Showing posts with label Men Who are Liars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Men Who are Liars. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2009

Internet Dating Gone Wrong Story #5

I Had been writing with "Jeff" whom I met in a gameroom chatroom. We had started just exchanging jokes back and forth and then started writing on a more personal level. He asked a lot of questions, seemed very interested in getting to know me, and I felt flattered. He seemed to really listen to me, and was always quick to write back, which made me feel as though I was important to him. He told me he had tried blind dates and joining groups to meet someone special but had had no luck. He remarked about how suprised he was to have met someone like me in an internet chatroom! Once again, I felt very flattered. He said his computer was going in for servicing and that he may not be able to email me for a while, and I instantly, without thinking, sent him an email with my phone number.

We began to chat on the phone almost daily, and by the second week he told me he was developing some feelings for me, and had to tell me because he wanted to "be honest and up-front about everything, because that was the kind of guy he is". After another week we agreed to meet for dinner. We met at a restaurant at the halfway point between the two of us. He showed up at the place 45 minutes late, looking a bit disheveled, and told me he had come straight from the gym. We ordered dinner, had nice conversation, and it seemed we were both enjoying ourselves. When the bill came I offered to pay my share and he said "No, it was on him". He then went for his pants pockets and realized his wallet was not there, and told me he must have left it in his gym bag in the car. He said he would be right back and went out to get it. After about 15 minutes I started getting nervous thinking he was out there rummaging around trying to find it but having no luck so I told the waiter I was going to look for my date. In the parking lot he was NO WHERE TO BE FOUND.

He left me with the bill, and never returned my messages either through email or phone and I never heard from him again! I decided to try tricking him, and set up a new account and went to the gaming website under a new name to see if he would engage me, and lo and behold he chatted with me for a while, and asked for my email address, and started sending me jokes! I realized that this man was trolling this websites chatroom to pick up women, so I went into EVERY chatroom for a few months and chatted with as many females as I could and warned them of the game he played with me so he could not do this to another woman!

Story used with permission
Free Pyschic Reading

Internet Dating Gone Wrong Story

This letter was written by a woman who had, what I later learned through others, a horrific, yet not unique experience.....................
I was writing to this guy *Dale* (not his real name) through an internet dating site. I liked his profile, and we seemed to have a lot in common, including the fact that we were both so sick of the games, had both been divorced, and had children. We corresponded endlessly through IM, letters and then on to phone calls after two months of keeping it on the computer. I thought I was being really safe and that we had built up an element of trust between each other.

We finally decided to meet at a public restaurant, and we both drove separately, and I was really hoping this would turn out all right. We felt instantly at ease, talked smoothly all through dinner, and had a really great time. He walked me to my car and we agreed to meet again. We had several dates, and I had to go back to my home town to visit my Mom who was having a birthday party for my Dad, and I would be away for four days, and we agreed we would get together again as soon as I arrived home. I returned home and called him, left a few messages, and didn't hear from him for two days. I left him an email, and still...........nothing.

On the fifth day I was on IM and I saw him and sent him "Where have you been? What's up" and what I got was a reply "Is this *Judy* ? This isn't Dale, this is his daughter, Maggie." I said "hello Maggie, your Dad told me a lot about you, is he around?" To which she told me he had been at the mall over the weekend (it was the holiday season) and was trying to break up a fight in the parking lot and was stabbed!! I was so upset, and asked if he was ok! She told me she got the call from the hospital, went to see him and he told her to tell me he thought I was a great person, he really felt he finally met a special lady, and that we had our whole lives left to be together, and that we see each other soon. Then she told me he didn't last through the night, his heart gave out due to loss of blood and he died. I was beside myself and hysterical. I was inconsolable. My friends felt sooo bad for me, but what I did not know was MY daughter had a sinking feeling, so she called his cell phone (from HER cell phone) and left a message saying "Hi Dale, it's Victoria, give me a call back, I am really looking forward to to speaking with you. When she told me she did that I was like "Why?" And she said, I wasn't going to tell you BUT (and she made me put my ear up to her voice mail) listen to this................and I heard "Hi Victoria, its Dale, I am returning your phone call, and can't wait to talk to you either!" I never called him again, and although I don't wish death on anybody, what this bastard did was sick and cruel and inhumane.


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