Showing posts with label internet dating site. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet dating site. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Verro Williams, Veronica Williams, internet dating site nigerian scammer

Here is another email I got from someone who claimed in their first email that they found my profile (that I don't have) online at an internet dating site. of course they don't say which one, and I am on no internet dating website at all. Here is the scammers introductory email.

Hello My dearest one,
how are you doing?I guess nice,Mine weather is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal. My name is miss Veronica .B. William, I'm 25years old girl, from Rep.of Congo in central Africa.
I am 5' 7" tall, Fair in complexion, Single (never married) I am presently residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was going on in my country for that reason i am facing so many difficulties in life at my age,
so dear i have to let you know about this so that you will assist me,I would like to know more about you,Your likes and your dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently.

The only person l have now is Rev.Father Godson Mark who is the Reverend father here in the camp he has been very nice to me since i came here. This is the Pastor's Tel number is +221 772 704 308 if you call, tell him that you want to speak with Miss Veronica .B. William,he will send for me in the camp and l will come and speak with you.

In nutshell, My late father Dr.Bona. William was the managing director of Gold and Diamond industry (Limited).But he was killed along side with my mother and my only brother during the long civil war and all our properties was totally destroyed. However, after their death I managed to escape with a very important document (deposit certificate of($4.9 Million US Dollars)in the bank which i am the next of kin to my late father.

Mean while,l am saddled with the problem of securing a trust worthy foreign personality to help me transfer the money over to his country Account and into his possession pending my arrival to meet with him.
Further more,you can contact the bank for confirmation and i will issue a letter of authorization on your name,that will enable the bank to deal with you on my behalf.
After the transfer of the money into your bank account you will send some money for my traveling to come over and meet with you in your country and continue my education.

I am giving you this offers as mentioned with every confidence on your acceptance to assist me or take me as your wife and manage the money.
conclusively i will like you to furnish me with your contact information's,

such as

Names ........................................
Age .......................................
Address ........................................
Telephone .........................................
Fax ...........................................

Conclusively,i wish you send me a reply immediately as soon as you receive this proposal,please reply me for i am grumbling into tears because of present conditions,
Your immediate respond shall be highly appreciated.

Yours for ever
Miss Veronica.
email address:,

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Allen Rogers - Nigerian Internet Dating Scam

Here is a letter sent by a reader to warn all of you of Allen Rogers, yet another Nigerian Internet Dating Scammer. Here is the letter:

I’m sorry to admit it, but I too have been a victim of the online dating scam. I met someone on who claimed to be from Manchester, England. I live in the Detroit area, but this guy, Allen Rogers, claimed to be in my area working on a project. He said he was a structural engineer and builds bridges all over the world. He was just leaving town when I responded to his email on Match back in November, 2011. We have emailed back and forth ever since. He knew the right things to say to keep me going. I’m a single mom, so it’s rare I get any adult attention and conversation beyond work. So I wanted to believe this guy was for real. Long story short, he and his 16 year old daughter left England in February to work on a project in Cape Town, South Africa. He was “awarded” a contract worth $2.5 million to do maintenance work on a bridge there. He sent me the official looking contract. He was there working about one week before he got paid, so he said he went through hundreds of thousands of his personal money paying his team and expenses while he was waiting for the check from the government. When they gave him the check for $2.5 million, he said the banks wouldn’t cash it and it was up to him to fly back to England to cash it. His “daughter” Anita got very ill and he said she now needs surgery on one of her kidneys. I was sick with worry that this little girl needed medical help and he had no money to help her. So I sent them $5,000 to fly home. He called me from the airport when the authorities began yelling and told him he was going nowhere until he paid taxes on the income he made in South Africa. I didn’t hear back from him until late that night saying he and his sick daughter were with the customs authorities insisting he pay them $25,000 in taxes. The authorities took their passports and they went back to the “guest house” where they had stayed prior to the “flight.”

I have no money, but I had a small life insurance policy for my daughter who is 7. I decided to cash it and send them money so that he could pay his taxes and fly home. I wired $30,000 and he would pay me back as soon as he got home and deposited the $2.5 million.

