated by this idiot called Paul Desmond from Lagos state Ikeja he's behind the seen. I was asked for a school bill to paid off for the final exam. I paid sum of $470. Within an hour time i found some forum related this matter figured i was cheated. I canceled the transaction got the full refund. Still i can't forget the pain in my heard. Real bastards should hang them.

  123. also watch out for Terry Prichard on I think his profile name is terrp1277. He is Austriallan living in Orlando Florida. Sweet talker, Engineer working in the UK same ole BS I fell for it and he broke my heart. Never asked for money but it was just a matter of time. How cruel to mess with someones heart like that.

  124. I also was scammed by Andy Raymond R.Andy54 @yahoo .com he claimed he was an architect and his job took him to Lagos they lost his luggage and he needed money then he got into a car accident and he needed money. Beware ladies he finally admitted this:
    I feel so bad because i love you but i am so sorry i am not what you think i am...
    I am a Black and a NIGERIAN but i feel pains in me because i truely fell in love with you
    I felt love when we talk.
    And you are always my Queen
    Love you Angel

  125. Ok, ladies, Michael Ruza, email from match. com,protects widow with 6 years old son, phone number I UK +44, works on the rig offshore in Scotland , after Africa, but could be different names and different jobs, He was crying for his son leaving on the land with the Nanny, when suddenly with the shipment got problem in Cameroon and The Nanny was need to pay all the money and his son was starving there, scammed for his son, never trust this histories, don't try keep calling back when they give some number, just waste money, they never answer real questions, just keep asking about something important and they are away from the chat(IM of sure), after couple minutes they will send you Fantastic love letters, where is nothing about your questions, only general "Big Love to you", If they will send you " i Love you, i need you, i miss you like crazy" never believe them. The pictures was fake I am so sorry the guy who was in the pictures, i think he was really work may be hard with his son. may be I will put youtube his pictures and can now this Con artists use his for the scamming to women. Be careful about the writing style and week days, they can chat each they different persons, if ask them about yesterday they don't know what they told and they will out off chat. Never trust any data about you (address, phone, try keep chat on the match, if they will ask go out IM and remove your profile from, that means they are scammers, don't do it. They will send you Teddy bear with flowers (or chocolate)They will stack someplace to fly to you, never send the money. Try call them when they chat with you, phone is not answering and all time they will tell you it is charging. So, dear ladies in the first time I tried use online dating and I got scammer, Never use this site, it is SO DANGEROUS now. They can keep you chat for a few months, after attack, when someone will ask you money for ANYTHING, doesn't matter for KID, For flight, for hospital ot anything else, how much they will impress you on your Psychology, never GIVE UP.
    I hope my note will helpful for you,

  126. Mine was named Sgt Mattew Tonsetic whom I met on Mattew has a teenage son, GABRIEL AGBEKO, staying in Accra, Ghana, with Mattew’s mother while he was deployed in Iraq. I sent fund via MoneyGram to help paid for Gabby’s tuition twice cuz Mattew froze his account in States. When his name was not listed to leave Iraq, he requested and was approved for an early retirement. He asked me to help him pay for the flight ticket of 1,200 which I declined. I told him that Uncle Sam should pay for the return flight. His email is, Gabriel’s email is, Other names involved were TONY CERLOM, disguised as the Professor of St.King's academy, TONY TAGBOR (recipient of MoneyGram)& JOHN EMEKA. is infested with SCAMBAGS...Be careful!

  127. Marcus Wilson, palm springs Ca, widowed, 5 yr old daughter travelling with her to Porto Norvo Benin, New Zealand born,, contacted me from, OLIVERTWISTER445, After sweeping me off my feet literally, How come an engineer cannot spell, calling from africa via a landline based in Fresno CA (599)478-8533, Nice crappy newzealand accent a real charmer, all of you needing to get even with scammers, give thier homebase a call, This horrible group of scammers tore my heart out making me feel sooo guilty, I said flat out I would not help him financially when he begged for 8,500.00 to help him out, sending fake KLM itinerarys etc, Theese people need to be arrested! They even sent me flowers which like an idiot I gave information,do not do it, report, beware

  128. I had what I believe to be three contacts which were potentially scams. They all went to yahoo. The first one was richard durrant from S. Carolina. I said no long distance relationships but he happens to have a second home about an hour away. His wife died of breast cancer, has one child being raised by his mother. He had a profitable family gem business selling wholesale to jewelers. He was from Belgium but I couldn't understand him on the phone. Asked for my address but I said no. He got angry and I stopped communication. Second one became Richard Clint on yahoo. His story- wife died in childbirth, raising 7 yr old alone, engineer who builds bridges. He kept logging off without a goodbye. I started piecing things together and too suspicious. The last one was Steve Bruce on yahoo. He claims to be a marine engineer in email yet his profile says he does medical transcriptioning. He has a temporary contract in a nearby town and will make loads of money from it when he's done. He says he's from the UK yet I couldn't understand him on the phone. Also he said he's calling from a cell phone but I did a search which turned up as an unnamed land line. I got suspicious and found this website thankfully.

  129. Well my almost scammer must have really thought I was loaded because he asked me for $18,000! He said his name was Felix Rhema and that he was Australian living in Gulf Breeze, FL but working in Lagos, Nigeria. Divorced with one daughter who was studying International Law at Oxford England; he was an only child and his parents were deceased. After weeks of the sweetest emails and Yahoo IM, he said a very expensive piece of equipment he rented for the construction job he was in charge of was returned damaged and he needed $18,000 to have it repaired and could I wire the money to Nigeria. Now I might be a sucker for romance but I wasn't born yesterday. I told him I would never send that kind of money abroad especially not to someone I didn't know. So I pressed him for information about where he lived in Gulf Breeze and although there is a street by that name, the address he gave did not exist. He then said his daughter had managed to wire him the money and ALL he needed was $3500 and he could have his passport returned and he could come home. The thing that's scary is for a short time before I did some investigating, I actually considered sending him some money! I'm a college-educated, intelligent female with a good income and I tell you these guys are GOOD, ladies, because I almost believed him and my hard-earned money would be GONE! When I confronted him about being a scammer, of course the tone of his emails and IMs completely changed. Luckily, that was 2 months ago and I haven't heard from him since. I've learned my lesson to never even CONSIDER sending money to another country to someone I've never met and luckily it was before I was scammed out of money. I'm corresponding with another man now who says he's working on a contract in Taiwan, so I hope history doesn't repeat itself. At least now I know if anyone asks for money to not think twice about it and end all correspondence.

  130. I have a new scammer for you ladies. Thomas Cook Email address is We meet on

    50 year old, widower with 8 year old son. From Italy, but living in Indiana. Doing Missionary work in Nigeria. Building an orphanage, of all things.

    Just emailed back and forth for 3 days..Boy, they were the sweetest words a girl could hear. But how does someone fall in love with someone without meeting them. RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE. He never had a chance to ask for money. i sent him an email about being a scammer. Would you believe I haven't heard back from him. LOL

    SO GIRLS BEWARE!!!!!!!!

  131. thank you so much for all this information. I, too, thought it odd that these guys have yahoo accounts and all of them are widowers. Platinumman22 on Match says he has a Pd.D, and his Match profile is very articulate, but his emails on yahoo are horrible. He started asking me questions about what I do for a living, etc and the spelling from someone who holds such a high degree really doesn't match up. He also says that his dad died in a car accident and his "mum" died shortly afterwards. He claims to be a Civil Engineer and can't answer my questions to him because...he's where? guessed it - Nigeria. He sent me pics of him and his 5 year old son Alan along with a pic of him and his deceased wife. He was married for 23 years, but his son is only 5? His yahoo email is Anyone else comes across him, beware.

    Also, I've told him that I'm an analyst and that my friends think I would make a good private investigator because I look for details in everything...maybe that will scare him off. I'll post again if he replies to my interogation!

