Showing posts with label Gerald Daniels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerald Daniels. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2011

More on Gerald

I had not heard from Gerald for 5 days now and decided to look him up on the internet as a scammer and saw your article on him.

He has scammed me too from Christian alias “divineloving” from mid-July up until this past Friday, Sept 30th. He has 15K of my money sent through Western Union (I still have the receipts and MTCN #s) to assist him buy fiber optic cables for a iZZinet company in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which they had paid him some 520K for the job in the USA but he had to pay income tax before leaving Malaysia and he was held by customs before coming back to USA (copy of ticket included, payment services check and Ministry of finance letter/bill attached). I also saw Giovanni Daniels during an IM conversation on He had phone numbers for a Nigerian cell phone saying the company gave the phone to him because it would be cheaper to make phone calls from it (I did not suspect because iZZinet has a company in Africa but my phone company had called to warn me about money scams with Nigerian phone numbers as that one he had, I even told him about it….he managed to “drop them off the roof of iZZinet when he was adjusting their satellite dishes”—how convenient!). That’s the story in a nutshell….I have all of his emails and IM from him as well.

I would like to get the FBI and Western Union after him too and would like assistance on how to do that—I would think he should be charged with Grand Theft and Extortion at the very least!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gerald Daniels scammer on ChristianMingle

I have been the recent victim of a scam from a gentleman I met on I lost over $16K of savings and now would like to warn others of his actions and get his pictures posted so that other women will be warned to stay away from this man.
He is very clever and computer savvy. In addition, he may be working with someone posing as his daughter Giovanni Daniels, along with using other email addresses to trap other women.
He was recently reported on 8/6 to christianmingle so he is not only working on me but other women. Fortunately he has now been banned and they are currently aware of his activities.
I can give you more details of our relationship (and have documentation of our conversations) but this guy needs to be stopped!!!

When I spoke to Christianmingle Monday night the 29th they were symathetic and did tell me this guy had been banned as of 8/6 when a report came in as fraud. Fortunately the young man I spoke with last night Tuesday the 30th disclosed further information on Gerald Daniels - they had the gedanie email along with the 415 phone number and the San Bernardino address which is actually just an apartment building.
His other alias is:
Gerald Daniels is also Mark Lee
email address is:
I have also attached a summary of some of the conversations I had with this guy (over 500) to give you a sense of how he wooed me.
I have filed a police report, been in contact with the FBI, filed a IC3 Internet Fraud Report, FTC and WU to warn them as well.
I really believe he is Nigerian and working out of London and does not have a daughter named Gio who attends the University of Liverpool like he said.
His email he uses is:
His "daughter's is:
I have also sent their IP address to Yahoo for investigation
Please let's get the word out so that other women will not fall for this scam.
I have plenty more documentation I can provide (he sent me 3 poems a day for weeks) plus emails from his "daughter.
I have been greatly traumatized and do not want anyone else to go through this.


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