I spoke with him this past Friday when he was at the bank cashing the money I had wired him, and then he was going to the tax officials to pay them off. Friday evening I received an email from his daughter, Anita asking if I’d heard from her Dad as she hadn’t seen him since he left for the bank that morning and it was now 1 am Saturday morning in Cape Town. I was sick with worry that he was robbed and possibly killed. I heard from him Saturday morning say that he was robbed and all the money is gone. That’s when I realized that I was in the middle of something awful. This morning I told him I was about to lose my home (this is how stupid I’ve been). He emailed me back saying that he was able to come up with all but $9,000 to get home. I feel like I’ve participated in something dirty, something terrible. Who knows where my money has gone and if it’s hurting innocent people (sex trade, weapons, drugs, you name it). Ugh! It just sickens me.

The email address Allen uses is:

Allen’s cell in the UK: +447700083337

Allen’s cell in South Africa: 01127837669270

Letter from Roger:

Honey,There are so many things I want to tell you and share with you. First and foremost I want to Thank you for you being you. You've added so much to my life, you make me feel things I did'nt think I would ever feel again. it makes me feel wonderful, like I really matter to someone.Getting emails from you excites me, its like I cant wait for another day to come just so I can read what you've said to brighten my day. You've become like the air I breath, I need it everyday for survival. I cant wait to meet some day face to face, a day worth remembering. I thank God daily for answering my prayer-he brought you into my life, now that's worth Celebrating!!!!! I will not come between your personal life and i will always respect your space..Thank for the compliment,now i know you have an idea who i am..Am glad things are going well for you and your funding is up..I wish you luck..For me,i have an urgent 4 weeks Multi-million Bridge maintenance contract that i have been asked to supervise In South Africa..I will keep you posted when the deal has been sealed later today and i will send you my contract approval..But its just for 4 weeks so i will have to see you next month when am done..I need to stop here as i have some meetings and need to go see the managements of Anita's school if they can allow her study online for 4 weeks..If they agree then she can come with me to my next contract..Okay babe..just wanted to say Good morning and keep well..mmmmmwwwwwaaaa

Friday, January 20, 2012

Joseph P Czarnecki - Nigerian Scammer

A reader has been contacted by Joseph Czarnecki, an obvious Nigerian scammer. She sent us his emails and the photos he is using, and since he just "suddenly" had to leave the country on business (just like every other Nigerian scammer) she is expecting his money request any day now. When she gets it, we will post it. Stay tuned, and here are "Joseph Cazaneckis emails:

thank u so much for d email u send me andl will like to tell u sime more about myself. and l see that u a very loving woman and u have a very big and good heart.. l like that about u ...wel l was born in Mexico from a very poor parent love me so much and l am there only son...they try to make me happy all there life..l lost them 7years ago and l have been alone since then..l have no brother or sister.wel l love it in Mexico but u know that...l have always love to live in US since l was a kid and l move here cos there are more Opportunities here then in anywhere in the world.After l lost my parent 7years ago and l have been a then but things was not the same as before so l decied to move with my wife to US but she as been sick but was hopin she will get better. but after a year when we moved here l lost her to cancer of lungs and l have been alone since then.. its not easy at all but u know l have to move on.. life was hard. things was hard people let me down .some people dont like me here cos but l just told my son we have to live ourlifes and be happy. my son told me he wanna be a pilot and l enrow him to a pilot school in Wa and he is doing good.. l am doing good here too l live in 3bed room apt and l am comfortable and l can live anywhere all l want is just be happy and be with a loving nice woman..l play golf and l love some sport tooo... pls email me some of ur pic pls and l will be looking forword to hear from ul dont have a pet but l am hoping to have sone someday.l just want to find this loving woman to be with and live with forever and we make a better life for each other... Thanks and l will be looking forward to hear from u.. pls email me and ask me anything u wanna know about me.. l am a open book and honest man.I love music, dancing, holding hands, sun, sand, water, sunrises and sunsets. l go to the movies shoping and Going to beach sometimes on weekend, love to laugh,I love good music,good food mostly sea Food,.l like to hold hands.. just ask me ..
Take care and l will be lookin forward to hear from u
l care
From: joseph P czarnecki

Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Hi .. So now you have my email
I am loving, caring, honest, sensitive, passionate, compassionate, easy going, cheerful giver,trusting, altruistic, selfless, tenderhearted, straightforward, and generous, romantic man and l think l want same in a woman,.l want love and l want a woman to be happy with. l wanna find ture love and someone to love and to be happy with forever..I love music, dancing, holding hands, sun, sand, water, sunrises and sunsets. l go to the movies shoping and Going to beach sometimes on weekend, love to laugh,I love good music,good food mostly sea Food,.l like to hold hands.. Thanks and l will be looking forward to hear from u..

Monday, January 2, 2012

Michael Butler - Nigerian Scammer from internet dating site

Here is a letter from a reader who met a Nigerian scammer on Here is the story and the scammer's info so you can all avoid him like the plague:

Here is how he started with me back on November 12 2011...He claimed to be an Architect living in San Francisco making a trip to work on a 5 Star Hotel In Benin. He said he couldnt get at his funds yet, and asked that I send him $200 Western Union to a man he said was a business partner named Henry Morgan in Nigeria.
He always had a reason that he couldnt fly back to San Francisco, and he always had some reason he needed me to send more money promising to pay me back more then I ever sent him.
Once this hotel remodel was finished he said he also had an import export business dealing oil, and he would have to stay over there even longer. Beggged me to send more money. He gave my cell number to another partner Greg Richardson. He was terribly rude and I would yell at him on the phone and get him all worked up. He ended up calling Michael and I both liars and stopped calling and texting me after I threatened to change my cell number. Just a team of horrible people working the Match dot com website.
I have phoned Match and sent complaints about this idiot.
He always sends sappy love letter emails. He like to send music videos of his favorite band Westlife, the song
Flying Without Wings, He is sometimes really hard to understand on the phone because of his thick accent which he claims is French, I bet it is Nigerian now that I know better. I told him he lacked verbal skills and not to call me because he is too hard to understand.

Here are some of his flowery emails :

From: Michael Butler
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:30 PM
Subject: Changes...
Life is so unpredictable. Changes always come along, in big or small ways. I don't know what happened that this sudden change has turned my world upside down. I don't know exactly what it is, it just hit me, but there is something really special about you.

It might be all the things I see on the surface, the things that everyone notices and admires about you, qualities, capabilities and a wonderful smile obviously connected to a warm and loving heart; these things set you apart from everyone else. But it may also be the big things ... the person you really are that I hope to know more someday. And it might also be the little things ... the way we talk online for hours as if we have know each other for a long time. I'll receive so much joy just being able to see a smile in your eyes. If I ever figure out the magic that makes you so special, I'd probably find out that it's a combination of all these things. You are a rare combination of so many special things. You are really amazing.

Inside of me there is a place where my sweetest dreams reside, where my highest hopes are kept alive, where my deepest feelings are felt and where my favorite memories are safe and warm. I find that you're on my mind more often than any other thought. Sometimes I bring you there purposely just to make my day much more brighter. But more often, you surprise me and find your own ways into my thoughts. There are even times when I awaken, I realize that you've been a part of my dreams. Then during the day, when my imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows me to linger there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart because whenever they wander, they always take me to you.

Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay. And now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you.

Have a wonderful day...