  132. Here's a follow-up to my post regarding Felix Rhema on Oct. 3, 2010. I'll post an update on the new scammer in a separate post. I forgot to mention in my first post that Felix Rhema was hulaman2392 on and his email is and said he was an engineer with his own company that travels worldwide installing surveillance cameras. Of course it doesn't really matter what they say their username and email are. They make them up to scam, get off Match the day after they start emailing you, and all seem to use Yahoo IM. I would also like to add that unlike many other scammers that other ladies have discussed on this post, my 2 scammers did not say they were widowers; so just because they say they're divorced, please still beware! Both my scammers said they were divorced, an only child with no living relatives except one daughter, and moved to the US because the ex-wife cheated on them and they moved here to get a new start. Here's a sample of one of Felix's emails (scammer #1):

    If I could pick any woman in the world to spend every moment of the rest of my life with it would be you. If I had a choice to have all the treasures in the world or spend my life with you, I would not even think twice...I would be with you. I am not sure how I got so lucky to have you , but I know I am the luckiest man alive, because I am with you. In all the dreams I've had in life, being with someone as great of a person as you, seemed impossible to find. You are everything I dreamed of and even more. I am writing this to you to tell you in front of the world... I LOVE YOU, I will give you my life, my love and share everything I have to offer with you. I will Honor you, cherish you, be loyal to you, and put no one else before you, forever! Please stay by my side as my wife for all eternity. My heart mind, body and soul are yours. Simply... I love you
    Have a lovely day
    Hugs and kisses

  133. Ok, now for my SECOND scammer. His name on was DAcajanderLTC and his email is Said his name was Donald Andrews Cajander, a civil engineer born in Sweden. He said he was in Columbus, Ohio bidding on a contract for a bridge construction project in Taiwan (NOPE! Not Nigeria this time!) which if he won, would provide him with enough money to relocate anywhere he wanted in the US and start a business. (He did kind of throw me a curve with Taiwan instead of Nigeria but the M O quickly became quite similar to the first.) This second scammer was a little slicker than the first because unlike the first one who called me from a Nigerian phone # (I looked up the country code after he called), the second one said he was calling me from his cell phone in Ohio and when his # appeared on my caller ID it was indeed an Ohio #. But when the red flags started going up, I looked up the phone number on a free internet site and it is a land line in Painesville, OH. More on that story later in this post.
    I didn't waste quite as much time with this one as I did the first one because the red flags started going up quickly; once bitten, twice shy. So I'm going to share a few red flags I noticed my scammers had in common. First, his Match profile said he was from New Brunswick, NJ but his Match profile said he was looking for ladies within 250 miles of New Orleans, LA! Now, I might not have been a geography major in college but NJ and New Orleans aren't exactly near each other! When I questioned him, he said he was new to online dating and just filled the questions out wrong. Obviously some scammers need to take some geography lessons. Second red flag: He got off Match the day after he wrote to me. When questioned about that, said he wanted to get to know me better because he'd thought he might have found what he's looking for. Third red flag, he said he was living in New Orleans but I lived in LA a long time and the area he said he lived is basically a commercial area near the river. He never did give his full address though; guess that's a red flag I missed. Red flag #4: Asked me to start communicating via Yahoo IM. Red flag #5: Yahoo profile was created a couple of days before I got my first email. Red flag #6: They start calling you sweetie, baby, sweetheart, honey and start telling you they're falling in love within a week or 2. Red flag #7 is a little "iffy" because I know a lot of people who grew up in the US and still can't spell but both of my scammers were lousy spellers. I tried to convince myself it was because they were foreigners (one said he was Swedish and the other Australian). Call me Cleopatra 'cause I'm the QUEEN OF DENIAL. LOL Here's a sample of one of Donald's emails(complete with his own spellings):

    You email has really made me have some deep thoughts about relationship,I have to tell you this,Since we started communicating i feel there is something about you that am still yet to find out,I'm talking about fate here - when feelings are so powerful it's as if some force beyond your control is guiding you to someone who can make you happy beyond your wildest dreams,I have not trying to impress you, I've just opening my mind, my heart and let my fingers dance on the keyboard with my thoughts and feelings, they spill across the screen as I think of you, fantasies, thoughts, dreams, feelings, longings, emotions, excitement and yes, even contentment and hope for the future ,one filled with love and giving and happiness.
    Well,I just wish and hope for the best .
    I need to stop here now,I will check later okay.
    Hugs and Kisses

    That's just a sample. They can and will tell you everything that you want to hear.

  134. This is a continuation of my last 2 posts because this site wouldn't let me post more than 4,096 characters but I'm determined to get the message out about these scammers! Now about that phone # I mentioned in my last post. There are several free websites that will actually give you a little information about a phone #. I did a reverse look-up and did find out the # was a land line and not a cell phone. After the last scammer "won" the contract (imagine that!) and went to Taiwan (yeah, right), he said he would get a calling card and still be able to call me from his cell phone. I happen to have a friend who travels abroad quite a bit and when he calls me with a calling card, it shows a lot of strange-looking #s on caller id. So imagine my surprise when I got a call that was supposed to be from Taiwan from a # I'd looked up and found to be a land line in OH! What the 2nd one also didn't know is that I write contracts for a living and he made the mistake of sending me a copy of his "contract". I've put more specifications for a bullet-proof vest than he had in a $2.4 million contract! BOOM... BAM... BUSTED!!!
    So needless to say, I ended any further communication. After that, he emailed me once and called me twice; I haven't heard from him in a week and hope to never hear from him or anyone else like him again. Gee, that's true love for ya, huh? Guess he's moved on to try and scan someone else.
    I'm truly tired of wasting my time with these scammers! This is twice in 3 months! If anyone out there knows of anything else we can do to not only get these men off internet dating sites but also turn them over to authorities, please let me know. I still have "Donald's" land line phone # so is there a way to trace the address? If so, please post it o all can benefit from the info! Thanks!

  135. Here's another scanner.

    Kelvin Hughes (

    Said he's a widow with a 12yr old daughter and is currently working on an oil rig but will be retiring soon.

  136. Another Scan as recently as Oct 10th. John Griffasi, the international contractor wanted me to buy him a cell phone. I don't make purchases for people I've never met, especially when their in Istanbul, Turkey!! The worst part of this was it took me two weeks to catch on! What a waste of time but at least not a waste of my money...besides joining Match that is.

    Hi Gorgeous -----,

    Well about me. I am originally from sutton, surrey, England. I am British and half Italian. I relocated to the states 9yrs ago when I was awarded a series of contract jobs there. The only family I have in the States is my son and he is currently staying with my friend and his family until I return. My mother lives in England and my father is late. I have no brothers or sisters. My birthday is on the 11th of October and Frankie's birthday is on the 13th. He is a very sweet and social kid. I have two homes, one in camrose drive, Los Angeles, CA, and the other in NJ. I am looking for my soul-mate. A woman who is unique. I am very intrigued by you and I don't believe distance is a problem in a relationship. Anyway, I hope you are having a good day. I have attached some pictures of me and my son. Please take good care of yourself and feel free to ask me anything you want to know. Will love to talk on the phone sometime. Love to hear from you soon.


  137. I also talked to bmichaelsmith2007. He asked money, be aware he can appear with other e-mail. He saya that he is with UN for 27 years

  138. John Grisaffi at it again! I spent two whole weeks emailing, texting, iming and talking to this guy! What was I thinking???? Anyway he finally asked me to purchase him a phone because he couldn't access his drawings, yet he could still talk on the phone and text!! I told him sure, just give me your credit card info, address etc...never heard from him again! What pisses me off the most is the useless waste of my time!

  139. Guys, here the names all of them I was able couch when start do small research after was scammed, Never trust any one by this ID.on, they are all in my blocked list,


  140. Here's one I got today that reeks of being a scam:

    Hello Nice Profile

    Hi Pretty,

    How are you doing today? My name is Daniel as you can see on my profile, and i am new on this network,I hope you get this email and it finds you well.. I was glancing through profiles when your gorgeous picture got me attracted just could not get my eyes off it,so i decided to leave you a short note,i am sure you do not need a mirror to tell you how pretty and attractive you are,i would be doubting if you were single if your profile had not said so,how about we talk and get to know each other?I am a single parent with a 13years old son,i have had her since he was little and I'm proud to be his father,and now i feel this is a good time to have someone to share the good things of life with,including adventure and laughter.. I'm a gentle heated man, I like making friends because friends are the best. Love is not about body stature, but its all about what i s in the heart.what I care about is you are beautiful and I wish to be the man you've always wanted and I'm sure you and I would work things nicely being ..together My.. personality traits are Simple, honest, cheerful.I like these kinds of music Romantic music,Rock,and souls. I've been divorced for about 4years now and I wish to settle down now to find a real Love..As you can see in my profile I'm into construction and right now I'm presently in the west Africa Nigeria execute a contract... the contract that i am executing here is a very large one, I will be coming back home in a couple of weeks time. I plan on getting back home to someone interesting who is ready for love, my dream woman. I believe the time that i will be spending down here will help us to get to know more about each other.. And maybe we could plan on meeting when i get back home.. I am not sure how often i can get on here but i do check my e-mail very often,if you would like to give me a chance to be your friend, Y ou can IM me on my yahoo with daniel46011 .. email me to daniel46011 @gmail .com or Even if it just to say Hi .... I will write you back to let you know that i got your email... I really look forward to hearing back from you soon, Have a wonderful day.. May the Lord bless you and keep today and make His face to shine upon you today. In His Name.


  141. TIPS: London-based businessmen used two very different strategies, but both of their profiles were taken off (maybe moved to another name) and both have common names. One is too good to be true professing love right away, can't send any photo other than that posted (very low resolution), he said he has a construction project, he called me long hours using his Sweden-based cellphone. He also owned a US cellphone prior to leaving for London. The other guy's M.O. is very different- he wanted to take time to get to know me, and he was leaving for a contract --also in London! Both of these men wind up asking me to help them out to pay for either the clearance or customs duties, in order to collect their money and return to USA to meet me! CAVEAT: both men cannot give me their London landline which I can check. The second man did not even give me his cell to text, while the first man texted me and called me so frequently from abroad. TIPS: ask for their residence zip code (or town/county where they live and get the zip code online) and search thru residential search and also use for free marriage/divorce/death records, will also show same name and closest age bracket info if that person really exists. The first guy checked but his name doesn't appear anywhere as part of the household, the second guy did not even show anywhere (but he sent a lot of pictures, one with a kid). Bottomline, I fell "in love" with the first through our month-long calling, and that helped me a lot to get over a heartbreak I have been nursing for 5 months! More websites out there, go to Black Book Online and learn investigations. Check also property records/name search.

