- I have won the lottery
- Designated as the beneficiary of a doctor who died in a plane crash in 2003
- Asked to help some US soldiers removed stolen money from Iraq
- Asked by a dying man in Portugal to be his bride so I can help get the money away from his evil family (he even sent me photos of his coloscopy - so I got to see this inside the asshole of this asshole - I am sure they were stolen photos by the way)
- Contacted by an attorney to help transfer $8.5 billion of an Egyptian official who died in the EGYPTIAN AIRLINE 990 crash
- Contacted by the FBI
- Contacted by some women who told me to stop talking to 'her man who she was giving all her money to'
- Contacted by a businessman in Hong Kong for a business deal where they want to give me USD 19,500,000; Contacted by Nimaat Mohammed 27 years old from Zimbabwe whose mother was recently murdered in the countries elections who has $12,500,000 in diamonds and gold
- MRS. YOSHIKO ISHII in Japan wants me to go into business with her
- Mr Song Lile wants to transfer $19,500,000 out of his Hong Kong bank into MY bank account
- Mrs. Susan Derrick of New Braunfels, Texas to stop contacting those people because they were trying to steal from me to but contact Mr Scott Daniel instead, "who only charged $500 for the paper works to transfer your Fund into your account, instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete your transaction"
Only one of these was a 'dating' experience, the one where I got to see the photos of my 'true loves' rectum, but once they got my email address my in-box was flooded with emails coming in from Portugal, China, Japan, Uruguay, Columbia, Nicaragua, Spain and Texas; the funny thing though is that the IP addresses although they tried to mask it, were all coming from guess where? NIGERIA or The Ivory Coast. The point being, they are relentless in their quest to get some money, any money from the uninformed.
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