From: Michael Butler <>;

Sent: Fri, Dec 30, 2011 11:08:29 PM
I know I am in love because I see you no matter what I am doing. I know I want to be with you, not just with you, but share everything with you. Just being close to you is not enough for me. I want to be a part of you. A part of your life forever. I never have to wonder if you love me. You complete me, my mind, my body, my heart, and my soul.
You're my best friend, my lover, and my soul mate. You have been there and supported me like no other has before. I'm lost without you. I love you more then life itself. There are no words that I can say to truly tell you how much I really love you. I couldn't picture myself without you in my life. You are perfect for me in everyway possible and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
You give me reason to strive for more. I learn more and more from you every day. My heart is forever yours. I know saying I love you is a powerful, yet I feel it's not enough. It feels great to actually love and be loved in return. My life was a wreck before now. I never thought it would change, but you came into my life and everything took a turn for the best. You show me the value of life. You give me the most amazing feelings inside. I know we have only known each other for a short time now, but I know our love will last a lifetime. I can't wait until I am your husband. I love you with all of my heart. I am forever yours, Sweetheart.

From: Michael Butler []
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 4:34 AM
Subject: Invitation...
My Lady,
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living, I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dreams for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon...I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful be realistic to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another
to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day.
And if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure yours and mine
and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "Yes."
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up
after a night of grief and despair weary and bruised to the bone and do what needs to be done to feed the children.
It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire,with me and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
Good morning my lady, I hope you slept well

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Leonice Colman - Nigerian Scammer and idiot

This email came to me out of the blue from a Nigerian scamming idiot. They claimed to have gotten my profile and email from an internet dating site. (I have never had a profile on ANY internet dating site) She also thinks I am a male. Once again, they are an idiot. Here is the email from Leonice:
My Dearest In Love,
I am more than happy in your reply to my mail. How are you over there in your country? I hope fine. My name is Miss Leonice Colman. I am 23 years old but age is not matters what matters is love and understanding, i am a second year medical student before the incident that lead to my being in this place. I am hoping to further my education in this career. I am not married and don't have children. I am chocolate in complexion and of average height, my picture will explain to you better.
I am from Liberia in west Africa and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country .
My late father Dr Dave Colman who was one of the most successful entrepreneur in my country and my mother was a senior accountant at the Eco Bank Of Liberia, before the tragic war which claim their life and now living me as an orphan and i was the only child so i managed to make my way to near by country Senegal where i am seeking asylum now. I haven't finish up my education and i need a man who will make use of my fathers wealth and get me through in life.I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes. Your hobbies and what you are doing presently.
I will tell you more about myself in my next mail, here is my picture for you, though I am not all that photogenic, i hope you wouldn't mind i will like to see your photos,
I wait to hear from you soonest,
your baby Leonice

Monday, December 12, 2011

David Cuthbertson - Nigerian Scammer

This letter was sent to us by a reader who wanted to warn others. Here is her email:
just signed up for and it didn't take long for this jerk to contact me! I am copying the emails he sent. Most of our communication was done through IM and he didn't answer most of my direct questions. There were some inconsistencies in his stories, which is when I decided to do a little Google-ing. We never got to the point where he asked me for money, which is pretty funny anyway because I am broke in a Big Way!

I will also attach the photos he sent. He claimed he bought the Bentley in the photo in England and went to Dubai to buy another car. His yahoo IM photo is of him in a white tee shirt standing in front of his Hummer. He likes four wheeling and riding dirt bikes; he works somehow with horses but was not specific; he plays video games; he will relocate to anywhere to be with the woman he loves. He said he has an eight year old son named Max. He asked (twice) if I kissed on the first date; he didn't ask much about my background or family. Unfortunately, I sent him photos which will probably be used to scam someone else.

He sent me his phone number but said he feels nervous because of his accent. First he told me his mom took him to Napoli, Italy for five years when he was seven years old because she wanted him to have an accent; today he said he was there for 20 years.
His username on the site is :
rider_horse 5671
His name is supposedly David Cuthbertson.
Here is his email:

I am a 50yr old single, I love life, and enjoy the life I live. I am caring, affectionate, and love to spend my time helping others, and making them smile.. I am looking for a honest woman who deserves to be loved and cared for, and who can love and care for another.. Affectionate
I am, and I love it when returned. Honesty is very important to me, and giving is something I love to do. I feel two people should be able to communicate and share good things as well as bad... God is a very important aspect in my life, and my faith is very important to me.