  142. I too was contacted from a member who ended up to be a nigerian scammer... It only took me a few emails and Ims to figure out I was not talking to someone from US. My daughter did some investigation and found romancescammers .com and world forum travel site, just punch in love scams and everything comes up... My lover boys name was David Kowis visiting in Akron,Oh.... from Santa Fe,Tx. , but on his way to Lagos Nigeria for antique buying for his shop in Tx..... what a joke, led him on for days and finally let him in on the fact I knew what he was..... his story was he was divorced with no children(unusual for these guys)...only child and parents dead, boarding school in denmark and worked in the UK and then back to US.... fell in love with me almost instantly, it was fate !!! had me close my Match and move over to Yahoo IM.... his names on Match and yahoo 1unusualknight01c,oneniceman01c and gmail the same.... nice looking photos of him on a boat and one with him and his pups as he called them, springer spaniels..... I cut him lose before he asked for money... and of course he was very upset... lol, Since this I have read all the sites and everyone elses experiences.... I go on and can spot their profiles a mile away now !! just pay attention.... age range for women they're looking for is usually around 45-60, they may be widowed and new online... His picture may look like a models photo, and the profile is so generic and overly romantic, you're thinking to yourself is this guy to good to be true? THEN IT IS!!! Their profile can fit almost any women and they almost always say stufflike , they know you are the one... and want a long lasting relationship and like to do charity work and taking care of children. Also use the term they are god/christ like and the last thing they read was the bible...but I have seen extremely long sappy profiles and short one too. But once you catch on to it you can spot them easily !!! It doesn't take long after one or two IM's from yahoo to tell these guys aren't american or writing proper english (even with abbrev) it's quite pathetic.... I am having some fun now with a couple of new ones on Match and one from Singlesnet...... ;) Birdy from Cleveland

  143. Michael Kerrigan/ Mark Tripp claims to be an American living in the UK but working in Malaysia.

    Says he lost both his parents in a plane crash 10 years ago and had been cheated on by long term girlfriend.

    Met him on and unfortunately was fooled by him :-(

  144. Thanks for all these posts I just wish I had read them two days ago but thank God I am only out $75.00. I feel like an idiot now for falling for this scam. This guys name is Richard Canon and he is on OK Cupid where he goes by barefootin2010. He told me He lived in Salt Lake City, Utah and had to travel to Accra, Ghana on business he told me he has an 8 year old son who is dark skinned and he is white. He told me his wife had died in childbirth. I really thought that odd being 2002 when he was supposedly born. Also the pics he sent one of them his son is very tall almost as tall as he is and his son is supposed to be 8. He very quickly asked for a Birthday present which is where I spent the $75.00 and a chunk of that was for shipping. He wanted me to call him and I asked him for a cell # but he didn't have an American number the number he gave me was 233242328231 and the address is PO Box A771, Accra Labadi, West Africa - Ghana 00233. He asked me today for $200.00 so he could activate his credit card the company he is building a road for gave him because it is has a 2 million dollar credit limit. He also said he was born in germany and moved to the states when he was 5 but his profile lists that he is native american. he also makes over a million a year as a contractor. His english was somewhat off as well when he wrote and spelling which I mentioned to him. He said he owned 2 cars both white a BMW and a Cadillac and he put my pic on his yahoo acct. When I asked him what kind of house he had such as a ranch or colonial he said a luxery home and then he said ranch and I responded oh so one level and he said no 2.

    I am also leary of another one called Donald Sure with his OKC name as longdonald and his Facebook name has yet a different foreign name he lives in Isle of palms, SC with a daughter in Europe and uses an international phone number. His Wife died of Cancer.

    So this is not only Match dot com it's rampant everywhere and I think I'm gonna go back to the old fashioned way of doing things.

  145. Met this guy on seemed he lost his wife to cancer and his daughter was going to college and then he had to go to Wales as his dad lived there and then he had to go to Dubia for some money owed to his dad then he had a "accident" and need money as all his was tied up LOL but he said he "loved me and i was his princess" i played along and then when i wouldnt send money funny never heard back from him, told Match they kicked him out his name on there was "whyyyynot" and his name is there is a place in hell for bastards like these men and woman who try to scam money.

  146. I was contacted by Michael Kerrigan too but every thing screamed SCAM to me . He had absolutely NO knowledge of the area in the UK in which he claimed to live.

  147. This one calls him self James Terry - check out the e mail !!!

    weet Sexy Princess,

    I am James, a widower My wife died some years ago in an auto crash. i am a SOFTWARE ENGINEER by occupation. I spent most of my years in Florida, miami-Beach Where i own my own house and private business and then London doing one thing the other as A businessman Should . I am a full time Engineer/contractor with 12 years experience at my fields and a graduate from the university of FL, also got my second degree at the university of east London.i had a daughter that i loved so much and still love dearly but she was taking away by the accident and there was nothing i could do about it, it took me so long to get over my wife's death and ever since i isolated myself and have blamed myself for not being able to look after them well than i should have but then i guess such is life and i have to move on as i am not getting any younger. I long for another chance to be happy and live my life as a man and in proper is that too much to ask for ? I know, with true love and commitment everything follow.

    Now i really want to have a second chance in love and marriage and now that i have got time for myself i need a life partner and not just a life partner but someone that can act like a mother,sister,and a wife to me and who can spend her life with me.One who knows the true quality of love and is ready to share her love with me and become one. i do not boss my lady around in fact i let her do whatever she wants cause i tend to trust easily and i expect that in return.I am not concerned about the age,ethnic group, religion or what so ever it may be.All i am after is a woman who is ready to spend the rest of her life with me and take good me as i am not not after material things humble and smart!. and we would get along well, but then having to leave an 8 years old all alone in the house with maids i get scared alot as he is the only child i have left and i love him so much, and he well understands, as i have tried to date other lades but didn't go well as it turns out she was either married and the last lady i met used drugs. My son knows what it has been like for me and you have no idea how hard it has been to wake up in the morning and have no lady by my side to say good morning to nor kiss nor even make love to it is really hard for me... I hope you understand that i am not looking for a fling but a real lady for me when you have got the chance...

    N.B: I am Irish and i sincerely hope you don't have a problem with that.
    I just want a lady i can take good care of her also . kid are priceless and i cherish them with all my heart and it hurts that i lost mine at a tender age
    now again all i want is family now tell me about your feeling toward these and more about you.

  148. Ok, I have 2 for you. First is Robben Rossi, already mentioned in these posts. He also goes by Robin Clark, son named Earl. His email is Even after I told him I was on to his scam he is still trying to contact me. The other one is going by James Coleman, from Oklahoma City. His son is named Jason and his email is Ironically, they are both working in Africa and I met them both on Luckily I found this site before they had a chance to scam any money from me. Watch out for them both!

  149. I was tricked by a Richard --------- from UK. He wants you to ring his number: 44703 is a scam number if this is at the front of your number do Not ring it. These numbers are follow on numbers. Do NOT ring them because they profit from your call. They fall in love very quickly and they are often catholics or christians. They have young daughters that are very sweet and talk in a high voice. Their daughters also talk slowly.

  150. LADIES, here's how you can stop those guys from asking money: teach them how to apply for American where they can get online approval and use the credit right away! If they are truly businessmen, they should get approval don't you think? If they can't even afford a credit line, DITCH 'EM! Ask them, too, if they have money in their bank accounts (they will assure you they have) then corner them and advise that can transfer money anywhere in the world using a bank account number or even credit cards that they just got approved online!
    This is how 2 men backed off from their attempt to scam me allegedly from London, I didn't think they were really in London because they could not give me their landlines, and they didn't get that far with me ... try the search engines I gave you (Oct. 31 anonymous blog). For NY residents, even assuming you are with a legit guy, check his marital status through his property registration, if he owns one, through the Dept of Finance ACRIS ONLINE.COM
    Realtor's biggest secret!!! You'll love me for this ...furthermore, there are so many investigative tools, try LOCOCITATO.COM for social sites.

