Rachael 11 Daily Shomulu Lagos. After selling my life away to send to
Nigeria for my bride to come home to me in the US she got a hit and run at the
airport that left her in the hands of Dr.Ayo who found my e-mail address in Rachaels belongings and contacted me as soon as I got to the airport to get
Rachael and said she was in critical condition and needs bill payed to save her life.
6500dollars this is after I lost all and sent 7000.dollars so she could get home.
This is recent,december 1st and the doctor now expects me to send to save Rachaels life monday the 7th.
I can't I don't have it and I want them arrested but don't know how.
Please help me and I will donate to your cause when I finally pay my bills
I've neglected through my ignorance in getting taken. They need to be put away.
Jordan.hospital@doctor.com. rachael@yahoo.com.
Dr.Ayo #+2347066047303. Rachael#+2348084785283.
I believe I was contacted by Marine Capt. Wilson James on facebook.It started his mother was in South Africa with his daughter.He wanted to buy her a ragdoll cat $1700.I explained I had no money because I was recently scammed by my X.The asking for money did not stop as well as the flirting and sweet name calling.So, as baby boo and sweetie queen I said I had sent gift and immediatly "he" wanted tracking number, then asked if I would be able to loan him $100.I had googled his name and did not find Marine Captain, it wasnt until I googled Raechel James Scammer ( I was told that was his mother )that I found out more info an saw Wilsons picture there.