I have been blessed in so many ways, and have been given much love to share with another. I believe there is one person for everyone, and when two people find each other and feel good together, nothing can stop them from being together forever. I believe a relationship should be 50/50. Sharing and caring and also respect for the each other. Life is too short to play games, there are very few men and women in this world that know the difference between the things they desire and the things they need in a life-long partner/partnership. Think about it. I love to travel There's nothing better than a good movie-especially (most!) Comedy- (or those happy ending films too:).. I have a wide range of menu.

Warm fires and warm hearts. Laughter & tears are my favorite emotions. I am just looking for a normal relationship, with no surprises... Be honest with me and I will always be honest with you... Respect me and I will respect you... I love romance, and I want the woman I am with to look at me and see her future with me... I want her to long for me, and I want to be in a place of refreshment with her.... I want to be her friend, companion, and lover and fill her life with joy and happiness, and make our dreams come true together. I will tell you more about me and send you pics.. I have added your email address to messenger chat, hope to chat with you soon...

Hello Dear,

Thanks for your email i a glad i got email from you... You sound like a lady i have been searching for all the rest of my life you seem too good to be true but i believe God knows...Well let me tell you more about me i am very much interested in getting to know you... I was born in Texas, Elpaso, was taken to Napoli Italy with my mom when i was 7 years old, long story but i do not mind tell you because i am very much interested in knowing all about you,when i was 7 year my mom decided to take me back to Italy so i can grow up and have accent and my Dad agreed to that, 5 years later came back to the united states.

I was married to my late wife for over 22 years... She loving, caring and with a great sense of humor, we discuss about things and use employ each other opinion, decision, Advice and motive on our daily life, Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time. Most of the ladies on are not looking True Love all they needed is One Night Stand and i am not into that king of game i am looking for true love someone i will spend all the rest of my life with and you seem to be the one i believe time tell us right ,... am an easy going person and easy to get along with.I am a gentleman at all times and I respect the person I am with. I am looking for a soul mate that we are all looking for. A woman with a great sense of humor like You... You could also say My Special Angel.One of my questions is can you handle kindness? Kindness comes from the heart and most people treat kindness as weakness. So if you are looking for a kind person then you need not look any further. I am looking for a commitment. No head games please.So if my Angel is out their you can come to me.and i also believe Nothing good comes easy except by handwork.

Am very Romantic person... i give all i can do to make a lady to be happy for the rest of her life... i will always make her happy wont hurt her... i will never lie to her...i will be 100% honest and sincere to her but i will like her to do the same for me...i don't want to get divorce or separation, because i will get hurt more and more and that will make me to not love any lady again, but i know one day i will find my sweetest love ever...Actually understanding matters a lot and trust is another thing that goes along with a good relationship and friendship. If you can give me your trust, am sure we can be friends without hurting each other.Although relationship is just like a perfume of which certain amount may delight you but too much of it can turn you off... i want you to be there for me if am not in happy mood to carry me on i can assure you... you will be the happiest lady on earth.Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each others guess a little about me will be glad to receive more response from you, be safe and take good care yourself until then stay safe.Later

God Bless You... Later
Are You God Sent????
P:S . I am putting together list of Question for you.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