  151. This man calls himself Gerald wale and I got an e-mail from him on a month ago. I am now an EX-member!
    Was labeled from Atlanta Georgia, but was talking to me from Massachusetts. Left a few weeks ago to go to UK and is now on his way back to US, to stop in Vermont to see me and then off to Texas. This is with his 13 year old daughter since his wife is dead..Sound familiar?
    Sent me a copy of a plane ticket that he was coming to visit me (tomorrow). I thought it was so weird that we didn't even talk about him coming to Vermont. CREEEEEEPY!
    Has not asked for money yet but it's all the same stuff. IM's for a month on Yahoo and I was very skeptical with his "falling in love" so quickly. Also he called me a few times with the 44 a 234 numbers and when I didn't understand him he got annoyed. He sounded like he had a Nigerian accent.
    Coming to Vermont with his 13 year old daughter? come on. He almost got me...
    But it just didn't feel right. Checked out his name, plane tickets and did a little research and stumbled on this sit. THANK GOD!
    I actually may "play" along just to screw him over. These guys deserve NOTHING!
    If you can't meet a guy in real life, don't correspond with them.
    Here are the e-mails/poems he sent. name is Gerald Wale, you have got a nice and interesting profile in here, first you look quite younger than your age 38... well...i'm not a man of many words because i usually am not into teasing unnecessarily but i do know how to be happy and make people around me happy too and i like to follow my words with action... please take a look at my profile,we seem to have so many things in common... i'm a single father of one and i need a real and free minded woman who has lots of love and is willing to share to start something with.I'm a whole lot of fun to be with;a trial will convince you. if you think we can connect, please drop me a short note in my personal email address geraldwale42(@)
    hope to hear from you
    Best regards

    True interest conquers all...dont you agree?It takes time to build something worthy of trust;and i think distance is within the bond of love...i would really love to hear from you again...i'm not always on features seem to be pretty difficult to access...but we can do more of this on yahoo chat thats if you dont mind... here's my address geraldwale42(@)

    A rose is a special flower;
    that has its own unique power;
    Just a single rose and not a pile;
    can make the saddest person smile;
    A rose is one of God's most beautiful creations
    That fills the heart with warmth and sensation....
    When the fragrance of a rose reaches the tip of your nose
    it fills your heart with delight and cheer
    Knowing those you love are near
    Today give a rose to the one you love
    The sweet smelling fragrance from heaven above..
    I give to you the rose of my heart

    Alright...i hope you smile when you see this cause thats the main aim..
    Much concern with love

  152. I was contacted by a gentleman, Mark Wilson. Claims his wife died 4 years ago of breast cancer. His parents were both killed in a accident 15 years ago. No brothers or sisters. He claims that his is a mechanical engineer working in the Port of Benine. We e-mailed back and forth for a few weeks. He claimed that he was going to be leaving Africa on 11/19/10. He sent me a copy of his itinerary from KLM Travel, with all his flight details. He called a few days before he was supposed to be leaving to fly back to the states to meet me. He claimed that he is unable to claar his shipment and that he is $16,000 short. He claimed that his attorney is sending him $5,000. He finally said, "$2000.00" how can you help me. He asked me to take out a bank loan, refinance my car and even borrow from my
    401K. When I told him that I couldn't help him, he then asked me to marry him! When I turned the tables on him and asked why he didn't apply for an equity loan on his house, or take a cash advance from his credit card, or borrow against his 401K, he became very upset.

    This man is truly a charmer. He sent pictures, he is a very handsome man. Claims his house is on the market for $340,000. He claims he is from Avon, CT. The cell phone number is a Jupiter Jack number from Freso, CA. He sends beautiful e-mails. I was truly taken in by him. Even after I realized that this was a scam, I mentioned to him that I thought I was being scammed, he became very defensive, and again put that doubt in my mind that maybe this was not a scam.

    This man goes by the name, Mark Wilson. His email address is His IM is togethermark 45. The numbers he uses are 559-478-8533, this is the land line in Fresno, CA. He also uses the number 234-805-7427049. He usually calls from an unavailable number. The calls never last more than 5 minutes. He has a very strong New Zealand accent. He claims to have been born and raised in New Zealand. Be careful this guy is smooth and will take you in easily.

  153. meet a guy on jrystew43.... think he is a scamm - is french - single dad - wife dead - living in the states but working now in nigeria - hasnt asked for money - but I think it is coming - has any one come across him?

  154. Hi

    Has anyone heard of a Ben Johnson, Lives in Washington State says yakima yet when I saw him on he was in Porltand, but changed it when I think he realized how close I was to portland so there would be no reason we couldn't meet. His story is wife was killed in a car crash about 6 years ago, he has a 12yr old son, he had to go back to Lagos to get his son as Ben's mom had him for the last two years, still haven't gotten an answer as to why his mom had him the last two years, Said he was born here but his mom took him back when he was 5 and then he moved here when he was 25, and has been here since only visited lagos. Then he sent me an IM one day saying his job isn't going like he thought it would and he need 2,000.00 to fix it, I said bummer, he goes well can I borrow that from you, I said nope! Don't have that kind of money and then I'm like your a scammer, but he says he isn't and he will meet me when he gets back here next week some time. I'm like sure you will. Very nice pic's almost to nice! His Match name was InGodITrust202, he has taken his profile off. All the stories above sound familar, does anyone have a US number for there scammer guy? As he gave me a US number at first and it's based out of TX somewhere. He also sent me this super sweet e-mail that was the first red flag, you don't send those kinds of e-mails when you haven't even met yet!

    But as I'm reading the info above about marc Wilson, now that you mention it all his calls are restricted or unavailable and they never lasted very long either, in fact he said his phone was going bad and he had a bad connection in his apartment.. LOL Wow their good!! Ladies becareful...

  155. ok so heres another ladies roy ronald is a big scam artist, 2nd day after chatting asked me for 500 for him so he can feed his kid cause he said he lost his wallet and hes supposed to be a building contractor and he cant get no money to help feed his daughters and oh by the way his pics omg hes georgous..his house nice ...dont believe it hes a scamer....

  156. Ladies...Another scammer from is Germain Preston username was clearview1010. and then became

    **Very handsome,love letters extreme,businessman,widower with 13 yr old daughter in UK doing business....Don't fall for it ladies!!! I think this site is great and everyone should not feel ashamed for falling for for these scams but to use this tool to help prevent others

    Emmanuel Booth - He is a charmer!
    Watch out for him! 50 Year Old guy claiming to live in Vallejo, CA, 6'1" tall, Dark hair, very handsome in his 6 photos he sent, he has a daughter in college in London and son he adopted living in South Africa with his Aunt.
    He claims he lived in South Africa for 17 years, has an accent and is very very charming on the phone, in his emails and on yahoo messenger. I too fell for it, can't believe I wasted so much two weeks thinking he was the real deal. When he asked me to send him an Iphone 4 and other items that he needed on a job in Repulbican de Benin and I said no, and told him I thought he was scamming me, I haven't heard from him since. Thanks to all of you for your posts. It gave me comfort to see I was not the only one this kind of thing happened to, even when we thought we were being careful. After reading all of these posts, I will definitely cancel my subscription right away!!!!

  158. Meet this men on .His name is Thomas Cook email address "passionatecook50" from Milan Italy working in Africa he lost his wife to breast cancer and his son is 8 years old,he will return to US in 2 o 3 weeks to Panama city Fl.. His last email was:

    "I know that you are fast asleep, but I had to write to you while I had the thoughts I had. My heart is filled with such joy, just from getting to know you and the feelings I have for you. Honestly, this whole thing really scares me to death, but I can't get past the feelings that I am having for you. Can you honestly fall in love with someone over the internet? And is it really real? And am I setting myself up for real disappointment? I don't know for sure. But I do know this, I am sooooo drawn to you and I just want to be with you sooo badly, and I think I must be crazy for feeling the way I do. I do know if you are half the woman that I think that you are, than you truly may be my soul mate. I long to talk to you and be with you. I cant wait to be with you in person ..and truly show you how I have come to feel about you. You make my heart pound unlike it never has before. I want so badly to love you and your everything about you.. and spend time with you. I think that I have lost my mind for saying these things, but I have to be honest. I believe that we could be so good together with God blessing us and looking over us to have us walk in His ways and be commited to one another to glorify Him. I just wish so badly that you were here with me to hold me and just be there. I am so falling in love and I don't exactly understand how that can happen. You seem like the woman I have prayed for in my life and my child.. life. I just can't wait to be home home so that we can finally be together. Than I wish you lived close to me so that we could take those walks holding hands and be one with each other on a daily basis, but i believe that can be worked on. distance can't stop what i'm feeling for you.. You are my dream come true, please wait for me until i come and get you, will you? Have a wonderful day ahead of your..
    All my love
    Thomas" BE CAREFULL

  159. Ok, here's another one from Tom Samson.
    Tommycutie5478. BIG SCAMMER. Email
    Says he is a petroleum engineer living in LA. After a few emails through Match he asked me to get on IM then asked me to email him at his personal email Got close to me very fast, even sent me a copy of his bank statement saying he had $11 million in his account.
    Sent me a love poem every morning. On chat every night for hours. Telling me that his heart had found me and would never let me go. Then asked for my phone number and I stupidly gave it to him. When talking to him he had an accent that I could hardly understand. He said it was because his parents died when he was 2 and his grandmum trained him. Said his wife divorced him 10 years ago and left him with 3 year old son, Kevin. He was working on a big proposal for the last month to go overseas to repair a big oil refinery. Then he asked for my address so he could send me something before he left to go overseas for a month to do this job and would be back by Christmas so we could meet. Stupid me again, I gave it to him and he sent me an expensive Vermont Teddy Bear with I Love You on it. His calls always came from Private Number. I asked him about that and he said ever since he got back from UAE (United Arab Emitrate) that his caller id was showing a UAE number so he had to block it. Started calling me "babe" right away then it was always "hunnie" (yes spelled like that). He called at 5:30 AM a few days ago and was crying and said that some thugs had taken his briefcase with his working permits in it and that he was going to lose the job he was there for. Said his ATM card would not work and he needed $850 for lawyer to get his work permit back. I WAS SO STUPID THAT I SENT IT TO HIM. Western Union, and guess where he was? NIGERIA. After I sent it I felt so sick that I started researching and found all these scams that sounded so familiar. So I emailed him and told him never to call me again, never to email me again and that I would not be on chat again. This was 4 days ago, and he is still calling me 30 times a day and I am not answering the phone at all. I finally had to call the police and get a police report so I can get my number changed. He is calling from 3 different phone numbers now, one of them is even local, one is an area code from Canada and the other one says private caller. I had to turn the ringer off on my phone as he calls all night long until early morning. I am going crazy. Finally the phone co is changing my number tomorrow, but it will take a long time for me to forgive myself for being such a stupid fool. I guess I have been in a cocoon for so long that I didn't realize there were so many rotten scammers out there just looking for a lonely widow. They are a piece of work alright and are very good at their jobs.

  160. yes i have had three people on match .com contact me and I think all three are scammers
    Desiree Grimes- claims he lives in LOndon working on oil riggs with his 10 yr old daughter and he is a widow. Asked me for 1000 pounds as he did not have enough money to come back to New Zealand on a plane lol His yahoo address is dmgold - beware. I thought he was a scammer with a name like that and his picture looked like it was cut our of a glossy mag lol
    Daniel Hayford- claims he has cocoa farms - yes in Africa - I have got rid of him really quickly
    Jonah Woods- claims he works on the oild rigs in Nigeria. I saw pics of his 16 yr old son, I have talked to him on the phone and he sounded a bit odd like a southern black man. He asked me for $15000 and when i said I had no money he got really nasty. His Yahoo is Joowoods- be careful they are all scammers
    I am not on anymore. I have complained to them and they have done nothing about it

  161. REDFLAGS: Here's a shocking reality, more than half of the guys at match claim "Labor/Construction" as their job, seeking females within wide age range (like 35-60) and they have no specific preference as to the physical attributes/ethnicity of the women they want to date. I recently logged on under a new identity and received more than a dozen emails on the first week, half of them from UK or elsewhere outside NYC (although I specifically mentioned that they should email me only if they live within 10 miles of the city and must have landlines). Interestingly, I received 2 credible emails who readily identified their jobs and telephone numbers, and yes... they have pretty decent professions (not alleged Labor/Construction that will later transform to a need for funds). These men have profiles somewhat similar to mine, saying outright they will not deal with gold diggers! So, you see this scam is used against both men and women. The London-based guys used very handsome photos and these guys have the same tone: "Hi Pretty", "I like your smile..."

    HERE'S A NEW SCAM TO WATCH OUT FOR: Military guy deployed in Afghan! Come on you really think he can log on dating sites while battling the field?

    PHOTO VERIFICATION TIP: Upload the photo of your lover to:
    I found my guy there! Check out below, if you have seen him:

  162. I was contacted by Mark Wilson as well...wife died of breast cancer two years ago. No children. He is from New Zealand and runs his own business selling industrial equipment and is in Republic of Benin right now. He is terribly sweet and kind and of course says the perfect things. I was suspicious of him, so I started doing the research and found him in the reports above. I know now what to expect and i'm thinking of ways to turn the tables, but haven't come up with a good idea yet... anyway, it's togethermark45. and he is very smooth.

  163. first i cant believe that these scams have been going on as long as they have. second i have the worst luck with women so i tried match thinking it would work.WRONG. her name was Mandy Coleen on match it was coleen20113 or something close to that. she was to good to be true. things that started to throw me off was she instantly started calling me stuff like honey babe sweetie. writing was horrible. she said she was in nigeria visiting her mother and like alot of the post on this site she always refered to her as mum. she said her dad was killed in a car accident and her family left her with nothing but she got an appartment with money her dad left her. she got it on Bolling AFB. what really set off a red flag was today she said she had to buy medication for her mom and needed more money she said $135 and to transfer it through western union, even after i told her i couldnt she still insisted. i got curious and started researching i came accross this site saw many similarities so i started to question her i asked her what her address was the one she gave me came back a bank in DC. i have friends that went through the bad winter last year i asked her what it was like (already knowing what it was like) she said she had no idea even after she said she grew up here. anyways look out for her. glad i found this site.

  164. I too was contacted by Terry Prichard on
    His profile name is terrp1277 and yes he said he was from Orlando, FL and working in the UK as an Engineer. Got several beautiful emails from him telling me I was good "wife material". Didn't ever get around to asking me for money because I didn't really respond to his emails in a personal way. I have been contacted by at least 6 scammers on and am now an EX member.

  165. Guys , I have one for you. I met the women on Her name was Nicole Bates. Sweet, quite picture/ Everything started slow. Then the" I want to be with you" stuff started. You too was in Nigeria looking after her sick grandmother. I fell for it hook line and sinker. She kept asking me for money for a ticket, then the fees started. I was in the hole $3,300 before my thick head decided to stop listening to my broken heart. I laided it out for her. telling her that if I didn`t get my money back I was turning them in. I did anyway. I know I wasn`t going to see a dime. Well a lesson learn before Christmas. You all have heard this and so have I but here it goes again- If it seems to good to be true it probably is-

  166. OMG, I wish I read this long time ago. I'm on the online dating scam. They got me over $6,000.00. I am depressed now because I fall in love with the guy in the pictures they sent me. I really want to find him and I asked the scammer but he does not where or who he is. He just said that his friend found the pics online. I think he was also a client of a dating site. I am so madly falling in love to him as the scammer introduced himself as Martin Rogan from UK. Anyway, the scammer admitted to me that he works for Chinese Malaysian and I he is Nigerian. They operates their dirty job in Malaysia. I really don't care about that, all I want to overcome right now is how to forget the man in the pic. I cry night and day knowing that he is not real, I mean he must be real somewhere out there but this guy is not real for me. I can't concentrate to work nor study. I neglect my baby sometime just to keep search the guy in the pics online. I really wanna find him but it seems near impossible. I am so "sick" inside now and do not know who to talk to.

  167. I was on and within less than 24 hours was picked up by a guy with the profile name snowflakes75052. Fed me a bunch of love poetry and was very clear that he was off of and was really into me. I feel foolish, but I did fall for him. He said he was on travel in Nigeria as a Construction Engineer. He indicated that he was 46 and lived in Grand Prairie TX and has a nine year old. He asked me for 4,000 US and asked again for more money. I did not send him more than 300 US, but feel foolish. He called me again yesterday and asked for more money, this time 700 US dollars. I feel duped, and I am angry. It does not feel good to get scammed and I just want to tell all the men and women out there that are using dating sites, that if it sounds too good to be true then it is! Do NOT send money to anyone that you have met through the internet. If they need money, let them go to a bank and borrow it. If the story sounds heartbreaking, they made it up. Protect yourself and the others you know who are using these dating sites.
    I am discouraged and disgusted. I am also going to report it!

  168. A CURE FOR BROKEN HEARTS: Not all the guys in Match are scammers, you just have to filter through the mails you receive. After I logged in the second time, there's one legit man who winked at me, but since I don't respond to winks, so he emailed me. My profile requires that he should have a home landline, we exchanged numbers (I gave only my cell. no.) and we started meeting at my office downtown NY. That was three weeks ago, I've been with him the entire Christmas and New Year, I met his Mom and Dad separately, as he spent holidays with my family. Most importantly, he is legitimately available (he showed me his divorce papers when I asked--YES, ask for it), financially established, and has a profession similar to mine. I once fell in love with a photo used by a scammer, but after I verified at SCAMDIGGER.COM that the same photo was used under a different name, I found closure in my heart and stopped searching who that guy was in the photo. As I moved on, I think I found my match and we are looking forward to a rosier future. He felt eternally thankful, too, that for once, he had a decent Christmas. Btw, I didn't spend Christmas alone in his house, I brought a girlfriend with me, the same girlfriend who was with me, the first time I met him. (You don't have to reveal to your friends that the guy you're meeting is from an online dating service, there is a stigma attached to that.)

    Ladies, let the right guy find you. My profile is "ball-busting" according to one guy, whom I ignored, he said only a wimp would respond to the attitude I displayed. Yet another guy commented that he likes my attitude! Bottomline is, the man I am with now is far from "wimp", he's a successful executive, few years younger than me, and he's teaching me how to fire his collection of high-powered weapons as a sport in a gun club! Come spring, it's my turn to introduce him to golf.