David Simon Nigerian Scam Artist

This is a letter sent to us by a reader who encountered this Nigerian scammer from an internet dating site. She wanted us to print her letter to warn others. Here is the email:
Well, I always thought that I was an intelligent person, a professional, a person with morals and values and could size a person and see what he or she is all about. WRONG. I became a victim of an elaborate scam. He the scammer goes by the name of David Simon, if that is his real name. Web site Says he lives in Woodenville, Washington State. widower of 6 years with a daughter who is now 6 years old. Architect/Engineer. Business man travels extensively. Right now leaving Spain to the UK for a project with a Mall in renovation, soon will be flying to New Jersey to meet up with me, because he has found the woman he wants to meet face to face and start a serious relationship and that I appear to be that woman he has been searching for. Only one thing. He lost his wallet and briefcase in a taxi. Now he is stranded in a hotel in London with his daughter and he really hates to ask me to send him $300.00 just to get by. Until he can sorts things out. Only thing is within that week his daughter falls down the stairs in the hotel. Now he panics and states " I need $1800.00 to pay for the blood transfusion and doctors and states" Please, Please help me to save the life of my daughter, I can't lose her she is all I have."Well, eventually I send the money. He sends me his plane flight pass showing that he is coming to the USA so his daughter can receive proper medical care. Well, he says he's short and needs $5,300.00 for the ticket because the ticket he had expired and was unable to get the airline company to accept his old ticket. So, I send him the money, Suddenly, he and this person he befriended Paul Hudson who has been helping him in London are in a car crash, He's in the hospital with a concussion for 4 days. He needs money for the hospital and rehabilitation and the bill is $ 5,300. Well, I did not send it. He than wanted more and more money for the hotel bill. I found out from my sister who recognized his e-mail address on the internet and told me he is looking for females on flirtbox. I called him on it and he said that someone at the hotel was a jealous man who said that he saw me on that site and he had to join to make sure that I wasn't on it, He said " I realized that you were not on the site and that I had to fight him, I almost broke a bottle over his head" So, we made up. He always appeared to be concerned for my well fair, and saying what any woman wants to hear. " This is God's hand on us, He brought us together and I am so grateful for the angel that I want to marry. The one I have been looking for all my life etc..." This story went on for one year.
Then, I started putting the pieces of the puzzle together and felt that some things weren't right. When I would call him on it. he always had an explanation that appeared to be valid. But than taken into the bigger picture they just didn't add up. He asked me in one of our conversations if I was on the site we met. I stated"NO,I have no business on it since I met you." Than I asked if he was on it and he became abrupt and asked " Why would I be on it.? I have no business being on it since I met you my angel baby.
This bothered me. I decided to go on the internet and see if I could find him on different web sites.
I did. He wrote the same e-mail to a Lisa in Sydney Australia and called her his Queen and that he is in the process of purchasing the air plane ticket so that he will be spending Christmas with her and propose to her.
Well, I called him on it and told him hurt I was to find this out and why did he do this to me, to the person he professed his love.
The answers were so disappointing. He said, " It didn't come from the heart, I just need the money to get home and you can help me convince her to send me the money so we can finally be together." Of course I said " I will be no part of your scam." It's over do not call me any more." He kept e-mailing me back with saying " You have to help me I don't want to keep selling drugs, it's getting to risky and if you don't help me I'm going to have to rob and you don't want that." I told him to go away, that he was sick and needed help. " He continued to buzz me saying " You are the one I love only you etc... He became arrogant when I continued to reject him. Saying " I need you to give me the two bank account numbers you opened up so I can wire the money I have in off shore places." I told him. Do not write me anymore, I am going to report you and I am going to see to it that you pay dearly for all your deceptions to me and I am sure there are other women out there just like me and Lisa that you have duped
The game is over, the well is dry and you have been unmasked.
This is my entire story. For all the women and men out there don't be duped like me. Not only did I lose financially because I will never get this money back, but emotionally it broke my heart and I don't think I could trust after this. This man meant everything to me. He violated me like I have never been. He spoke about getting married as he said " In the Cath, in front of the alter, in God's eyes." That he would take care of me, that I deserved to be cared for and loved, because I was such a beautiful woman, that he had been hurt in two other relationships before meeting his late wife. But that while he had a special place in his heart for his late wife, I have gone above and beyond her.
This guy is one sick person.
He goes under different names. He used the names of Paul Hudson, Tony Diggs, Helen Tomas, David Simon I believe that one of the people he on the internet is a Sgt. Major Harry Bennett. and another
So, this was not only a very costly relationship, but a heart breaker.
Be careful, don't send one red cent to any guy for any reason.
It;s a scam in the making.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Grace John is a Nigerian Scammer

I just got an email from a Nigerian scammer who says they "found" me profile on a dating site. I have no profiles on any internet dating sites, and they think I am a male, and I am actually a female. Here is the letter and fake photo.