    DATING TIP: Keep your contact numbers confidential until you are convinced that this guy is for real, meaning, he has home and cell numbers that you can call at midnight when you're both in bed, and he should have a job or a profession that you can verify. Then, meet him in a public place at daytime. I met mine in my office boardroom where his identity was verified by security before entry to the building. If this man is sincere and ready for a relationship, he will find a way to see you. Don't fall for that "pretty boy" photo of models that these scambugs used. I commiserate with the lady who is still searching for the photo she fell in love with. My advise to you is, log in again and narrow down your communications only to the legitimate ones within your geographic reach. The best way to cure a broken heart is to find a NEW LOVE. Good luck ... I will keep you posted of my new episode!

  169. Yet another:
    David Matthew.
    Has daughter Annabell.
    His wife died in childbirth.
    Parents died in car accident.
    German descent working in Lagos, Nigeria.
    Head over heels in love.
    Portrayed himself as a Catholic Christian.
    Was paranoid when I asked him about his family.
    I wised up before I lost any money.

  170. Hi .. will add a Andy Jefferson from Millionaire also called puzzled rick.., his email is

    he is from USA or he say so. -he is a interiour arcitect and he lost his dad that was a pilot in england about 10 years ago.., his mother he lost a year later.., she couldnt live without his dad.. the are from england.. now he is talking about an Aunt living in england that has brain cancer and he is visiting her trying to raise money for her operation.. and even though we havent talked a lot on msn ., he ask me if i could help him finacially.. .. i realise right away that it is a scam.,. since i have tried it before with Gary Miller.. and tell him that i have found him out and that he should not contact me again.. he say that im cold hearted and hope that when the day comes when i need help . he hope god will listen.., anyway.., he is a scam... be carefull-. he is goodlooking., and kind ., but takes forever when chatting to him..

  171. well, I think I joined the scammed girls too. Beware of SlowMid on He goes by the name of John Downing and says his wife died 5 years ago of cancer. He has a 25 year old son named Andy. His parents died when he was 16. He is very loving and actually proposed to me over the phone. I can't believe I allowed myself to fall for this. I feel so extremely stupid. I've called him on a few things and he always seems to be able to talk his way out of it. He has my cell phone number, but not my home number. He does have my address though. The latest thing he wanted was for me to open an account so that the money from the "construction" job he is doing in Turkey can be wired to the account. I asked him why it couldn't be done thru one of his accounts and the answer was it had to be thru this one particular bank. He claims he can't set it up online from where he is at.

    This all started right the beginning of December and is still going on because I didn't want to believe that someone could be so cruel as to lead someone on that long and then it not be true.

    Oh well, chalk it up to stupidity.

  172. Same problem with scammer! loveworld2002 is the email. Mike Murdock is the name. Dell4u2003 is the yahoo email. His name is really Dennis Okai from Uganda and his story is widower with a 9year old name Eric who is staying at an orphanage in Uganda with Dennis his old Army military buddy while he is in Iraq. Claims to be a Captain. He got a cheap digital camera 19.99 and A cheap Ipod 47.99 from me so MERRY CHRISTMAS UGANDA! That will be my charity donation for the next couple of years!

  173. It is heart breaking reading these stories of cruel scammers. A guy I am dating from Match initially asked very early on if I could email him on his yahoo account as opposed to Match IM as he is often on the move with work and can access yahoo email on his cell. I guess not all guys that suggest personal email contact are scammers. I hope everyone has more luck with love in the future.

  174. Ladies here is another attempt by the same scammer already mentionned germain preston from

    Note he's a widower (must be tough for real widowers, gosh!)

    Also note that at the initial contact they are smart enough to write their email addresses with spaces and the word "dot" in them, as they know from vast experience that many sites will filter that out. Red flag!

    His current scammer profile
    Great Value's
    48-year-old man
    Pagosa Springs, Colorado, United States
    seeking women 38-58
    in Canada
    Relationships: Widow / Widower
    Have kids: Yes, and they live at home (1)
    Want kids: Not sure
    Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
    Body type: About average
    Height: 6'2" (188cms)
    Religion: Christian / Other
    Smoke: No Way
    Drink: Social Drinker

    love ladies who enjoy spending time with her family and wants to share travel, passion, fine food, I'm energetic, warm, confident, intellingent, spontaneous and affectionate, plus a good friend and a good listener. I am looking for a relationship where there would be fun, laughter, friendship, love and mutual respect

    His Typical scammer email to me professing our beauty

    your beauty really caught my attention and i love all you wrote about yourself in your profile.i am germain by name,widower and have been single for a very long time now. i am a man who is friendly, honest,romantic and optimistic.I am someone who likes to overcome day by day' love planning. I like cinema, mountains, great site to go for dinner, a romantic site of course,I like to appreciate and give love, care and respect.
    i would love to get a response from you to know if you are interested or not becos i contacted you simply becos i am very much interested in you and i keen to know you better.i know about the online chat and i just got an msn chat id.just let me know if it will be better for us to have a chat online so we can get to know more about ourselves better and is my id
    i hope to hea r from you soon and once again you look very beautiful,


  175. I have been scammed twice on The first time in December with David Moore (ManNextDoorLOL). He said his wife died 3 years ago from Breast Cancer and moved from Alabama to NYC. He had an 11 yr old son. He is an engineer who went to Nigeria to build a shopping mall. When he was supposed to be coming home he got robbed. Unfortunately, I was taken for $1200.

    The second time was happened with Brian Miller (True Prince) . . . widower & 11 yr old daughter . . . went to UK on business than had to go to Nigeria for an emergency. Yesterday was robbed.

    In both cases I seem to be the only one who can help. The second time I was not going to be taken again.

    Both guys signed onto Match for 3 day trials so they are gone from the site. I sent an email to Match to complain but I expect nothing from them but they will keep my money.

  176. Be careful of Tom Beckford, screen name on match was SweetTom from Rockville MD.
    Same as you all describe - - very sweet love-filled emails too quickly. Widower / 13 year old daughter living with his mother in the UK. Left the US shortly after we emailed on a construction job.
    We spoke on the phone a couple of times, and even though he said he was born and raised in the UK, he did not have any kind of British accent. Phone conversations were very brief, though, just asking me to chat on the computer. When I asked him about his accent, he said bad connection.
    It took him 6 weeks to ask for money. It was rather creative actually. His friend who took him to the airport so he could visit his daughter was killed in an accident on the way home. The next day, he said his mom (another red flag; don't all Brits spell it mum?!) suggested they make a donation, and did I want to contribute? He changed the subject, but came back to it again, with pressure to wire money, and why didn't I want to help someone in a bad situation? I did not send any money; signed off and blocked him from contact. He has my phone number, but I won't pick up again. He doesn't have my last name or address.
    I reported him to match.
    Feel pretty stupid, but at least I'm not out any money!!

  177. Women please be careful after signing up for any dating website these sharks are out there waiting for the newest members. I unfortunately was scammed out of $200 dollars. He made me believe he was for real and that one day he would come home and we would live happily ever after. It hurt me so much to find out what was really going on and that my “prince charming” would never come home to me. at first he shared a really long passionate conversation where we got to know each other. After word he wanted to get my personal instant messenger ID… he said add me to your messenger and gave me this as his ID (artmic45 at y mail dot com) I wasn’t to sure what all this meant so I asked for advise and I was told people usually spell out their email so they won’t be blocked by sending it through the dating network. Although I knew this I didn’t think twice about it. he told me he was an engineer from San Diego, CA but at the moment he was over sea’s working on a big contract. I believed him. later he told me he lost his wallet and needed money asap. I believe him and sent him $200. he said he loved me unconditional and could wait to come home to me… I received this link form a friend a day later… my “prince charming” sounded like a cardboard cut out of all these men… even the sweet email he sent me that I thought were specially made for me where used by other men (scammer) to lure their victims… I felt like such a fool!
    Please Women beware and be very careful… I believe there is some one out there for ever one… but it is so hard to find that person now a days…
    He goes by the name Arthur Snipes his email address is
    He instructed me to send him money to
    Name Arthur Jones
    Address:321 Igolo Rd,
    Country: Benin

    I hope my post helps someone from bank and heart breaking.

  178. Be careful of Roy Pelle (milsermon50 on "Subscription to match is expiring and so best way to communicate is yahoo messenger". He was in Scotland waiting to hear if he got the contract on a mall, but then licenses had to be obtained (I thought, really bad planning to bid on something that you're not properly licensed for) and had to have the money to pay for the licenses by Tuesday (this was Friday). Several red flags in his messages. Initially, the messages he sent with questions like "What is your perfect Sunday?" "What are you looking for in a mate?" came almost too fast and furious...he had to be copying and pasting them into the message. To be an architect, he was very uneducated with particular, lose was loose, but I think the thing that really gave him away was that his best friend Jason was on vacation with his family until "March ending"...not the end of not many US families are able to go on vacation for a month. I reported him to match and to yahoo messenger. I, too feel pretty stupid but at least I did not send money.

  179. Wow...all the stories are the same! This is from David Sturridge - name: Explorer7735 or Says he lives in SF. Has a SF phone number, but the number appears to be a landline that is forwarded to his cell. When he calls, his number comes up as a restricted number. Had to go to the Philippines four days after our initial contact...asked for money by the second day he was there! Too many inconsistencies for me not to be suspicious. Reported him to, but he is still there probably scamming some other poor person! Beware!

    His story:

    First, let me let you know i am originally from South Africa and I just moved to CA 7
    months ago.I did my college here in US, University at Albany, New York. I needed a
    new environment after my separation and a new beginning after my divorce which was
    complete a year ago. Plus I had visited before and loved it.My ancestors are British but I
    was born in SA.I have a daughter who's 12 and already experimenting with makeup lol.
    She acts very grownup and she is wiser than her years and has an amazing ability for
    caring for people. She wants to be a nurse. Im not surprised. Her mom died from
    excessive bleeding at childbith so the only mom she knows is my mother who has been a
    wonderful influence in her life and helped me raise her. My ex didnt have any time for
    Im a small-time government contractor. Although right now Im working on something
    big and personal with the South african govt involving some of my land.I will tell you
    more as we get to kow each other better.....I read and have a degree in Project
    management in college.You know,I was raised on a farm in South Africa so yes I can
    milk a cow lol. I used to work full time with the South Africa Football Association but
    now I contract for them on middle level projects the most recent being during the time
    just before the world cup began.
    Im an outdoorsy person. I like to ride my bike and ride horses and play chess and swim
    and kayak and camp and go winetasting... anything fun! I also like to stay at home and
    cuddle and watch a movie and share a bottle of wine with someone interesting. I like
    rainy sunday mornings. I like breakfast in bed. I like taking walks in the park. I like
    eating out but I also like cooking together.I dont really have a favorite movie as I have
    watched so many and Im sure there are lots we could tell each other about and
    subsequently try, like Titanic, Godfather, Last Don,Alice in wonderland.... My favorite
    color is Red, and i like Black and white to wear. Favorite music is Gospel, Slows,
    country, and a bit of cool rock music, I just like to dance...Lol., Favorite flowers are
    Hope to hear from you soon, and enjoy the rest of the weekend

  180. not sure anyone listed this guy yet, poses as James Gregg from Hughson, CA, also widowed one child, showed me pics of him and 'his son' yesterday on yahoo, today I get a call, do a reverse phone lookup and see a Nigerian country code, called him on it and he immediately dissapeared from yahoo IM :) after saying don't know what you talk about babe, babe my @$$ glad I did not get involved more, and he supposedly was turkish and his father died his mother died the wife died, glad the cow didn't die too geeeezzzzz and glad I am not out any money

  181. Has anyone come across someone named Richard Geary? Age 45, supposedly Australian. Goes by the name of richardbilly1986o r lovingman4u1965 on I can be reached at

  182. Let's add Jose Wilson to the list of scammers. Widowed, father of a teenage daughter. Mother and father dead. In-laws dead. Engineer in the oil industry. Said he was living in Ballico, CA. He used several phone numbers - one with a Nigerian country code, one I found in google as a Maryland land line, and several UK numbers (he claimed to go to the UK on business). Asked for $3,000 to help settle his late wife's tax issues, so that a UK company would pay him for work he had done. He sent a copy of 'his' passport for verification for the loan. Too bad for him I have a friend who specializes in authenticating passports - she spotted the discrepancies even on an email copy of it!!!!

  183. Same here....
    2 on widow...each had 1 daughter. One in uk to be a doctor. the other 7yr old..falls in love fast...cos COS they love you..kisses...darling...send more pics..will send you a gift.. oh had to travel out of the country.. please buy stuff..iphone, georgio perfume cologne...polos...Crazy stuff... Just figure out how to be single! both were local at first then gave me a +233 number..

  184. My sister has been charmed by a guy working in Africa. He is a contractor with a son. His wife was killed a couple years ago in a car accident. Now, she is head over heels in love with him. She even has a wedding date set and she's never even met the guy! The son has already talked to my sister and is calling her mom. Many people have tried to warn her. I even forwarded this site to her. Of course the guy was supposed to fly into the states, but hasn't showed up yet. What can we do? She's been warned and she is not listening. My sister became a widow about 3 months ago after a 21 year marriage. I am so scared for her and deeply concerned. She really thinks this guy is for real. He write poetry, love letters, and amazing stuff to convince her is is deeply in love with her. She is not talking to the family because she doesn't like what we have to say. I haven't got the guys last name yet. His first name is Jerry. He is 50 years old, extremely good looking. He looks like a model. I guess he was born in Italy and has an Italian accent. He is currently doing contract work in Africa and will fly home soon to meet the love of his life. Does anyone have good advice for all of us that are trying to help her see the light? This is so unbelievable to me that I am totally blown away and deeply concerned for my sister's welfare.

  185. My widowed aunt met a guy on Tagged who said he was from Ireland but lives in New Jersey. He said his name is Harold Zudick (there is someone in NJ by this name but it is NOT him). He removed his profile right away from Tagged once they started conversing. He told her he was a widower, was a construction engineer working in London on building an estate, had two grown daughters, etc. She talked with him several times on the phone but he did not give her his number. Her sent her emails saying he wanted to marry her, even telling her he thought God had put them together. I began to get suspicious when she forwarded some of the emails to me. My own husband is one of the most romantic people I know and does NOT write letters that "flowery" that seem so full of bs! So I ran some of the sentences through Google and found that they were scam emails. Of course she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and thought he may have just copied the letters because he wasn't a very good writer. He even had his "daughter" call my aunt and email her! This guy was good! So he sent her an itinerary from KLM saying he was flying from London to an airport near her and was coming to visit her for two weeks. He also messaged her a picture of a check he got for 1.5 million dollars from his construction job. She kept asking why someone like him would want someone like her and he kept telling her it was because she was sweet and "simple" (she is NOT simple...he was just a good scammer and she is lonely). She forwarded me the itinerary and it said the tickets had not been paid for and that he had to pay for them within 48 hours or they would be canceled. So guess what? He calls her and says he can't get the check cashed locally and wants $1200 to cover the $950 tickets and some "spending money" and he would reimburse her when he got to the States. I used to work for a large corporation and make international reservations and know that executives use CREDIT CARDS, so when my aunt told me that I said "NO"! She also was beginning to doubt him at that point and figured out that he was just a user. Wish I would have found this site and other sites like this long ago and it would have saved her heart a lot of pain!

  186. James Hilton. Widowed, no kids age 65. Independent Business contractor. Clarksville, TN. Originally from Denmark. Was going to visit but got a two week contract in West Africa. Wanted money via Western Union.

  187. Pretty sure another one on shellyyjj10 goes by josh jackson email

  188. Nigeria Scammer - Cyber Crime Ops8 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 7, 2010
    His email address is: ... Here is my e mail joshson_jack I Care, Josh Jackson ... › ... › Guest Posting Area - Cached

  189. Well my creeps name is Mathew Vedo--AffectionateMat on
    email address is
    Absolutely gorgeous man who looked much younger than 50--first clue he was seeking women 40-65. Said he gave his email and IM because he was only on for a 3 day trial and now he has hidden his profile ------Sound familiar ladies!!
    Well this clown was a laid off civil engineer at Exxon Mobil who lived in New Orleans until his wife died and now lives in Bridgeport CT with his 9 year old son Ruben. He is now an antiques dealer and is Nigeria on business. Well he of course falls for me immediately --the emails are nauseating. He talks a lot about god and for his need to romance me. He is a King and he wants me to be his Queen. His writings are in broken English but at first I attributed that to him being Austrian.He claims to have been born in Austria and both of his parents were killed in a car accident when he was "at a very tender age" .After only a week he told me that he needed me to send him money through Western Union so he can pay for a Tax Clearance Certificate so that customs will release his property so he can ship it back to the US.
    I have been keeping this guy on the hook trying to get info from him. The only thing keeps giving me is a Nigerian phone #2348020715599. I have tried everything i could think of. I asked him to email a copy of his drivers license and passport so i could know for sure who he is and where he lives. He wouldn't give me a cell phone # so i emailed him that i was at western union having trouble sending him the money and i needed his cell # so i could talk to him right away. The SOB won't budge. He keeps asking for my # so he can call me or gives me the Nigerian phone # again.
    I have reported him to Match but I'm sure that won't stop him.

  190. Another scammer. Douglas Maloney, who used the email: Claims to be a civil engineer. He wins the contract of his dreams for an oil refinery and has to go to Denmark for just three weeks. Then it is one thing after another for which he needs money sent; first to his sister who was robbed, then local pipe fitters have accident and he needs to fly US pipe fitters in to finish the job but his money is all tied up in the project and he needs money to fly them to Denmark. He has accomplices in Michigan and Texas and requested money sent to them first. The sister (Patricia Soliz) in Michigan and the pipe fitter (James Mott)in Texas. Then he is done and going to fly back to the US but gets arrested becaause he is carrying too much cash, $1.625 million and needs money to file a Certificate of Claim to get his money back from the Danish government. Then he says to send money to his Nigerian lawyer, Lanre Aguda who is with him in Denmark, but send the money to Lagos, Nigeria. His lawyer has a friend at Western Union in Copenhagen and until he gets a Danish passport this is how his lawyer gets money.
    So I believe Douglas is really Lanre Aguda. I sent a total of $14,000. I know. I was really stupid. This was a very expensive lesson. But I trust no one now. No more internet dating for me.