My Dear ,

I am more than happy in your urgent reply to my mail.How was your day?.
mine was cool over here in Daker Senegal.
My name is grace john am from libaria in west Africa and
presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in dakar as a result of
the civil war going on in my country.My late father Dr john was the
personal advicer to the former head of state before the rebels attacked my
house one early morning killing my mother and my father. It was only me that
is alive now and i managed to make my way to near by country Senegal where i
am leaving now. I would like to know more about you. Your likes and
dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently.I will tell more
about myself in my next mail.
Attached here is my picture,
Hoping to hear from you soonest.
Thanks.grace joh

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ben Ford - Nigerian Scammer

We received the following email from a reader who recognized a con artist/scammer before it could go any further. She found the photos he was using of himself on an online Italian magazine story. This is what our reader wrote:
He was instant messaging (IM), he asked for my email saying he was having issues with his IM at the dating site (which duh I gave, not sure if he can do anything with it). He kept asking the same question... what did I consider romantic? what did I think of the dating site? "how beautiful I was" messages were mostly questions, asking for my full name, where I lived, what type of work I did, and their stories are always the same: they are single dads, living with a child they adore at home, and they think "I" am so perfect... I started asking him questions about exact location where he lived, his favorite restaurant in the area, and he kept ignoring, and asking the question back at me. Then I made up the name "blue room" said it was my favorite place and asked him if he liked it, he said he loved it, I click disconnect, and therefore did not continue for him to ask for money, but I am pretty sure if I continue the communication game, he will. If that helps get them off the crook biz of taking advantage of women, I'll do it
Here is his first email:
From: Bend Ford <>
To: X
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:22 PM
Subject: My Pics and More about me..

Hello How are you doing Am Ben 48 Years old ,From California , I feel I'm pretty laid back & have a really good sense of humor. I have lots of interests & can carry on a conversation with just about anyone. I'm very creative. Kind of hard to explain, but I love it & it keeps me occupied! I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I'm a Christian & like to sing. I'm not a needy, clingy person, but at the same time I can be very affectionate & loving. I am comfortable in a crowd, but enjoy quiet times as well. I am said to have a great sense of humor and love to make people laugh. I am generally a happy person and once you become my friend it's a lifetime commitment to me. I would love to be in love but am not needy nor desperate.Friendship is the foundation and if love was meant to be, then it will. Am confident and satisfied with the life I have made for myself. Am not looking for anyone to change me but to accept me for who I am. I love to be romanced and to me the little things in life are very important. A card, flowers, an I love you call, holding hands and just those things that let me know that I am important to you. I love to be pampered and I love to pamper my Woman. What you see is what you get. No pretense, no show. I am proud to be a true man .what am searching for someone who is loving and kind, intelligent and adventurous. she will be my best friend, my lover and my partner. she must know how to laugh at life's absurdities and find the humor in things. ...i will be 100% honest and sincere to her but i will like her to do the same for me.i dont want to get divorced/widowed or allow what have happened to me in the past run my chance of happiness...because i will get hurt more and more.....But i know one day i will find my sweetest love ever...Actually understanding matters alot and trust is another thing that goes along with a good relationship and friendship.If you can give me your trust, am sure we can be friends without hurting each other.Although relationship is just like a perfume of which certain amount may delight you, but too much of it can turn you off...i want you to be there for me if am not in happy mood to carry me on i can assure will be the happiest lady on earth.Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each others worth,also say My Special Angel.One of my questions is can you handle kindness?K kindness comes from the heart and most people treat kindness as weakness.So if you are looking for a kind person then you need not look any further.I am looking for a commitment.No head games please.So if my Angel is out their you can come to me.and i also believe Nothing good comes easy except by hard work.Hey guess a little about me will be glad to receive a response from you... Ben..

PS. The reader who submitted this info is going to "toy" with "Ben" and see when he asks her for money. Will post further details as we get them. Thanks so much to the lady who submitted this, and to all of you that submit your stories to us to help others from being scammed.


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