  191. Well, ladies and gentlemen here comes the last of (to my knowledge!) scammmers. His name: Anthony Fricano, Italian widower, who allegedly lost his pregnaNt wife in car accident, and claims to live in Clermont, FL., a 40 minute drive from my residence. His daughter of 12, is Monica. His email: Yahoo IM: antho2hans, our first chat lasted 8 1/2 hours on a Sunday! He said he was a "a Petrochemical Engineer of International "repute" and that he worked abroad for US, Middle East and Asia in pretochemichal platforms. Early, during our (chat) relationshionship and I mean, only 2 days after, I figured I should look over the Florida's Board of Engineers (easy! visit their webpage or Google it!) As I was expecting, no such name as an Engineer in the Board. I reclaimed this to him, in his both emails, email (his nick on is gordie2611) and AOL, and he said since he is a national Italian, he was not entitled to be in the Board. He took my unhappy and disgusting behavior as just silly and funny, but understanding and lovingly, enchanting me with all sorts od loving staatements. I fell in love with the middle aged man I saw in the pics he sent me, he even looks Italian, so he knew very well, whom he chose to pose as. Then to my surprise he offered to send me more pics he had taken with mom and daughter in Walmart. Well, that seemed be OK for the moment.

  192. This is a continuation of the Italian I mentioned before as Anthony Fricano.

    I kept giving him my cell phone and he would not call. Then, suggested to start dating and and meeting personally he asked me to take it slow, to please refrain from telling my mom, since she is my counselor on love matters, (because the decision was to be taken between us two and he would "pay" a surprise visit. that he loved surprises, meaning that the age difference (12 years older than me) might cause my mother to advise me not to go along with the relationship. This, after he had asked me to be the love of is life, told me he would even take care of me in an Oath he offered in the name of God! and that a year from now we would be husband and wife, living altogether with his mom and daughter in his house with a pool and a big garden. Ok, today I am writing this because 2 days ago, allegedly he left early in the morning on March 23, 2011 for Malaysia in his "last" International Trip with Monica. He said he would call me as soon as he check in the hotel. Still waiting for his call, just received 3 calls from a 002 only code and did not reply, don't know if the call can be charged to my cell service! Have not heard from him yet. He has Never asked for money, just offered and offered heavens. He even asked when I would like to plan our wedding, we could even go to Italy to pick up my attire. I fell in love with his pics with mom and daugther, he sent a few, like 5. But after a while, and by reading the stories posted here I am realizing that he is a scammer. We had agreed to close our accounts, (I suggested it!) and I gave him proof, turning down the request of a 46 y/o (another widower's request who claims to be a single parent, to be Spanish, not Latin but Spanish from NY. The email I send turning this guy down I forwarded to My Anthony". I had begged him not to play games with me since I am young, (50) but disabled he claims to be 62 BTW!. Only 2 reasons I guess helped me to open my eyes: Maybe he felt sorry for being such a creep and second maybe he already knew he was into deep waters, because I even checked his ISP (which in turn is from Virginia), and I took the advantage to letting him know my brother works for the Secret Service in Virginia), and that he has all of his background check info. I paid, just $1 for a 5 days trial period in a background, email, ISP all around check service, ran his name and surprise!, no Anthony Fricano or Monica Fricano in the State of FL). I mean, there are many other Anthony Fricano's, but not living in Clermont. I want to clarify, from the very beginning I felt a hunch he might be lying. I followed my heart and checked without telling him. I feel sorry for myself and been sad since I fell in love with the guy in the pics, the young and lovely girl and his Mamma, whom I now realize are stolen pics. BEWARE! Yet, realize that it's better to meet the neighbor nextdoor in the supermarket, than on a dating site. I have 3 tremendous good friends I met on, but alwys open your eyes and follow your hunches, in this NOT YOUR HEART! Last but not least, DON'T OPEN YOUR PURSE!

  193. Dear readers:

    Here's another one: gordie2611 @
    antho2hans Yahoo IM

    Italian Engineer of International "repute"

    Daughter of 12 y/o called Monica

    Widower whose wife died after 27 good years marriege in car accident and pregnant

    Charmer after u comfront him calls u silly and causes a "smilein his face"

    The pics he sends are from him, his so to be Monica and "mom" and he is stunning between 50-60

    Doesn't speak or understan Italia, Spanish, Afrikaans (oh, how weird!) or Portuguese, says some Arabic, though never proved it. (I am multilingual).

    Vanished supposedly with Monica for work to "Malaysia", after I mentioned am disabled and on low budget.

    Loving, caring, offering marriage.

    Alleges lives in Clermont, FL but he is not in Florida's Board of Engineers???

    Too many red flags! Calls you pretty and sweetie.

  194. Unfortunately, I did not find this site in time. It does make me feel like I am not alone, even though I did send money, and I thank you all for your stories. Mine is the same. Mushy emails, intense chatting online, and then having to go to Nigeria to bid on a construction job. Robbed and needing surgery for a gun wound. I also spoke to the "doctor." Name is Bobby Claudy Wade, phone number is +2348084207232. Of course, the phones are "burn phones." They just throw them away. I gave some personal information, so feeling very worried about further violations. Has anyone had their identity stolen from these contacts?

  195. I believe that the scammer calling himself Richard Clint was my scammer named Albert Ken ( We met on and my they are slick. I was sucked in quick. He built bridges and roads. He had a 10 year old daughter and they went from his home in London to Valencia, Spain to take a contractso he would have the money to come to the states and meet me. Of course he ran out of money for materials to do the job and needed my help, then his daughter got a nail in the head and needed brain surgery but he needed $2K as a deposit before they would do the surgery. He needed my help to save his daughter, her life is at stake. He claimed that he was raised in the UK but his accent was not English at all. The daughters voice sounded very fake, but the same accent. I lost a total of $2K before I found out about the scam. I must admit I am angry. I reported it to something like i3b or something that is supposed to be an agency set up to report and hopefully prosecute them. They don't promise anything, but they did get important information. I have kept all of the Western Union paperwork and all the emails. Most of our communication was via IM just like pretty much all the rest of the victims here. I do think that a class action suite against is a good idea. I am convinced that with this problem so out of control, (and they know and choose not to act,) they are involved and just as responsible as the scam merchants.

  196. Found 2 more

    Bill Smalls

    Galen Pittman

  197. Looks like I met one of the guys everyone is talking about. He has two email accounts and the first is and the othr is He had a temporary profile for 3 days, just like everyone else was talking about. Says he is Barry Broughton from San Leandro, CA and has his own business with Oil and Gas. Set up a time to meet then suddenly had to fly to Nigeria on business. Another good looking guy with three nice pictures and a dead wife and a daughter that is going to Harvard. Got me to set up a IM account on Yahoo and wrote every day for a while untli his trip. Just called today and IM that he got over there and they wouldn't take his credit card and could I send him a couple hundred dollars until they could get his card to clear? Wanted me to call him on a nigerian phone number. I told him in a message I didn't have any money. I was suspicious from the start, but the request to send money to Nigeria was the final straw. I will shut him out of Yahoo Instant message. I even looked up in the while pages and there is a barry boughton at the address he gave me and is a make living alone. He has taken someone elses profife for sure. He wanted my password to get on my profile on Match to view it again and I wouldn't give it to him and he got mad about it. Can only imagin what he wanted to do with my profile or info from my account. I haven't given any money but he does have my address and phone which he could have gotton anyway. All anyone needs is a name and they can get your address and phone number. This scamming has to stop! Match needs to find a way to verify profiles, this could be dangerous....

  198. Re: Mathew Vedo has shut him down. Also reported him on yahoo mail and they have told me that they have escalated their investigation based on the info i told them.
    Everyone--check to see if you can comment on their profile under "Up dates" I did and other women commented. Some knew but some did not so I think my comments my have spared them some additional grief

    I know we can't stop them. They will just keep creating new accounts . But we can at least make it more difficult.

    Also beware of :
    Bill Smalls
    Galen Pittman

    I couldn't believe the tenacity. After I blew off Mat these guys ( or "Mat") contacted me .

  199. Ladies, beware of Kevin Mckee (email address:, aka James Hall...look him up using Google - Scams - Kevin Mckee...the 'k' in Mckee is lower case...he just bilked me for $2,700 in 1 week before I googled Scams - Kevin Mckee. The picture that is posted shows a version of what he sent to me! I can get over this and hope God will take care of his kind...oh, he talks a lot about his love of God, etc...sent flowers, was extremely convincing and charming....but BEWARE of this snake...I'm just glad he didn't get my whole life savings....




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